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Coder Academy - Assignment T1A2 - Portfolio Website: Submitted by Mario Lisbona

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The purpose of this website is to both demonstrate the skills I possess in building websites that are simple, effective and engaging as well as highlighting my background and soft skills that will compliment the technical foundations that I am building upon.

Functionality / features

This website is designed to be responsive across mobile, tablet and desktop devices. I have created 4 main pages that all follow a similar theme with their banner pictures of nature and the elements. I have used a minimalist design with muted colors and only one highlighting color that is used for links and hover pseudo-classes. This is the same color I have used for the brackets in my logo.

I have adapted JavaScript that I found on W3Shcools to build a lightbox for the Blog photos. I also adapted some JavaScript for a scroll to top button. The four main pages on the website are:

  • Landing Page / Home: This is the landing page and has a brief description about myself and a call to action to sign up to my blog.
  • About: This page has some information about my previous work history and a section on why I have chosen to transition into tech. I've also included a section with my interests. Lastly, there is a section where visitors can find more information via phone and email links and a link to my resume.
  • Projects: This page has 4 preview cards that link to projects I have recently completed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Blog: This is the blog homepage. It has its own nav bar for navigating to any of the 5 current blog posts as well as preview cards for each blog post. Each Blog post has a title, sub title and 6 thumbnail images at the bottom. The thumbnails can be clicked to open a lightbox showing the full image. The lightbox also has thumbnails and previous/next buttons on the side of the full image.



Wireframes & screenshots

Landing page / Home page

landing page mobile

landing page ipad

landing page desktop

landing page mobile website

landing page ipad website

landing page desktop website


about mobile

about ipad

about desktop

about mobile website

about ipad website

about desktop website


projects mobile

projects ipad

projects desktop

projects mobile website

projects ipad website

projects desktop website

Blog home

blog home mobile

blog home ipad

blog home desktop

blog home mobile website

blog home ipad website

blog home desktop website

Blog post

blog post mobile

blog post ipad

blog post desktop

blog post mobile website

blog post ipad website

blog post desktop website


lightbox mobile

lightbox ipad

lightbox desktop

lightbox mobile website

lightbox ipad website

lightbox desktop website

Target audience

My target audience is prospective employers and potential clients.

Tech stack

Useful resources

  • W3 Schools - Lightbox modal - I adapted this code to use as the lightbox for the images in each blog post. The original javascript example had the functions being called with onlcick in the HTML. I migrated all the function calls to a new script called lightbox.js that is only linked to the blog posts where the lightbox is used. This was a little challenging but it gave me a better understanding of how the lightbox script works.
  • W3 Schools - Scroll to top - I adapted this code to create a scroll to top button that uses JavaScript to hide the button until the window is scrolled down 30px.
  • W3 Schools - smooth Scrolling - This simple css rule allows the scroll to top button to slide up smoothly rather than instantly go to the top of the page. html { scroll-behavior: smooth; }
  • Icons8 - I used this site for all the icons. I ended up using .png icons because I couldn't download enough .svg files with a free account.
  • Markdown Cheatsheet I used this as my guide when creating this
  • Media query for landscape phones The nav bar was too large on a mobile device in landscape mode. This was a good resource for media queries for mobile devices.
  • Element position amongst siblings I used this function to find the position of the clicked photo in the lightbox thumbnails.
  • Accessing data attributes in html This is a good blog on how to access a data attribute within a html element.
  • XML sitemap I used this site to create a sitemap.xml for the website.
  • Git Undo Merge I tried to merge commit a branch into main. There were conflicts which meant I could no longer push commits to main's remote branch. I had to undo the merge for a previous commit. This site gave some good tips on undoing a merge commit.
  • creating an ico file I used this site to convert my logo png to an ico file.
  • Alt text for background images I couldnt add alt text to my background img because the text would render over the image. Jairo exmplained to me that it was because i was using an empty img tag. He sent me the link to this site that shows how to add alt text to a background image.


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