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Coder Academy - Assignment T1A3 - Terminal Application: Submitted by Mario Lisbona

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Coder Academy - Assignment T1A3 - Terminal Application: Submitted by Mario Lisbona Table of contents

R4 - Links

R5 - Styling Conventions

This application will adhere to the PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code

In the introduction of the PEP8 style guide it states:

"A style guide is about consistency. Consistency with this style guide is important. Consistency within a project is more important. Consistency within one module or function is the most important." [^1] (Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, Nick Coghlan 2021)

With this in mind below are some of the styling conventions that have been adhered to for the code to create this application.


PEP8 states that "Imports should usually be on separate lines:" [^2] (Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, Nick Coghlan 2021)

# Correct:
import os
import sys
# Wrong:
import sys, os

Iv applied this to as seen below:

#Importing modules
import os
import sys
from rich.prompt import Prompt
from rich.prompt import Confirm
from rich.console import Console
from rich.panel import Panel
from tinydb import TinyDB
from tinydb import Query

Maximum Line Length

PEP8 states

"Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

For flowing long blocks of text with fewer structural restrictions (docstrings or comments), the line length should be limited to 72 characters.

Limiting the required editor window width makes it possible to have several files open side by side, and works well when using code review tools that present the two versions in adjacent columns." [^3] (Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, Nick Coghlan 2021)

Below are some examples of this application's code adhering to this convention.

    console.print("""[magenta]\nPlease Choose and option:
        \n\n - Open New Contacts Book\n - Open an Existing Contacts Book\n - Quit Application\n""",
        title="[cyan]Welcome to your Contacts Book")
contact = f.add_contact(
      id=user_id, contact_type='Family Contact', first_name=f_name,
      last_name=l_name, phone=phone, address=address, pet_name=pet_name,
      fav_drink=fav_drink, work_address=None, work_phone=None, skills=None
if len(search_result) > 1:
    console.print('\n[magenta]There are multiple contacts named {del_choice}.\n',
    title_align='left', title='[cyan]Choose a contact ID',
    subtitle_align='left', subtitle='[cyan]Deleting a Contact'))

Tabs or Spaces?

From PEP8:

"Spaces are the preferred indentation method.

Tabs should be used solely to remain consistent with code that is already indented with tabs.

Python disallows mixing tabs and spaces for indentation." [^4] (Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, Nick Coghlan 2021)

The image below is a screen shot of the menu bar in VSCode.

VSCode spaces

Documentation Strings

"PEP 257 describes good docstring conventions. Note that most importantly, the """ that ends a multiline docstring should be on a line by itself:"

"""Return a foobang

Optional plotz says to frobnicate the bizbaz first.

[^5] (Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, Nick Coghlan 2021)

Below are some examples of the application code adhering to the PEP8 docstring convention.

def validate_name(string):
    Function receives a string to guide user to what input they are entering.
    If string is all white space, will prompt user to enter valid name.
    Returns the string stripped of leading and trailing whitespace.
        string (string): Name to prompt user on what data they are inputing

        string: sting with no leading or trailing spaces
def display_table(list):
        display_table function recives a list of search results and dsiplays them in a table
        list (list): a list of results matching user's search input

Indentation - If statements

PEP8 states:

"When the conditional part of an if-statement is long enough to require that it be written across multiple lines, it’s worth noting that the combination of a two character keyword (i.e. if), plus a single space, plus an opening parenthesis creates a natural 4-space indent for the subsequent lines of the multiline conditional. This can produce a visual conflict with the indented suite of code nested inside the if-statement, which would also naturally be indented to 4 spaces. This PEP takes no explicit position on how (or whether) to further visually distinguish such conditional lines from the nested suite inside the if-statement." [^6] (Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, Nick Coghlan 2021)

I have applied this to the following code in the add_contact() function.

if (contact_type == 'Contact' or contact_type == 'Close Contact'
        or contact_type == 'Family Contact' or contact_type == 'Work Contact'):
        #create contact dictionary with common input fields used in all contact types
        contact = {'id': str(id), 'type': contact_type, 'first_name': first_name,
        'last_name': last_name, 'phone': phone}

        if contact_type == 'Contact':
            return contact

    if (contact_type == 'Close Contact' or contact_type == 'Family Contact'
        or contact_type == 'Work Contact'):
        #add address field for work and family contacts
        contact['address'] = address

        if contact_type == 'Close Contact':
            return contact

R6 - Features

Feature 1 - Create / Add a contact

The Contacts Book will need to be able to add a contact. The user will be able to select between 4 types of contacts to add to their contact book.

  • Contact
  • Close Contact
  • Family Contact
  • Work Contact

The contacts will share some commonalities with their input fields. All contacts will contain the base fields of first name, last name and phone number. Below is a list of the input fields for each contact type and the fields they share. I will use classes and inheritance to implement this functionality. All contact variables will be of String Type.

