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Machine Learning Resources - Becoming a Machine Learning Expert

From Basic to Advanced

Currently under heavy reconstruction!

  • add definitions/ introduction and detailed history of ML (from deep learning book)

Prerequisites Math:

Important are Linear Algebra, Probability Theory and Statistics, Regression, Multivariate Calculus, Algorithms and Complex Optimizations. Optional: Random Forest, SVMs, Naive Bayes, Gradient Boosted Methods, PCA:

  • Course: Khan Academy’s - Intro Linear Algebra, Statistics, Calculus: Linear Algebra, Probability & Statistics, Multivariable Calculus and Optimization
  • Course: MIT - Linear Algebra: linear equations, matrices multiplication, factorization, transposes, permutations, spaces R^n, Column space, nullspace, pivor variables, independence, basis, dimension, fundamental subspaces, graphs networks, incidence matrices, orthogonal vectors, gram-schmidt, properties of determinants, Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, differential equations, Markov matrices, complex matrices, singular value decomposition, linear transformations, pseudoinverse
  • Course: Harvard/Edx - Intro to Statistics: Approx. 7 weeks to complete - Probability, Counting, and Story Proofs, Conditional Probability and Bayes' Rule, Discrete Random Variables, Continuous Random Variables, Averages, Law of Large Numbers, and Central Limit Theorem, Joint Distributions and Conditional Expectation, Markov Chains
  • Course: Harvard - Statistics and Propability: Combinatorics, basic propability, conditional probability, random variables, expected values, condtional expectation, discrete distributions, continous distributions, jointyl distributed random variables, convergence, inequality, markoc chain
  • Course: Coursera - Mathematics for Machine Learning: Approx. 2 months to complete - Linear Algebra (Vectors, Matrices), Multivariate Calculus (Multivariate chain rules, Taylor series, linerarisation, optimisation, regression), Principal Component Analysis (Inner Product, Orthogonal Projections)

Prerequisites Computer Science:

Computer Science basics:

  • Course: MIT/Edx - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python: Approx. 9 weeks to complete Computation, Branching and iteration, String Manipulation, Guess and Check, Approximations, Bisection, Decomposition, Abstraction, Functions, Tuples, Lists, Aliasing, Mutability, Cloning, Recursion, Dictionaries, Testing, Debugging, Exceptions, Assertions, Object Oriented Programming, Python Classes, Inheritance, Programm Efficiency, Searching, Sorting

Programming languages: Python, NumPy, Octave/Mathlab and R

Programms: Octave/Mathlab, Jupyter Notebooks, R

Mathlab introduction course

Python Libraries: Numpy,

Frameworks: Tensorflow, Keras, Torch, PyTorch, Caffe

Wolfram, Machine learning Basic Courses -

Automated ML Frameworks:

1. Basics Machine Learning:

-Machine Learning; Columbia University via edX

Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement learning

Artificial Neural Networks: If someone wants to get started with deep learning, I think that the best approach is to first get familiar with machine learning (which you all will have done by this point) and then start with neural networks. Following the same high level understanding -> model specifics -> code -> practical example approach would be great here as well.

Convolutional Neural Networks:
A convolutional neural network is a special type of neural network that has been successfully used for image processing tasks.

Recurrent Neural Networks: A recurrent neural network is a special type of neural network that has been successfully used for natural language processing tasks.

Reinforcement Learning: While the 3 prior ML methods are necessarily important for understanding RL, a lot of recent progress in this field has combined elements from the deep learning camp as well as from the traditional reinforcement learning field. * David Silver's Reinforcement Learning Course: Advanced stuff covered here, but David is a fantastic lecturer and I loved the comprehensive content. * Simple Reinforcement Learning with Tensorflow: Arthur Juliani has a blog post series that covers RL concepts with lots of practical examples. * David Silver's Reinforcement Learning Course * Deep Reinforcement Learning Doesn't Work Yet * Deep RL Arxiv Review Paper * Pong From Pixels * Lessons Learned Reproducing a Deep RL Paper

Artificial Intelligence:

Pretrained Models

2.1 Advanced Machine Learning:

  • Course: Coursera - Hintons Neural Networks for Machine Learning: Approx. 5 weeks to complete - Perceptron, backpropagation, vectors for words, object recogntion, neural nets, optimization, recurrent neural networks, combine multiple neural networks, Hopfield nets, Boltzmann machines, Restricted Boltzman machines (RBMs), Deep Belief Nets, generative pre-training, modeling hierarchical structure

  • Kaggle: Data-science competitions

2.2 Advanced Neuronal Knowledge:

2.3 Advanced Mathematical Knowledge:

  • Book: Bishop - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning: probability theory, decision theory, information theory, probability distributions, binary/multinominal variables, gaussian distribtuion, exponential familiy, nonparametric methods, linear models for regression, bayesian linear regression, evidence approximation, linear models for classification, discrimination functions, probabilistic generative models, laplace approximation, kernel methods, sparse kernal machines

