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🎙️ Essence Helper (Google Action)

A Google Action that provides information about the Zenith VR MMORPG.

Since I'm maintaining this skill for both Alexa and Google Assistant platforms, I'm now using a framework to avoid duplicate code and logic.
For this reason, this repository has been discontinued in favor of:

Get the Skill



"Ok Google, talk to Essence helper"
"Ok Google, ask Essence Helper to tell me the effect of the perk shell"
"Ok Google, ask Essence Helper to provide me the effect of blood thief"
"Ok Google, ask Essence Helper to get the effect of the perk brain freeze"
"Ok Google, ask Essence Helper to get the location of apples"
"Ok Google, ask Essence Helper to provide me lemons location"

Development and Testing

Local Development

  • Setup a Ngrok config with token in your computer following these instructions
  • Run npm run tunnel to start Ngrok
  • Run npm run dev to update Webhook URL with Ngrok public URL and watch for code changes


  • Setup a Service Account following these instructions
  • If you want to run automated tests with remote code: run npm run set:webhook:prod
  • If you want to run automated tests with local code: run npm run set:webhook:dev
  • Run npm run test


  • Update scripts/updateWebhookUrlToProduction.ts file with the Webhook Production URL
  • Run npm run prod to update it in the remote project and deploy webhook function
  • Proceed with Google's verification process in Google Actions Console