Contact Close Contact Family Contact Work Contact
Contact Type Contact Type Contact Type Contact Type
First name First name (inherited from Contact) First name (inherited from Close Contact) First name (inherited from Close Contact)
Last name Last name (inherited from Contact) Last name (inherited from Close Contact) Last name (inherited from Close Contact)
Phone number Phone number (inherited from Contact) Phone number (inherited from Close Contact) Phone number (inherited from Close Contact)
Address Address (inherited from Close Contact) Address (inherited from Close Contact)
Pet name Work Address
Favourite Drink Work Phone

Class inheritance

Variables will be assigned depending on which type of contact is being created. Once this has been done, those variables will become key/pair values in a dictionary. That dictionary will be inserted into json file with a unique ID

The TinyDB module will be used to manage the database CRUD, Create, Read, Update and Delete functions. Every time a contact is created the user ID will need to be incremented. Deeper Error checking will need to be performed on 4 of the fields:

  • first name
    • remove leading or trailing white spaces
    • prompt user to enter valid data if the field is completly empty
    • prompt user to enter valid data if the field is made up of only white space
  • last name
    • remove leading or trailing white spaces
    • prompt user to enter valid data if the field is completly empty
    • prompt user to enter valid data if the field is made up of only white space
  • phone number
    • remove leading or trailing white spaces
    • have the data be only numeric
    • allow white space inbetween numbers
  • work phone number
    • remove leading or trailing white spaces
    • have the data be only numeric
    • allow white space inbetween numbers

Feature 2 - Edit a contact

The user will be able to edit an existing contact. They will be prompted to search the contacts book for a first name. The application will then use TinDB’s search and get methods to retrieve the contact if it exists in the database. If there is only a single contact with that name, the contact will be displayed and the user will be prompted to confirm whether they want to edit that contact. If they select no they are taken back to the Home Menu. If they confirm that they want to edit the contact they will be asked to fill in the particular fields that are valid for that contact type.

If multiple results return from the search then all the contacts with their unique ID will be displayed in a table. The user will be prompted to choose an ID to edit. Error checking here will be vital so that they don't edit a different contact to the ones that are displayed.

Once a valid ID has been selected, the user will be asked to confirm they want to edit this contact. If they choose no, they’ll be returned to the home menu, otherwise they will be asked to fill in the particular fields that are valid for that contact type.

Each contact dict will contain a key/value pair of type: contact_type. The edit feature will access this value from the selected contact to edit and use it in a match case structure so that the correct number and type of contact input fields are called for the type of contact that has been returned by the search.

If no results are found, display a new search prompt or go back to the home menu.

The edit feature will use the same code as the create contact, so will utilise the same error checking functionality.

Feature 3 - Delete a contact

The delete feature will be similar to the edit feature in that it will search the database for a name entered by the user. A message will be displayed if the name cannot be found and they’ll be prompted to search again or be taken back to the home menu. Results, singular and multiple will be displayed to the user in a table. They will need to select and ID to delete with multiple results. Once a contact has been selected then they are prompted to confirm the delete. If they select yes the contact will be deleted and the user returned to the home menu.

Feature 4 - Display contacts

This feature will be implemented in two ways, searching for a contact to be displayed and displaying the entire contact book.

Display a contact

The user will search for a contact. The same search functionality that is used by the edit and delete features will be used. Multiple and single results will be displayed in a table. The user will be prompted to search again or return home. If a result is not found, the user will be prompted to search again or be returned to the home menu.

Display all contacts

The whole database will be displayed in a table if the user selects this option. The table is created using the Rich module. First the table is created and headings assigned to columns. Then a for loop is used to iterate over the database and create a new row for each contact. If statements are used to access the right amount of elements for each contact type

Feature 5 - Creating a new Contact Book or Accessing an existing one

The application will start with a menu prompting the user to make a choice between creating a new contacts book or opening an existing one. They can also quit the application at this stage.

I am including this feature because I wanted the user (Educator) to have some mock data to play around with rather than having to enter information to test the features.

If the user wants to access an existing contacts book then firstly an instance of the TinyDB class will need to be created along with the path to the mock-data.json file. Once this is done, we can assign the contents of the json file to a variable. We need to find the next available ID so that we aren't creating ID’s that clash with the existing contacts. This will be done by accessing TinyDB’s .doc_id method. This will return the ID that is assigned to each document (contact) in the json file. The application will need to iterate over the entire json file to find the last ID that is used. This will be incremented by 1 and used for the next contact that is created.

If the user chooses to create a new database then the user ID will need to be initialised to zero and then the new database will be iterated over.

Feature 6 - Match cases for main program menu and Add Contact Menu

A match case, combined with while loops will be used for the home menu and the add contact menu so that the application will run continually until the user chooses to quit.

