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9‐10‐ Encryption and Decryption Methods

Marco edited this page Sep 8, 2023 · 2 revisions

Encryption and Decryption Methods

The encrypt method is used to encrypt sensitive data using a secret key.


jsonverse.encrypt(data, secretKey);
  • data (object): The data to be encrypted.
  • secretKey (string): The secret key used for encryption.

Example Usage (With Promises)

const Jsonverse = require("jsonverse"); // Import the jsonverse package
// Initialize the JSONDatabase instance
const db = new Jsonverse({
  dataFolderPath: "./MyData", // data directory
  logFolderPath: "./MyLogs", // logs directory
  activateLogs: true, // to enable the logs set this value to true

// Encrypt sensitive data using promises
const sensitiveData = { username: "john_doe", password: "s3cr3t" };
const secretKey = "mySecretKey";
const encryptedData = jsonverse.encrypt(sensitiveData, secretKey);
console.log("Encrypted Data:", encryptedData);

Example Usage (Without Promises)

const Jsonverse = require("jsonverse"); // Import the jsonverse package
const jsonverse = new Jsonverse("./data"); // Initialize jsonverse with data folder path

// Encrypt sensitive data using a callback function
const sensitiveData = { username: "john_doe", password: "s3cr3t" };
const secretKey = "mySecretKey";

jsonverse.encrypt(sensitiveData, secretKey, (error, encryptedData) => {
  if (error) {
    console.error("Error encrypting data:", error);
  } else {
    console.log("Encrypted Data:", encryptedData);

The decrypt method is used to decrypt previously encrypted data using a secret key.


jsonverse.decrypt(encryptedData, secretKey);
  • encryptedData (string): The encrypted data to be decrypted.
  • secretKey (string): The secret key used for decryption.

Example Usage (With Promises)

const Jsonverse = require("jsonverse"); // Import the jsonverse package
const jsonverse = new Jsonverse("./data"); // Initialize jsonverse with data folder path

// Decrypt previously encrypted data using promises
const encryptedData = "..."; // Replace with your encrypted data
const secretKey = "mySecretKey";
const decryptedData = jsonverse.decrypt(encryptedData, secretKey);
console.log("Decrypted Data:", decryptedData);

Example Usage (Without Promises)

const Jsonverse = require("jsonverse"); // Import the jsonverse package
const jsonverse = new Jsonverse("./data"); // Initialize jsonverse with data folder path

// Decrypt previously encrypted data using a callback function
const encryptedData = "..."; // Replace with your encrypted data
const secretKey = "mySecretKey";

jsonverse.decrypt(encryptedData, secretKey, (error, decryptedData) => {
  if (error) {
    console.error("Error decrypting data:", error);
  } else {
    console.log("Decrypted Data:", decryptedData);

These encryption and decryption methods provide a secure way to protect and access sensitive data in the jsonverse package. You can use them to encrypt data with a secret key and decrypt it when needed with and without promises.