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Clickable Prototype Framework based on Bootstrap 3 and with Mustache.js




Brueprint is a framework to create clickable prototypes fast and easy. It is not meant for production use. Blueprint provides pragamtic workflow for Interactione Designer who have knowledge of HTML/CSS.

Blueprint provides a optional Blueprint like style to the default twitter bootstrap styles, which help to let clients focus on the layout and interaction without being mislead by something that looks already like somewhat of a design. It's like Basiliq but with a rather more appeling drafts look.


Blueprint was build for the following type of workflow:

  • Blueprinting a Clickable Prototype, building the layout and interactions.
  • Design by removing the Blueprint stylesheets and start designing based on Twitter Bootstrap. All styles added in the Blueprint process remain and can now be refined*.
  • Build Wehn the design is done, you're ready to build, the markup is already done and the CSS may be reused for production*. You only need to handle the project to your Developer. :)

*Please consider that the code might be stripped down to a minimum for developement, blueprint was designed to build prototypes fast and therefore has a lot of prefactured code under the hood which you might not use for your production app.


Blueprint relies on to easily use Data delivered with JSON and the very useful Liquid template language. Installation is dead simple, just clone the repository to your computer (or download as a ZIP) and open the folder in Mixture.

General Usage

Please check the Mixture and Liquid Docs.

Blueprint specials

Show the Grid Layout

There's a grid overlay for the blueprint and basic bootstrap style. it is turned in the Settings section of the blueprint.js:

var showgrid = true;

Fake Login

Blueprint features a fake login which helps you to visualize how your prototype will behave differently while a user is logged in or not. The users and passwords etc. can be created in the /models/_global.json. When you attempt a login, blueprint will simply compare the input with the registered users in _global.json. If there's a match, it will write this users name into the browsers local storage and considers the user as logged in. Logging out simply clears the local storage.

To show or hide elements when a user is logged in or not simply add a class to your elemnets (or complete container).


<div class="isout">I'm an element only shown to Guests</div>
<div class="isin">I'm an element only shown to logged in Users</div>


To display an image gallery quickly with scalable content, blueprint has a simple gallery with lightbox you may include. To add more images simply add more image-entries in the _global.json. If you preffer to display images insetad of the placeholders, uncomment and comment the following accordingly in gallery.liquid on line 6 and 7:

{% comment %}<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-picture"></span>{% endcomment %}
<img src="images/ph.png" style="background-image: url('{{url}}');" alt="{{caption}}">


If you build your own units you think they belong to the default selection or you have suggestions to make the code better. I'll gladly recieve a pull-request.


I'm a Interaction Designer and Frontend-Developer, mainly writing HTML/CSS and some Frontend jQuery. Don't judge me for my javascript code! :)


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