There will also be another match cased used by the application only (not accessible by the user) that will facilitate the editing of contacts. It will access use the documens returned by the search of the json file. The type: contact_type of that document will be accessed and a match case will be used to determin which type of contact needs to be edited.

Feature 7 - Navigation Menus

The application will feature menu’s to allow the user to navigate through the different functions of the app. The user will be able to create, update, delete or display contacts indefinitely until they decide to quit the application. All the error checking of user input for the menu options is handled by the Rich module. There will be 3 main menus for the user to naviate the application:

  • Contact Book selection menu
  • Home menu
  • Add Contact menu

Contact Book selection menu

This menu will be the first menu that the user is presented with. They will be able to choose to open a new contacts book, open an existing book or quit the application.

Choose a new or existing contacts book menu

Home menu

The Home menu will allow the user to select the functionality that they want to use. Add, edit, delete, display or quit the application

Home menu

Add Contact menu

This menu will be displayed when the user selects the Add Contact option from the home menu. The user will be able to add any type of contact, return to the home menu or quit the application. Once a contact has been added the user will continually be returned to the add contact menu untill they decide to return home or quit the application.

Add contact menu

There will also be various menu's prompting users to confirm an edit or a delete or whether they want to perform another search.

Prompting the user to confirm deleting a contact

Prompting the user to search again

Feature 8 - Classes

Each contact type will have its own class object. The base class will be Contact and will contain a class menthod to get the details from the user for first name, last name and phone number. The close Contact class will be derived from the Contact class so will inherit the user inputs for first name, last name and phone number. It will have an extra field for address. The Family Contact class will be derived from the Contact class and will inherit from its parent, Close Contact. It will add two extra fields for pet name and favourite drink. Lastly, the Work Contact class will be derived from the Close Contact class as well. It will had its own fields of work address, work phone and skills.

R7 - Implementation Plan

Below is a description of how each feature will be implemented. Below that are the prioritisation and timeline tables showing how I will structure the time available for the project

Please use the following link to my Trello Kanban board. You will need to be a member of this board to access the cards linked below in each feature. Each Trello card will contain the checklist for that feature.

Become a membor of my Trello Kanban Board - T1A3 - Terminal Application

Feature 1 - Create / Add a contact

Firstly, the user will be asked what type of contact they want to create and use a match case to direct the program flow to create the correct type of contact. Once the contact type has been established, the set_details() class method will be called from either the contact, close contact, family contact or work contact class, which will return the user input back into the match case in variables.

These variables, along with a user ID, will be passed as arguments to the add_contact() function which will return the correct size dictionary to a variable contact in the match case. That dictionary will be inserted into the json file. The user ID will be incremented and then the flow will break out of the match case and return to the menu.

Nested if statements will be used to first create the 'base' dictionary that has the variables that all the contact types use. The dict will be added to and returned based on the booleans which will pass or fail dending on which contact type is being created.

def add_contact(id, contact_type, first_name, last_name, phone, address, pet_name, fav_drink, work_address, work_phone, skills):
    if contact_type == 'Contact' or contact_type == 'Close Contact' or contact_type == 'Family Contact' or contact_type == 'Work Contact':
        contact = {'id': str(id), 'type': contact_type, 'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name, 'phone': phone}

        if contact_type == 'Contact':
            return contact

    if contact_type == 'Close Contact' or contact_type == 'Family Contact' or contact_type == 'Work Contact':
        contact['address'] = address

        if contact_type == 'Close Contact':
            return contact
    if contact_type == 'Family Contact':
        contact['pet'] = pet_name
        contact['fav_drink'] = fav_drink

        return contact
    if contact_type == 'Work Contact':
        contact['work_address'] = work_address
        contact['work_phone'] = work_phone
        contact['skills'] = skills

        return contact

Below is a function call of add_contact() to create a Close Contact. The contact_type variable is set when when the match case for C is true from the Add Contact menu selected by the user.

Set_details() returns the user input and those variables are used in the function call. Any variables that arent needed for that contact type are set to None.

The returned contact is inserted into the database with ContactsDb.insert(contact) The user id is then incremented and then the code breaks out to the menu.

case 'C':
    contact_type = 'Close Contact'
    #as above

    #call CloseContact class set_details method to retrieve contact details
    console.print("[magenta]\nEnter your Contact's details\n",
    title="[cyan]Adding a Close Contact"))
    f_name, l_name, phone, address = classes.CloseContact.set_details()

    contact = f.add_contact(
        id=user_id, contact_type='Close Contact', first_name=f_name,
        last_name=l_name, phone=phone, address=address, pet_name=None,
        fav_drink=None, work_address=None, work_phone=None, skills=None

    user_id += 1
    # break

View Trello card - Add a Contact

Feature 2 - Edit a contact

This will be the most difficult feature to implement because it will have to deal with a lot more variables and a variety of data than the other features. It will also have to perform more functionality, e.g. reading and writing to the json file.

