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Marius Brouty edited this page Jan 18, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the OneSide doc !

OneSide is a web server that allows you to create pre-compiled dynamic website with NodeJs. With OneSide, you create the backend and the frontend of your application in a single project. OneSide uses EJS for pre-rendered pages and Express for the Http server.

Getting started

Start by installing OneSide Cli on your computer. This package allows you to create a OneSide project easily and to create your website with the live server. This allows you to automatically refresh and restart your server when you modify it.

$ npm i --global oneside-cli

Now create a new project. To start, open the folder where you want to create your project with your cmd (a new folder will be created in it). Then enter the following command to create your project.

$ oneside init my-project

Then enter in your project folder and start the server using OneSide cli.

$ cd my-project
$ oneside start

OneSide will open automatically the website in your browser. And that's it! You are ready to code!


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