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Socket Server

This is the NodeJS Socket Server. You will also need to pull down the frontend Angular Client in order to run it locally.

If you get stuck during setup just reach out to me.

Getting the Code.

I prefer not to mess with the git command line where possible, so download Github Desktop if you don't already have it, then follow along.

  1. Open Github Desktop
  2. Sign in.
  3. Click File > Clone Repository
  4. Select deception-game-socket-server from the list
  5. Pay attention to the Local Path at the bottom so you know where to find the project.
  6. Click Clone

At this point the code has been pulled down to the folder mention in Local Path.

Getting NodeJS and NPM

  1. Go here
  2. Click Download Node.js and NPM


  1. Open a command prompt
  2. CD into deception-game-socket-server
  3. Run npm install (could take a while)
  4. Add a file to the main folder, and name it .env
  5. Add PORT=8080 to the file
  6. Add ORIGIN=http://localhost:4200 to the file.

Running the App

  1. In the command prompt, run npm watch

You will need to run both the Client and the Socket Server in order for everything to work.