The user will be prompted to search the first names in the database. If the database is empty a message will be displayed saying so. The search will return a single result or multiple results. If a single result is returned, the user is asked to confirm the edit. They will then edit the contact or be taken back to the home menu.

Multiple results will require a more focused search. The user will be shown all the results in a table and then prompted to select a unique ID to edit. The error checking on the ID selection is vital because it will be used to select the contact to edit (or delete). The user must only be allowed to enter an ID from the results displayed.

I did some googling and found some posts on generator expressions and wrote this code block to continually loop until the user enter's a valid ID. [^6] (Frédéric Hamidi, 2011)

The code block below will iterate though the contents of search_result and on each loop will check that the current value for the key item[id] matches the ID entered by the user. None is returned if there is no match. The loop will continue until a match is found.

  # #generator expression to continually loop while the ID entered isnt a valid ID
  while not next((item for item in search_result if item['id'] == search_id), None):

      # valid ID has not been entered. display prompt to re-enter valid ID
      console.print('\n[cyan]{search_id}[/cyan] is not a valid ID.\n',
      title_align='left', title='[cyan]Editing a Contact'))
      search_id = input('\nSelect an ID to Edit >> ')

      #original ID wasn not valid, so assign the valid ID at the end of this while loop
      single_search_result = ContactsDb.get( == search_id)

Once a valid ID is entered the contact is edited or the user is taken back to the home menu if they decline to edit that contact.

In addition to a finer search, another bit of functionality needs to be built to edit the result of this finer search. A search will be returned by TinyDB as a list of dictionaries. If there is one result it will be edited using TinyDB’s update method and the list index of [0]. - There is only one dictionary in the list - along with the TinyDB method .doc_id that is assigned to every document.

#user input assigned to contact - using.doc_id method to assign to contact that selected by user
ContactsDb.update({'first_name': f_name}, doc_ids=[search_result[0].doc_id])
ContactsDb.update({'last_name': l_name}, doc_ids=[search_result[0].doc_id])
ContactsDb.update({'phone': phone}, doc_ids=[search_result[0].doc_id])

If there are multiple search results, the user will need to select a valid id. This id is used with a TinyDB query on the multiple results to return a single result that will be edited. This single result will be a dictionary as opposed to the list of dictionaries for the name search of the database. This will mean that the TinyDB update method needs to be used in a slightly different way. As this is only a dictionary the index value just needs to be omitted when using the .doc_id method

#user input assigned to contact - using.doc_id method to assign to contact that selected by user
ContactsDb.update({'first_name': f_name}, doc_ids=[single_search_result.doc_id])
ContactsDb.update({'last_name': l_name}, doc_ids=[single_search_result.doc_id])
ContactsDb.update({'phone': phone}, doc_ids=[single_search_result.doc_id])

View Trello card - Edit a contact

Feature 3 - Delete a contact

The delete feature is a stripped down version of the edit feature. It makes use of all the functionality that was created for the edit feature. It still needs to be able to delete a contact that is a dict or a dict inside a list but it doesnt need to do as much heavy lifting as the edit feature.

The delete feature needs to allow the user to search for a contact and delete it if it's a single result, or do a finer search and select from multiple contacts with a user ID. Once a valid ID is selected, that contact is deleted from the database. The same generator expression, used in the edit feature, is used to validate the User ID being entered by the user.

The code below will call the confirm_edit_delete() fucntion that will display a confirmation message with the user ID and first and last names.

The function needs to be passed the two types of search results variables, a list of dictionaries and a dictionary for when there are more than 1 search result or a dictionary for a single reuslt.

if len(search_result) > 1:
    confirm_delete = f.confirm_edit_delete('Delete', search_result, single_search_result)
    confirm_delete = f.confirm_edit_delete('Delete', search_result)

The code below will delete the record once its selected using the TinyDB .remove() and query() methods. If the id being queried in the database is the same as the id in the result found from the search the record is deleted.

If/else statement will allow for the correct type of data/contact to be deleted.

#deleting when multiple records have come back from search - and a single one has been selected
if len(search_result) > 1:
    #delete contact
    if confirm_delete:
        ContactsDb.remove( == single_search_result['id'])
        search_again = False

#deleting for when single record has come back from search
elif len(search_result) == 1:
    if confirm_delete:
        ContactsDb.remove( == search_result[0]['id'])
        search_again = False

View Trello card - Delete a contact

Feature 4 - Display contacts

The user will have the option to search for a single contact to display or to display the entire database. If the user wants to search for a contact they are prompted to enter a first name. If that name results in no contacts, they are prompted to search for another contact or they are returned to the home menu. If the contact or contacts are found, they are dispayed in a table by calling the display_table() function and the user is prompted to search for another contact or return to the home menu.

