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Deploy script runner Web API

This project is an ASP.NET Core web api that can be used for running any kinds of scripts located on the same machine with the api. The initial purpose of the project was to run deployment scripts to facilitate updating of web services on remote machines. The api can however be used to run general-purpose scripts like setting watchdog flags, performing some cleanup on the servers (e.g. clearing cache), updating some statuses etc.

The api is RESTful except for a few functional api methods for reloading configuration from the settings file. The implementation utilizes the concept of long running jobs to represent running scripts as API resources manipulated via URIs. The api is secured with JSON web tokens. There is a swagger documentation available for the api, see swagger section.

There is also a command line utility that helps to generate settings for appsettings.json and can be used for production settings when deploying the api live.

NOTE: the project has been recently migrated to .net core version 2.0.

Getting Started

Clone the repository.

git clone


  1. Install latest .NET core. If latest is incompatible with the current version of .net core for this project (2.0) download .NET core SDK 2.0 from release archives.

  2. Restore and run the web api

cd DeployService/DeployServiceWebApi
dotnet restore
dotnet run
  1. Navigate to http://localhost:5000/api.

  2. To test running scripts locally go to resources folder and edit template-settings.json with custom configuration and local paths to the scripts that the api will run.

Check section deployment on how to setup the project in production.

Settings utility

There is a small utility located under tools\SettingsGeneratorUtility that facilitates configuring some sections of the api's settings.

To run the utility execute

cd tools/SettingsGeneratorUtility/
dotnet run

Enter password for the authorized user of the api and the utility will output hash of the password and will generate a key that can be used for signing JWTs.

For more information on settings see section configuration.


In order to acces the api swagger documentation, setup and run the api locally first. The json documentation is available at http://localhost:5000/swagger/v1/swagger.json and the swagger UI at http://localhost:5000/swagger/.

In order to access protected endpoints, authorization bearer should be sent in the header:

  1. Call /api/auth/token with the right credentials. Enter username and password that are setup locally in the appsettings.json. If the template configuration in the appsettings.json hasn't been changed, enter testUser as username and testPassword as password.
  2. In the response body copy the value of the field token.
  3. Click on the Authorize button in the right upper corner of the page.
  4. In the field api_key enter Bearer and paste the copied token. NOTE: it won't work with just the token without the string Bearer .
  5. Test the authorization by for example calling GET on /api/jobs and make sure you receive status 200.


The instructions are focused on deploying the web api in IIS on a live system.

  1. Set up .NET core environment on the host machine Install .net core hosting bundle for .net core 2.0.

Restart the system or execute net stop was /y followed by net start w3svc to pick up changes to the system PATH, see microsoft guide for more details.

  1. Publish the web api locaclly
cd DeployService/DeployServiceWebApi
dotnet restore
dotnet publish -c Release

The published files are located under \bin\Release\netcoreapp2.0\publish.

  1. On the hosting machine create a folder for the application's deployment files and copy the files from the local publish folder into it.

NOTE: settings on the live web api located in the appsettings.json have to be changed, see section configuration for more detail.

  1. Create application pool

NOTE: .NET CLR Version should be set to No Managed code.

*NOTE: if running scripts with svn commands set application pool to Local System to avoid errors with missing svn config.

  1. Create IIS Website on the hosting machine Add IIS website which points to the application's deployment folder and uses the application pool created in the previous step.

More detailed guide can be found on the microsoft docs on how to host .net core on windows with iis.

  1. Create a folder with the scripts settings file.

An example is located under resources\template-settings.json. All the paths should be configured for the hosting machines. The path to the file should be specified in appsettings.json, see section configuration on how to configure appsettings.


appsettings.json contains following sections that can/should be configured on the hosting machine:


Logging configuration, for more information see serilog settings configuration and serilog sinks rolling file.


Must be configured for security reasons.

JSON web token options for managing jwt: signature key and tokens' expiration time. See for more information.

The signature key can be generated with the settings utility included in the project, see section settings utility on how to generate a signature key.


Must be configured for security reasons.

Currently there is support for only one user account that will be authorized when using the api. Username and password for the account should be specified in this section, username is included in clear text, password is hashed with sha512 and encoded in base64.

Hash of the password can be generated using SettingsGeneratorUtility included in the project. See section settings utility on how to get hash of the password.


Origins that will be included in the response header Access-Control-Allow-Origin. For more see mdn web docs.


Sets time interval that will trigger cleanup of the information about jobs stored in memory (all finished and running jobs are located in memory).


Path to the file with paths to scripts that the api can run. There is a template file located under resources\template-settings.json.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


A web api for running scripts mainly for deployment purposes.







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