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File metadata and controls

103 lines (77 loc) · 3.2 KB


Engarde is a package for defensive data analysis.


The raison d'être for engarde is the fact of life that data are messy. To do our analysis, we often have certain assumptions about our data that should be invariant across updates to your dataset. engarde is a lightweight way to explicitly state your assumptions and check that they're actually true.

Here's a quick example of a nice little pipeline to calculate the 7-day moving average for a few stocks.

>>> from engarde import checks
>>> from import DataReader
>>> stocks = ['AAPL', 'F', 'GOOG']
>>> df = (DataReader(stocks, data_source='yahoo',
                     start='2010-01-01', end='2015-06-01')
          .swaplevel('minor', 'Date')
          .apply(pd.rolling_mean, 7))

This is an example that we can potentially update each day. But the web is an unreliable place. Yahoo could change the API on us at any time, or perhaps one of the Series isn't returned correctly. Let's make sure we get the correct columns.

>>> df = (DataReader(stocks, data_source='yahoo',
                     start='2010-01-01', end='2015-06-01')
          .swaplevel('minor', 'Date')
>>> assert np.all(df.index.levels[0] == stocks)
>>> df.groupby(level='minor').apply(pd.rolling_mean, 7)

OK, that's fine, but it broke up our nice chain. Let's use engarde to make the check.

>>> df = (DataReader(stocks, data_source='yahoo',
                     start='2010-01-01', end='2015-06-01')
          .swaplevel('minor', 'Date')
          .pipe(checks.verify_all, lambda df: df.index.levels[0] == stocks)
          .groupby(level='minor').apply(pd.rolling_mean, 7))

Cool! Well, maybe not breaking chains isn't most compelling reason to use engarde. The real reason I wrote engarde was because I was sick of rewriting the same set of basic checks for each project I worked on.


Engarde defines a bunch of checks in engarde.checks. Each of these checks take a DataFrame (and maybe positional and keyword arguments), asserts that the check is true, and returns the input DataFrame.


There are two main ways to use engarde, depending on whether you're working interactively or not. For interactive use, I'd suggest using DataFrame.pipe to run the check. For non-interactive use, each of the checks are wrapped into a decorator. You can decorate the functions that makeup your ETL pipeline with the checks that should hold true at that stage in the pipeline.


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1


Indices and tables