#if contact is found iterate through dict to display contact information
if search_result:

   #confirm user wants to search for another contact
   confirm_display = Confirm.ask('Do you want to search for another contact?')

   #if user selects no, break out to home menu
   if not confirm_display:
       search_again = False

# contact no found
# user can search again or exit
   console.print('\n[magenta]That contact does not exist\n',
   title_align='left', title='[cyan]Displaying a Contact'))
   search_again = Confirm.ask('Would you like to search for another contact to Display?')

The display table function firstly creates instances of the Console and Table classes used to display the content and table.

The columns and heading are created.

The function takes in a list, which is the current search result and then iterates over that list to print each contact to a new row in the table.

def display_table(list):
        display_table function recives a list of search results and dsiplays them in a table
        list (list): a list of results matching user's search input

    #clear screen and create and instance of Console from Rich module 
    console = Console()

    #create a table
    table = Table(title="Your Contacts")

    #add columns and headings
    table.add_column("Id", style="cyan", no_wrap=True)
    table.add_column("First name", style="magenta")
    table.add_column("Last name", style="magenta")
    table.add_column("Phone", style="green")
    table.add_column("Address", style="green")
    table.add_column("Pet", style="green")
    table.add_column("Favourite Drink", style="green")
    table.add_column("Work Address", style="green")
    table.add_column("Work Phone", style="green")
    table.add_column("Skills", style="green")

    #iterate through list of results to add each row to the table.
    #if / elif used to print each type of contact - Contact, Close Contact, Family Contact, Work Contact
    for idx, val in enumerate(list):
        if len(val) == 5:
            table.add_row(list[idx]['id'], list[idx]['first_name'],
            list[idx]['last_name'], list[idx]['phone'])
        elif len(val) == 6:
            table.add_row(list[idx]['id'], list[idx]['first_name'],
            list[idx]['last_name'], list[idx]['phone'],  list[idx]['address'])
        elif len(val) == 8:
            table.add_row(list[idx]['id'], list[idx]['first_name'],
            list[idx]['last_name'], list[idx]['phone'],  list[idx]['address'],
            list[idx]['pet'], list[idx]['fav_drink'])
        elif len(val) == 9:
            table.add_row(list[idx]['id'], list[idx]['first_name'],
            list[idx]['last_name'], list[idx]['phone'],  list[idx]['address'],
            '', '', list[idx]['work_address'], list[idx]['work_phone'], list[idx]['skills'])

    #display table

View Trello card - Display Contacts

Feature 5 - Creating a new Contact Book or Accessing an existing one

When the application starts the user will be able to choose between creating a new database or using an existing one. Once a database is selected, a user_id variable is initialised. The contents of the database are passed to a variable using the TinyDB .all() method. This variable is then iterated over to find the last or highest ID. This is incremented by one to allow the new user ID assignments to not class with existing ones.

If/elif statments to create a new database or open an existing one.

mock-data.json has pre entered contacts to allow the marker/educator to play around with the features without having to enter data manually.

#user .all method to assign contents of database to contact variable
if db_choice == 'New':
    user_id = 0
    ContactsDb = TinyDB('./data/contacts.json')
    contacts = ContactsDb.all()

#choice 'Existing' 
#create and instance of TinyDB clss and assign it to empty contacts json file
#user .all method to assign contents of database to contact variable
elif db_choice == 'Existing':
    ContactsDb = TinyDB('./data/mock-data.json')
    contacts = ContactsDb.all()

#quit application
elif db_choice == 'Quit':

The code below will create a unique user ID that wont class with the existing Id's in the database.

#assigning unique ID variable for user contact
#iterate over database entries to find the last (highest) id generated by TinyDB
for contact in contacts:
    user_id = contact.doc_id

#increment user_id to make it 1 above current last id.
user_id += 1

View Trello card - New / Existing Contact Book

Feature 6 - Match cases for main program menu and Add Contact Menu

Match cases will be used in 3 parts of the application.

  1. To control the flow around the Home menu - to create, edit, delete or update contacts
  2. To select what type of contact will be created
  3. Internally to allow the correct type of datatype to be edited or deleted depending on whether single/multiple search results are returned

The flow chart below illustrates the two match cases for the home menu and the nested add contact menu

Class inheritance

View Trello card - Match Cases

Feature 7 - Menus

I will make use of the Rich module to create menus as well as tables to display the search results. The Prompt class will be used extensively to handle the menu selection input from the user.

