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Marcel Beining edited this page Apr 11, 2020 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the EazeBot wiki!

Installation and configuration

Installation on a desktop PC

All installation and configuration steps are explained in the main readme file of the repo.

Here is a very detailed German installation and configuration tutorial by Dragan: OLD Schritt-für-Schritt-Installationsanleitung

Note: As explained in the tutorial, we simplified installation of the bot on Windows:

  • For installation as python package, simply download and execute this File (Python3 installation, with activated "Add Python to PATH" checkbox assumed)
  • For installation as docker container, download this File, go to a terminal, cd to the folder and run the command docker-compose run eazebot --init (Docker Desktop installation assumed)

Installation on a Raspberry PI

OLD Tutorial for installation of the bot on a Raspberry PI including installation of the Raspbian OS [German]

Installation on a server

OLD Tutorial for installation of the bot on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Server [German]

Controlling EazeBot

Description of buttons in the main menu of the telegram GUI [German]

Common sources of problems

Segmentation fault (Speicherzugriffsfehler)


This can happen under Linux environments, e.g. when using AWS or raspberry to run the bot. The error occurs at random times and more often when creating a new trade set. It seems the problem is the python3.5 distribution. The problem is fixed with a newer Python, see the following steps (here Python3.7 is installed). The steps may take up to 1h in total.

Solution (installing Python3.7)

  • Check if all prerequisites are met
sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall
sudo apt-get install libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev libffi-dev
  • go to /usr/bin, download the python3.7 package and unzip it
cd /usr/bin
sudo wget
sudo tar xzf Python-3.670.tgz
  • now continue with root access (might be necessary to set a root password first with su passwd root) and install Python3.7 (this might take a while)
su root
cd Python-3.7.0
make -j4
make altinstall
  • Now continue with normal access rights (your standard user name) and install eazebot and all packages that are necessary (this step can take a while as many packages such as numpy are not installed in this Python yet)
su YOURSTANDARDUSERNAME # change user name
python3.7 -m pip install eazebot
  • You're done! Now you can go to your eazebot folder and run eazebot under python3.7 (be sure to use python3.7 as command, otherwise you run a different python version)
cd ~/eazebot #this could be different, depending on where you set up your eazebot folder
python3.7 -m eazebot


  • Be nice to the bot, remember it has to connect to multiple exchanges, ask stuff, calculate and report back to you. Especially when your internet connection (or that of the bot) is not the best, things can take up to 10 seconds! So do not wildly click around or retype things, when the bot is not immediately responding! ;-)
  • Installation and updating of the bot has to be done with admin rights (Windows: Right click and "Run as administrator"; Linux: sudo followed by the command)!
  • json files: These files are a list of parameters the bot has to read. They ALWAYS have to start with a { and end with a }! Also, at the end of each line that defines a parameter, there has to be a comma EXCEPT for the very last parameter. People often mess this up when they add more than the two example exchanges in APIs.json or have less.

How To Submit An Issue

If you want to submit an issue and you want your issue to be resolved quickly, here's a checklist for you:

  • Read this Wiki and the README!
  • Search for similar issues first to avoid duplicates.
  • Check if you are running the newest version of the bot.
  • If your issue is unique, along with a basic description of the failure, the following IS REQUIRED:
    • what version of EazeBot do you use?
    • what ccxt version is installed? you can find this by typining pip list in python
    • which exchange is it?
    • what did you try to do before the error came?
    • did the telegramEazeBot.log file report anything when you encountered the problem? If yes, please paste this part, too.

Want some new feature?

You think that EazeBot can be improved by the addition of some feature you have in mind? Just go to issues and click on "New issue" and then "Feature request". If you want to give me some incentive to implement your feature as fast as possible, go to and make a wish (you can even import the issue URL).