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Magnus Leßmann (aka. mark332) edited this page Jun 3, 2019 · 1 revision

Hey there 👋
Welcome to the Confort wiki!

Confort is a (Java) configuration library for node-oriented (tree-like) configurations.
It is primarily created to really reduce the burden of configuration management in applications.
Confort aims to achieve the following:

  • Format-less configuration with automated MIME-type detection
  • Easier implementation of new formats by utilization of ANTLR(v4) and its existing grammars.
  • And all the stuff all configuration libraries promise 😉
    • Tree representation of the configuration settings
    • Access to child nodes using configuration paths
    • Loosely enforced configuration types so config short-hands are supported

// The Wiki is currently under construction - Check back later or get in touch with @MarkL4YG 😅

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