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Markus Bordihn edited this page Apr 18, 2024 · 3 revisions

Custom Models πŸ•Ί

The Easy NPC mod supports the rendering of custom models, but with a few caveats. To ensure compatibility and prevent issues some features are restricted or disabled when using custom models.

Model Requirements πŸ“

The custom model must extend a PathfinderMob entity and their renderer needs to be an instance of the LivingEntityRenderer or EntityRenderer. They need to provide their own entity type and register it within the EntityTypes class.

Custom models that don't meet these requirements are not supported.

Configuration Restrictions 🚫

When using a custom model, the following features are disabled or restricted:

  • Pose Screen: The pose screen is disabled for custom models.
  • Custom Skin: Custom skins are disabled for custom models.
  • Scaling Screen: The scaling screen is disabled for custom models.
  • Rotation Screen: The rotation screen is disabled for custom models.

Performance Restrictions 🐒

Custom models may impact performance, especially if the model is complex or has a high polygon count. Consider the impact on performance when using custom models, especially in large numbers.

The custom model renderer will try to re-use the same model instance and renderer instance for all NPCs using the same model to reduce the impact on performance. AI tasks and other features are disabled for custom models to reduce the impact on performance.

General Restrictions 🚷

Custom models will be only rendered on the client-side and the server will use the default model for any calculations. This means that the server-side AI and other features will use the default model and not the custom model on the client-side. Hitboxes and other features will use the default model and not the custom model, which may lead to inaccurate hitboxes and other issues.

Using Custom Models πŸ› οΈ

Enable Custom Models

To use a custom model, use the following command:

/easy_npc render set entity <NPC UUID> <EntityType>

Example: /easy_npc render set entity ed3cec26-a657-4064-8436-8564fb722d6f "minecraft:spider"

This command will try to render the NPC using the minecraft:spider entity type.

Disable Custom Models 🚫

To disable a custom model and revert to the default model, use the following command:

/easy_npc render set type <NPC UUID> DEFAULT

Compatibility πŸ”„

There are some mods that provide custom models that are compatible with Easy NPC like:

Incompatibility 🚫

There are some mods which modify the rendering system in a way that is incompatible with Easy NPC custom models. These mods may cause issues with custom models or prevent them from rendering / animated correctly.

  • Epic Fight Mod: This mod modifies the rendering system so that animations / movements are not rendered correctly.

Reporting Issues 🐞

With custom models enabled, Easy NPC is no longer responsible for rendering the model. If you encounter issues with a custom model, please check them first with the mod author responsible for the custom model.

We are not able to provide support for custom models, as they are not part of the Easy NPC mod or its code base.

Please also check the incompatibility list above to ensure that the custom model is compatible with Easy NPC.