3. Machine Learning Research (Go deeper):


  • Book Aurélien Géron (march 2019)

  • Book Santanu Pattanayak Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow : A Mathematical Approach to Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Python

  • Gans in Action: Deep Learning with Generative Adversarial Network (2019)

Multi-layer graphical models/ deep generative models:

  • Deep belief networks,
  • Restricted Boltzman machines
  • GAN
  • graph networks
  • gaussian process models for hyper parameters (hyperparameter search) -genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, reinforcement learning -depthwise separable convolutions
  • neural turing machine (deepmind) encode: One-hot encode, k-hot encode (mathematical idea) loss: crossentropy, mean square error, absolut error (mathematical idea)

Other Courses

-delet courses or add them to other sections

Deep Learning Paper

Personally I would always prefer one book over 50 paper. But often you are unable to find a book as updated as a paper, then there is no way around. And if you know what you are looking for it’s nice.

2018 analysis: top paper 2018: review pf the last 20 years:

Conferneces for machine learning -

Other Resources

People to follow:

  • Yann LeCun: Director of AI Research, Facebook and Founding Director of the NYU Center for Data Science
  • Andrew NG: founder of Coursera, led Google Brain and was a former Chief Scientist at Baidu
  • Geoffrey Hinton:Professor at University of Toronto and Research Scientist at the Google Brain
  • Pieter Abbeel: Professor, UC Berkeley, EECS, BAIR, CHCAI and Research Scientist OpenAI
  • Andrej Karpathy: director of artificial intelligence and Autopilot Vision at Tesla
  • Neil Lawrence: Professor of Machine Learning at the University of Sheffield
  • Moritz Hardt: Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California
  • Yoshua Bengio: Professor Department of Computer Science and Operations Research Canada Research
  • Jürgen Schmidhuber: co-director of the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research in Manno
  • Ian Goodfellow: Research scientist at Google Brain
  • Ilya Sutskever: Chief scientist of OpenAI, coinventor of AlexNet
  • Wojciech Zaremba: Head of Robotics research at OpenAI
  • Fei-Fei Li: Professor at the Computer Science Department at Stanford University
  • Demis Hassabi: Cofounder of renowned artificial intelligence (AI) lab DeepMind
  • Vladimir Vapnik: Co-inventor of the support vector machine method, and support vector clustering algorithm
  • Michael I. Jordan: Professor at the University of California, Berkeley
  • Christopher M. Bishop: Laboratory Director at Microsoft Research Cambridge
  • Zoubin Ghahramani: Professor at Cambridge, the Alan Turing Institute and Chief Scientist of Uber
  • Yoshua Bengio: Full Professor CS, head of the Machine Learning Laboratory, Montreal
  • Ruslan Salakhutdinov: Director of AI research at Apple and Professor of computer science in Mellon
  • Yuanqing Lin: Former Head of Baidu Research, now at AI startup
  • Jeff Dean: Lead of
  • Pete Warden: Lead of the TensorFlow Mobile/Embedded team
  • Sebastian Ruder: PhD Student in Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning
  • richard socher

Companies to follow:

  • Google Research: Research department from Google
  • Google Brain: deep learning artificial intelligence research team at Google
  • Deepmind: Solve intelligence, use it to make the world a better place (company from Google)
  • Waymo: develop machine learning solutions addressing open problems in autonomous driving
  • Facebook AI Research: Research Unit from Facebook
  • AI for Radiology
  • Baidu: specializing in Internet-related services and products and artificial intelligence
  • Alibaba: specializing in e-commerce, retail, Internet, AI and technology
  • Apple Research: Research department from Apple
  • Vicarious: using the theorized computational principles of the brain to build software
  • Salesforce Research: cloud-based software company
  • Tencent: AI lab in Shenzhen with a vision to “Make AI Everywhere"
  • Wechat: Chinese multi-purpose messaging, social media and mobile payment app
  • QQ: instant messaging software service developed by the Chinese company Shenzhen Tencent
  • Uber: Uber AI Labs
  • OpenAI: Company founded by Elon Musk for AI safety
  • Amazon: Research Blog from Amazon
  • Microsoft: Research department from Mircosoft
  • Bostondynamics: American engineering and robotics design company
  • Ogma: Building AI using Neuroscience

Universitys to follow:

Blogs etc. to follow:

Credits: Big thanks to all contributors to awesome lists (posted in other resources), which enabled me to find some of the courses contained in the list.


List of Machine learning Resources from Basic to Advanced - Math, Programming, Frameworks, ANNs, CNNs, RNNs, LSTMs







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