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Release notes history and compatibility between versions

Marc edited this page Feb 25, 2018 · 23 revisions


Changes from v4.2.1 to version v4.3.0

This release implements performance improvements. The test cases implemented in the project TestApplicationv2_0 are able to create 21.024 sessions using this release instead of 17.024 sessions using the previous one. Both performance tests did run during the same time and environment.


Changes from v4.2.0 to version v4.2.1

This release fixes a non desired lock when some process tries to access to session data in read only mode. Git issue #9


Changes from v4.1.0 to version v4.2.0

This release allows to install the latest version available of MongoDB.Driver. All test cases were passed. Since this version the package will be opened to newer versions. If some test case fails with some future release of mongoDB driver the dependencies will be updated properly.


Changes from v4.0.0 to version v4.1.0

This release allows to install the latest version available of MongoDB.Driver. All test cases were passed. No API changes.


Changes from v3.2.0 to version v4.0.0

This is a major release that implies some changes in the destination solution.

The class with static extension methods is now included in the assembly and the helper file will not be longer provided in the package.

This implies:

For developers that are currently working with the helpers and are using this methods without modifications, the only action that must be taken is to remove the file in the solution. Otherwise the solution won't compile due the duplicate type definition. Once the helper file is deleted the solution will compile and work as usual.

For developers that have made some modifications in the code file must:

  • Remove the file in the solution saving the changes to implement those changes in another place.
  • These modifications must be implemented extending a subclass of an interface or extending and overriding the methods in the base class that contains the helpers implementations. The customization feature is still available but the way to do it has changed. Follow these instructions to customize the helpers.


Changes from v3.1.0 to version v3.2.0

This version adds the possibility to serialize the data in RAW format in addition to Bson serialization format (Git issue #5). Thanks to judowalker for the valuable suggestion and comments.
The compatibility with previous versions is guaranteed and for current deployments no changes are needed. By default this provider will use the same serialization as usual. Also, the problem with some versions of the dependency with MongoDB driver have been solved. All versions allowed have passed the test cases.


Changes from v3.0.0 to version v3.1.0

This version enables to set a value of applicationName different than the name of ApplicationVirtualPath (Git issue #3).

Now you can share the session data across different applications. Please note that, even that it's quite difficult and improbable, a sessionId collision could occur between different applications. Also, in each application you'll must set the same application name in the web.config.


Changes from v2.1.0 to version v3.0.0

This version removes the dependency with Newtonsoft.Json package and also removes the compatibility with Json serialization. From this version all data are serialized as BSON value.

The parameter BSONDefaultSerialize is no longer available.


Changes from v2.0.2 to version v2.1.0

Updated MongoDB.Driver package dependency. This release has passed all test cases using MongoDB.Driver with versions between 2.0.1 and 2.2.0 (both included).


Changes from v2.0.1 to version v2.0.2

This release allows to set a value for write concern different than 1 when journaled is enabled or true.


Changes from v2.0.0 to version v2.0.1

This release changes the destination framework to 4.5 and uses the new MongoDB Driver. No API changes in this release.

Previous releases of this package used the now called "(Legacy) Official C# driver for MongoDB". To use the version 4.0 of .NET framework and the previous MongoDB controller download the version v2.0.0 of this package.


Compatibility with v1.0.0 version in v2.0.0 version

The compatibility with the first version only is guaranteed if:

  • The parameter BSONDefaultSerialize is set to false explicitly.
  • And the application is not using any kind of BsonValue including their subclasses (i.e. BsonDocument).

If one or both of these premises are not accomplished the old session data stored could not work properly.

The JSON serializer will be removed in next versions.