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Fetcher manipulator: OaipmhIslandoraByMimetype

Mark Jordan edited this page Apr 15, 2018 · 2 revisions


Fetcher manipulator to include only single-file Islandora objects whose specified datastream has the specified MIME types.


Can be used with the OAI PMH for Islandora repositories toolchains.


To register this manipulator in your toolchain, add the following line to the "[MANIPULATORS]" section of your .ini file, for example:

fetchermanipulators[] = "OaipmhIslandoraObjByMimetype|DSID|mimetype1,mimetype2"

For example, if you wanted to fetch all the JPEG and PNG objects from the remote OAI repository, you would use the following manipulator entry:

fetchermanipulators[] = "OaipmhIslandoraObjByMimetype|OBJ|image/png,image/jpeg"

The datastream ID must be the first one listed in the ['FILE_GETTER']datastream_ids setting.


This manipulator takes two parameters:

  1. a DSID
  2. a list of MIME type values, separated by a comma (,).


The OAI PMH for Islandora repositories toolchain will create ingest packages for objects whose OBJ (or other specified) datastream has the specified MIME types.

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