The code below uses the Rich module to print a title in a panel and then prints a table with the menu options avaiable in the Home menu.

console.print("[magenta]\nPlease make a selection   \nfrom the menu below\n",
    #create a table
    table = Table()
    #add columns and headings
    table.add_column('Home | Operation', style='cyan', justify='left', no_wrap=True)
    table.add_column('Key', justify='left', style='magenta')

    #add rows with menu options
    table.add_row('Add Contact', 'A')
    table.add_row('Edit Contact', 'E')
    table.add_row('Delete Contact', 'D')
    table.add_row('Display Contact', 'DC')
    table.add_row('Display all Contacts', 'DA')
    table.add_row('Quit Application', 'Q')

    #display table

The code below demonstrates the Prompt method hadling the user input for the menu options. Once a valid input is entered, its assigned to menu_choice and that variable is used in the match case below.

menu_choice = Prompt.ask('Please make a selection: ', choices=['A', 'E', 'D', 'DC', 'DA', 'Q'])

    # match case user input with upper for A, E, D, DC, DA, Q to quit Application
    match menu_choice:

        #Add a contact
        case 'A':

View Trello card - Menus

Feature 8 - Create Classes

There will be four types of contacts that a user can create, they are Contact, Close Contact, Family Contact and Work Contact. Because all 4 of these contact types all get user input for first name, last name and phone number, I decided to use classes and have the derived class inherit the Contact class’s set_details() class method. This reduces some repetition of code for receiving user input. Once these are created I can move onto the skeleton match case for flow control and then adding contacts. I will use the super(). To inherit the set_details method from its parent class.

The contact class's set_details() method calls the functions validate_name() and validate_phone() which will obtain and validate user input and then return the validated input to first_name, last_name and phone varaiables.

class Contact:
    def __init__(self, id, f_name, l_name, phone, class_type='c'): = id
        self.f_name = f_name
        self.l_name = l_name = phone
        self.class_type = class_type
    #this method allows user input to be gathered before the object is created
    def set_details(cls):

        #calling functions to validate user input
        first_name = f.validate_name('First')
        last_name = f.validate_name('Last')
        phone = f.validate_phone()

        #user input is returned
        return first_name, last_name, phone

The Close Contact class is derived from the Contact class and uses the code first_name, last_name, phone = super().set_details() to inherit the variables returned from the set_details() method in the parents class. It now only needs to get user input for the address because the other inputs are already assigned.

The error checking is also inhertied from the parents class.

.strip() is used on the address to strip any white space. This is all the error checking needed for this optional field.

class CloseContact(Contact):
    def __init__(self, id, f_name, l_name, phone, address, class_type='cc'):
        super().__init__(id, f_name, l_name, phone)
        self.address = address
        self.class_type = class_type

    #class method inherits all input from from derived set_details method
    #adds extra input for address
    def set_details(cls):
        first_name, last_name, phone = super().set_details()
        address = input('Enter Address >> ')

        #user input is returned
        return first_name, last_name, phone, address.strip()

View Trello card - Classes


Below is a table that shows which features i will need to begin creating first and what each feature will need to have developed before it can be started itself.

Feature Priority features that that need to be completed
Feature 8 - Classes 1 None
Feature 1 - Create / Add a contact 2 Classes
Feature 4 - Display contacts 3 Classes, Add/Create Contact
Feature 7 - Menus 4 Rich Module
Feature 6 - Match Cases 5 Can test this logic with mock input
Feature 5 - New / Existing Contact Book 6 New / Existing Contact Book
Feature 3 - Delete a contact 7 Classes, Add/Create Contact, TinyDB
Feature 2 - Edit a contact 8 Classes, Add/Create Contact, TinyDB

Time line and Due dates

Feature Start Date Date to be completed by
Feature 8 - Classes 14/09/2022 14/09/2022
Feature 1 - Create / Add a contact 14/09/2022 14/09/2022
Feature 4 - Display contacts 15/09/2022 16/09/2022
Feature 7 - Menus 15/09/2022 15/09/2022
Feature 6 - Match Cases 19/09/2022 19/09/2022
Feature 5 - New / Existing Contact Book 19/09/2022 19/09/2022
Feature 3 - Delete a contact 19/09/2022 19/09/2022
Feature 2 - Edit a contact 19/09/2022 21/09/2022
Packaging for PyPI 20/09/2022 22/09/2022
testing, Help Documentation 22/09/2022 25/09/2022

R8 - Help Documentation


This Help Documention is to guide you through installing and using Contacts Book v1.0.0. It will provide instructions on how to install and use the application as well as the required hardware and system dependencies.

System / hardware requirements

You will need to have Python3 installed on your computer. The latest version of Python3 can be downloaded here.

Installation Instructions

  1. Make sure you have Python3 installed and the version is at least v3.10.0

  2. If you already have Python installed you can check the version by running the command python3 --version in the terminal.

  3. Once you have the correct version of python3 installed, open the Terminal and navigate to the project folder MarioLisbona_T1A3. The folder structure will contain the following files and directories:

├── docs
├── ppt
└── src
    ├── data
    │   └── mock-data.json
    └── requirements.txt
  1. Now Navigate to the /src folder. Once you are in the /src directory you can start the application by running the command bash
  2. If you receive the error message below it means you dont have python3 installed. Visit to download the latest version.
Looks like you don't have Python3 installed.
        You can download it here -
  1. If you have python installed but receive this message it means you have python installed but your version is too old. Visit to download the latest version. (the error message will display what version of python is currently installed)
Your running Python Python 2.7, that is so old school! This program needs the latest version.
    You can get it here -


Contacts Book is built with Python. Its dependencies will be automatically installed when you run the bash script provided but they are displayed below for your reference.


