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File metadata and controls

245 lines (183 loc) · 8.81 KB

Example – Top Artists

This is a very simplified case of something we do at Spotify a lot. All user actions are logged to HDFS where we run a bunch of Hadoop jobs to transform the data. At some point we might end up with a smaller data set that we can bulk ingest into Cassandra, Postgres, or some other format.

For the purpose of this exercise, we want to aggregate all streams, find the top 10 artists and then put the results into Postgres.

This example is also available in examples/

Step 1 - Aggregate Artist Streams

class AggregateArtists(luigi.Task):
    date_interval = luigi.DateIntervalParameter()

    def output(self):
        return luigi.LocalTarget("data/artist_streams_%s.tsv" % self.date_interval)

    def requires(self):
        return [Streams(date) for date in self.date_interval]

    def run(self):
        artist_count = defaultdict(int)

        for input in self.input():
            with'r') as in_file:
                for line in in_file:
                    timestamp, artist, track = line.strip().split()
                    artist_count[artist] += 1

        with self.output().open('w') as out_file:
            for artist, count in artist_count.iteritems():
                print >> out_file, artist, count

Note that this is just a portion of the file examples/ In particular, Streams is defined as a :class:`~luigi.task.Task`, acting as a dependency for AggregateArtists. In addition, is called if the script is executed directly, allowing it to be run from the command line.

There are several pieces of this snippet that deserve more explanation.

Running this Locally

Try running this using eg.

$ cd examples
$ luigi --module top_artists AggregateArtists --local-scheduler --date-interval 2012-06

You can also try to view the manual using --help which will give you an overview of the options.

Running the command again will do nothing because the output file is already created. In that sense, any task in Luigi is idempotent because running it many times gives the same outcome as running it once. Note that unlike Makefile, the output will not be recreated when any of the input files is modified. You need to delete the output file manually.

The --local-scheduler flag tells Luigi not to connect to a scheduler server. This is not recommended for other purpose than just testing things.

Step 1b - Running this in Hadoop

Luigi comes with native Python Hadoop mapreduce support built in, and here is how this could look like, instead of the class above.

class AggregateArtistsHadoop(luigi.contrib.hadoop.JobTask):
    date_interval = luigi.DateIntervalParameter()

    def output(self):
        return luigi.contrib.hdfs.HdfsTarget("data/artist_streams_%s.tsv" % self.date_interval)

    def requires(self):
        return [StreamsHdfs(date) for date in self.date_interval]

    def mapper(self, line):
        timestamp, artist, track = line.strip().split()
        yield artist, 1

    def reducer(self, key, values):
        yield key, sum(values)

Note that :class:`luigi.contrib.hadoop.JobTask` doesn't require you to implement a :func:`` method. Instead, you typically implement a :func:`~luigi.contrib.hadoop.JobTask.mapper` and :func:`~luigi.contrib.hadoop.JobTask.reducer` method.

Step 2 – Find the Top Artists

At this point, we've counted the number of streams for each artists, for the full time period. We are left with a large file that contains mappings of artist -> count data, and we want to find the top 10 artists. Since we only have a few hundred thousand artists, and calculating artists is nontrivial to parallelize, we choose to do this not as a Hadoop job, but just as a plain old for-loop in Python.

class Top10Artists(luigi.Task):
    date_interval = luigi.DateIntervalParameter()
    use_hadoop = luigi.BoolParameter()

    def requires(self):
        if self.use_hadoop:
            return AggregateArtistsHadoop(self.date_interval)
            return AggregateArtists(self.date_interval)

    def output(self):
        return luigi.LocalTarget("data/top_artists_%s.tsv" % self.date_interval)

    def run(self):
        top_10 = nlargest(10, self._input_iterator())
        with self.output().open('w') as out_file:
            for streams, artist in top_10:
                print >> out_file, self.date_interval.date_a, self.date_interval.date_b, artist, streams

    def _input_iterator(self):
        with self.input().open('r') as in_file:
            for line in in_file:
                artist, streams = line.strip().split()
                yield int(streams), int(artist)

The most interesting thing here is that this task (Top10Artists) defines a dependency on the previous task (AggregateArtists). This means that if the output of AggregateArtists does not exist, the task will run before Top10Artists.

$ luigi --module examples.top_artists Top10Artists --local-scheduler --date-interval 2012-07

This will run both tasks.

Step 3 - Insert into Postgres

This mainly serves as an example of a specific subclass Task that doesn't require any code to be written. It's also an example of how you can define task templates that you can reuse for a lot of different tasks.

class ArtistToplistToDatabase(luigi.postgres.CopyToTable):
    date_interval = luigi.DateIntervalParameter()
    use_hadoop = luigi.BoolParameter()

    host = "localhost"
    database = "toplists"
    user = "luigi"
    password = "abc123"  # ;)
    table = "top10"

    columns = [("date_from", "DATE"),
               ("date_to", "DATE"),
               ("artist", "TEXT"),
               ("streams", "INT")]

    def requires(self):
        return Top10Artists(self.date_interval, self.use_hadoop)

Just like previously, this defines a recursive dependency on the previous task. If you try to build the task, that will also trigger building all its upstream dependencies.

Using the Central Planner

The --local-scheduler flag tells Luigi not to connect to a central scheduler. This is recommended in order to get started and or for development purposes. At the point where you start putting things in production we strongly recommend running the central scheduler server. In addition to providing locking so that the same task is not run by multiple processes at the same time, this server also provides a pretty nice visualization of your current work flow.

If you drop the --local-scheduler flag, your script will try to connect to the central planner, by default at localhost port 8082. If you run


in the background and then run your task without the --local-scheduler flag, then your script will now schedule through a centralized server. You need Tornado for this to work.

Launching http://localhost:8082 should show something like this:

Web server screenshot

Web server screenshot Looking at the dependency graph for any of the tasks yields something like this:

Aggregate artists screenshot

Aggregate artists screenshot

In production, you'll want to run the centralized scheduler. See: :doc:`central_scheduler` for more information.