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File metadata and controls

66 lines (43 loc) · 2.59 KB

Adding a dataset.

Main Steps 1) Obtain permission to use the data.

1) Obtain permission! This is really important! I usually look up an e-mail address and politely (and briefly) explain why I would like to use the data. Most people get back to me almost immediately, and I have never had anyone say no. After all, I think most academics are sympathetic to the idea that information wants to be free...

2) Make a directory in the datasets folder. For this example I will be using the Spector and Mazzeo data from Greene's Econometric Analysis, so I make a folder called statsmodels/datasets/spector

  1. Copy the file over to the new directory, but rename it It contains all the meta information for the datasets. So we now have datasets/spector/
  2. Put the raw data into this folder and convert it.

Sometimes the data used for examples is different than the raw data. If this is the case then the datasets/spector directory should contain a folder named src for the original data. In this case, the data is clean, so I just put a file name spector.csv into datasets/spector. This file is just an ascii file with spaces as delimiters. If the file requires a little cleaning, then put the raw data in src and create a file called spector.csv in the spector folder for the cleaned data.

After this is done, we use the convert function in scikits.statsmodels.datasets.data_utils to convert the data into the format needed. In the folder with our .csv file, just do.

from scikits.statsmodels.datasets.data_utils import convert convert('./spector.csv', delimiter=" ")

This creates a file, which contains all of the variables as lists of strings.

  1. Edit to reflect the correct meta information.

Usually, this will require editing the COPYRIGHT, TITLE, SOURCE, DESCRSHORT (and/or DESCRLONG), and "NOTE"

  1. Edit the Load class of to load the newly created dataset.

In this case, we change the following lines to read

from spector import __dict__, names self.endog = np.array(self._d[self._names[4]], dtype=float) self.exog = np.column_stack(self._d[i]

for i in self._names[1:4]).astype(np.float)

This is probably not the best way to handle the datasets class, and will probably change in the future as the datasets package becomes more robust. Suggetions are very welcome.

  1. Create an in the new folder

The file should contain

from data import *

  1. Edit the to import the new directory
  2. Make sure everything is correct, and you've saved everything, and put the directory under version control.

bzr add spector