If you are having trouble running the application you can try installing the dependencies yourself with the following commands

  • python3 -m ensurepip - This will install PIP, Pythons package installer
  • python3 -m pip install rich - This will install the Rich module that is used in the application
  • python3 -m pip install tinydb -This will install the Rich module that is used in the application

Once these packages have been installed successfully you will be able to run from within the /src folder.

Using the Contacts Book application

Choose a new or existing contacts book

Choose a new or existing contacts book menu

When the Contacts Book application has installed correctly, a menu will be displayed asking whether you would like to create a new Contacts Book or use an Existing one. The existing database has been populated with mock data to allow you to test the features of the app without having to enter contacts yourself. You also have the option to Quit the application on this screen.

Select an option to continue. Menu options are case sensitive

Home Menu

Home menu

The Home menu gives the user access to all the functionality of the application. You can add, edit, delete, search or display all contacts from this menu. The user can also quit the application from this menu.

Select an option to continue. The menu keys to access each section are case sensitive

Add Contact Menu

Add Contact menu

The Add Contact menu is where each type of contact can be created and added to the Contacts Book. Once a contact has been successfully added to the Contact Book the user will be brought back to this menu to add another contact. The user can exit to the Home menu at any time by selecting the ‘H’ option or quitting the application with ‘Q’

Select an option to continue. The menu keys to access each section are case sensitive

Adding a Contact

Add a Contact

The user will be prompted to enter the details for the contact they have chosen. They will be provided with certain input fields depending on what contact they chose to enter. Follow the prompts so that the correct information is entered for the contact.

The following input is invalid for the first name and last name fields:

  • all white space characters

  • no input - the first and last name fields must have input.

The following input is invalid for the phone number field:

  • all white space characters (whitespace can be between numbers)
  • no input - the first and last name fields must have input
  • letters

Error checking first name

Error checking last name

Error checking phone number

Once the contact's information has been correctly entered, the user will be taken back to the Add Contact Menu.

Editing a Contact

To edit a contact, Select ‘E’ from the home menu. You will be prompted to search for a first name.

Error checking phone number

If your search returns no contacts you will be prompted to search again. Searches are case sensitive

Contact not found

If a single contact is found you will be prompted to edit that contact. The user will be prompted to enter the new contact details and once completed will be taken back to the Home menu. The user can also decline to edit this contact from this menu and will be taken back to the home menu.

Single search result

If multiple contacts are found, the user will be prompted to select an ID to edit. The user can only select an ID that is in the displayed table. The defalt value for this screen is 'Home' so if the user hits enter they will be returned home.

multiple search results

Once a valid ID is selected, the user can edit that contacts details or return to the home menu.

select ID

Deleting a Contact

To delete a contact, Select D from the home menu. You will be prompted to search for a first name.

Error checking phone number

If a single contact is found you will be prompted to delete that contact. If the user selects 'N', they will be returned to the Home menu. The contact will be deleted if 'Y' is selected and the user returned to the Home menu.

Single search result

If multiple contacts are found, the user will be prompted to select an ID to delete. The user can only select an ID that is in the displayed table. The defalt value for this screen is 'Home' so if the user hits enter they will be returned home.

multiple search results

Once a valid ID is selected, that contact will be deleted at the user will be returned to the Home menu.

select ID

Search for a contact to display

The user can search for a contact to be displayed. If the contact does not exist, the user will be prompted to search for another contact

select ID

select ID

If multiple contacts are found from the search they will be displayed in a table and the user will be prompted to search again.

select ID

List all contacts

The user can select to display all contacts. The entire Contacts Book will be displayed in a table and the user ill be prompted to press enter to continue back to the home menu.

list all contacts

R15 - Testing

Test 1 - Error Checking input fields when adding a contact

This error checking will be performed on the user input for first name, last name and phone number fields. The error checking here is vital, especially the first name field because this is the field that will be searched for each record in the database.

