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F2 Keybindings for Emacs

The F2 is used to enter odd characters not normally available or phrases I want to type a bit too often.

(define-prefix-command 'f2-global-map)
(global-set-key (kbd "<f2>") 'f2-global-map)

Unicode Characters

Some of my frequently used Unicode characters:

(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "<up>") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "<down>") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "<left>") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "<right>") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "S-<up>") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "S-<down>") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "S-<left>") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "S-<right>") "")

(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "p") "")   ;; Representation of a cursor

(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "'") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "\"") "")

(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "8") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "*") "°")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "d") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "D") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "-") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd ".") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd ";") "😉")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd ")") "")

(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "A") "α")   ;; Lowercase Greek is uppercase
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "B") "β")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "E") "ε")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "L") "λ")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "P") "π")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M") "μ")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "T") "θ")

Most key-bindings accept a string that will be inserted, but some strings (notably those with Unicode symbols that refer to numbers), actually become a prefix, so a little closure should do the trick:

(require 'cl)

(defun ha/insert (ch)
  (lexical-let ((chr ch))
     (lambda () (interactive) (insert chr))))

Key-bindings for special numeric symbols:

(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "!") (ha/insert "¹"))
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "@") (ha/insert "²"))
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "#") (ha/insert "³"))
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "$") (ha/insert ""))

(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "2") (ha/insert "½"))
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "3") (ha/insert ""))
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "4") (ha/insert "¼"))

Italic and Bold Letters

For mathematical and other equations, I like to be able to enter bold and italic letters, but instead of a series of calls and the matching glyph, I can create a function that uses the lexical-let to return a lambda expression suitable for passing on to mapcar*:

(defun ha/letter-mapping (key-prefix)
  (lexical-let ((keyprefix key-prefix))
    (lambda (chr glyph)
      (define-key f2-global-map
        (kbd (concat keyprefix (string chr))) (string glyph)))))

The mathematical italic Capital A in Unicode is U+1D434 and Z is U+1D44D. A sequence mapping the letters ‘A’ to ‘Z’ are zipped together:

(mapcar* (ha/letter-mapping "M-")
         (number-sequence 65 90)
         (number-sequence #x01D434 #x01D44D))

So 𝐴 is entered with a F2 M-A

Do the same thing with the lower case letters, were Lowercase italic a is U+1D44E and z is U+1D467:

(mapcar* (ha/letter-mapping "M-")
         (number-sequence 97 122)
         (number-sequence #x01D44E #x01D467))

We’ll bind both the Meta and Control keys for the bold and italic expressions. Where capital bold A is U+1D468, and lower bold a is U+1D482:

(mapcar* (ha/letter-mapping "C-M-")
         (number-sequence 65 90)
         (number-sequence #x01D468 #x01D481))

(mapcar* (ha/letter-mapping "C-M-")
         (number-sequence 97 122)
         (number-sequence #x01D482 #x01D49B))

Math Symbols

I really don’t type that much math, but in trying to translate some mathematically-minded papers, I realize that I could use a few:

(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "=") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd ":") "")
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "~") "")

Most math, however, should be based on the meta prefix:

(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-.") "")  ; Therefore
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-,") "")  ; Therefore
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-t") "")  ; Turnstile ... to assert
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-T") "")  ; Should be a triangle over equal sign
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-n") "")  ; Empty Set
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-e") "")  ; There exists
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-E") "")  ; There does not exist
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-i") "")  ; Intersection
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-u") "")  ; Union
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-6") "")  ; Conjunction
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-^") "")  ; Disjunction
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-*") "")  ; Multiply
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-/") "÷")  ; Divide
(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "M-!") "¬")  ; Logical Not

Favorite Phrases

What do I really need to enter that often that auto-completion doesn’t immediately solve?

(define-key f2-global-map (kbd "H") "Howard Abrams")

Technical Artifacts

Make sure that we can simply require this library.

(provide 'init-f2)

Before you can build this on a new system, make sure that you put the cursor over any of these properties, and hit: C-c C-c