The tests being performed are:

  • leading or trailing whitespace is not allowed on first name, last name and phone number.
  • The user cannot leave first name, last name or phone number blank.
  • The phone number field can only be numeric. It is allowed white space between numbers.
Field being tested Input Test being performed Expected result Result
First Name input field Mario no leading or trailing white space Mario Pass ✅
First Name input field ------Mario-------- no leading or trailing white space Mario Pass ✅
First Name input field --Mario no leading or trailing white space Mario Pass ✅
First Name input field blank input present 'You need to enter a First Name for your Contact!' Pass ✅
First Name input field mario4 no leading or trailing white space mario4 Pass ✅
Last Name input field Lisbona no leading or trailing white space Lisbona Pass ✅
Last Name input field ----Lisbona---------- no leading or trailing white space Lisbona Pass ✅
Last Name input field --Lisbona-- no leading or trailing white space Lisbona Pass ✅
Last Name input field blank input present 'You need to enter a Last Name for your Contact!' Pass ✅
Last Name input field lisbona4 no leading or trailing white space lisbona4 Pass ✅
Phone number 0412 455 222 no leading or trailing white space, only numbers 0412 455 222 Pass ✅
Phone number ----------0412 455 222-- no leading or trailing white space, only numbers 0412 455 222 Pass ✅
Phone number --0412 455 222-- no leading or trailing white space, only numbers 0412 455 222 Pass ✅
Phone number mario no leading or trailing white space, only numbers 'Phone number can only contain numbers!' Pass ✅

The '-' in the table above indicate a user entering spaces

The code below is the function that handles the error checking for the first name and last name input fields

def validate_name(string):
    Function receives a string to guide user to what input they are entering.
    If string is all white space, will prompt user to enter valid name.
    Returns the string stripped of leading and trailing whitespace.
        string (string): Name to prompt user on what data they are inputing

        string: sting with no leading or trailing spaces

    user_input = input(f'Enter {string} Name >> ')

    while len(user_input) < 1 or user_input.isspace():

        print(f'You need to enter a {string} Name for your Contact!\n')
        user_input = input(f'Enter {string} Name >> ')

    return user_input.strip()

The code below handles the error checking for the phone number field

def validate_phone():
    User input is stripped of leading and trailing white space.
    user input is copied in a temp variable. then all spaces are removed from string.
    isdigit is used to test whether onl numbers have been entered.
    Once string is just numbers, assign phone temp to phone - phone is a copy of phone temp but
    with the original whitespace inbetween numbers.
        string: returns a string that is numeric only and no leading or trailing whitespace.
        White space is allowed inbetween numbers.
    phone = input('Enter Phone Number >> ').strip()
    while True:
        phone_temp = phone
        phone_test = phone_temp.replace(' ','')

        if not phone_test.isdigit():
            print('Phone number can only contain numbers!\n')
            phone = input('Enter Phone Number >> ').strip()
            phone = phone_temp

    return phone

Test 2 - Error Checking user input for ID to edit / delete for multilpe search results

The user wants to edit a contact. They are prompted to search for a contact to enter. They enter ‘Mario’ The are presented with the screen below

Search for a contact 'Mario'

The error checking will be vital here to make sure that the user cannot select an ID that is not in the current search list. The table below contains the tests and expected output.

Field being tested Input Test being performed Expected result Result
Select ID to edit for multiple search results mario ID is valid for the current search results (picture) 'mario is not a valid ID.' Pass ✅
Select ID to edit for multiple search results 1999 ID is valid for the current search results (picture) '1999 is not a valid ID.' Pass ✅
Select ID to edit for multiple search results x ID is valid for the current search results (picture) 'x is not a valid ID.' Pass ✅
Select ID to edit for multiple search results 37 ID is valid for the current search results (picture) '37 is not a valid ID.' Pass ✅
Select ID to edit for multiple search results -56 ID is valid for the current search results (picture) '-56 is not a valid ID.' Pass ✅
Select ID to edit for multiple search results 37f ID is valid for the current search results (picture) '37f is not a valid ID.' Pass ✅
Select ID to edit for multiple search results - ID is valid for the current search results (picture) '- is not a valid ID.' Pass ✅
Select ID to edit for multiple search results 17 ID is valid for the current search results (picture) 'Contact Selected - 17: Mario Lisbona' Pass ✅
Select ID to edit for multiple search results 29 ID is valid for the current search results (picture) 'Contact Selected - 29: Mario asdf' Pass ✅
Select ID to edit for multiple search results 36 ID is valid for the current search results (picture) 'Contact Selected - 36: Mario sd' Pass ✅

The '-' in the table above indicate a user entering spaces

The code below is a generator expression that will be used for when more than one search result is found. It will iterate through the search results and look at the current value for ['id] and compare that to the ID entered by the user. It will always return None while the entered ID is not in the search results and the while look will continue.

#User validation cruicial here so that correct ID is edited
# #generator expression to continually loop while the ID entered isnt a valid ID

while not next((item for item in search_result if item['id'] == search_id), None):
    # os.system('cls||clear')
    console.print('\n[cyan]{search_id}[/cyan] is not a valid ID.\n',
    title_align='left', title='[cyan]Editing a Contact'))
    search_id = input('\nSelect an ID to Edit >> ')

    #original ID wasn not valid, so assign the valid ID at the end of this while loop
    single_search_result = ContactsDb.get( == search_id)


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