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Small sales system developing for technical studies about communication between microsservices. For this project we used Java, Springboot, Node.js, Typescript, Babel, MongoDB, Postgresql, Docker, Rabbitmq.

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Microservices-based Small Sales System Application

Sales management system developed using the microservices architecture and technologies such as Java, Spring Boot, Javascript + Typescript, Node.js, Rabbitmq, Docker.

The project was developed for study purposes in terms of concept, functionality, applicability, and scenarios where this type of architecture fits, such as banks, customer service, and e-commerce.


The applications of this project use:

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3
  • Spring Cloud OpenFeign
  • Apache Maven
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Node.js 19
  • Express.js
  • Babel (Build generator)
  • Sequelize (Object-Relational Mapping)
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • RabbitMQ
  • Docker
  • docker-compose
  • JWT
  • Axios


The project was developed following the architecture below:


In-depth description of the application

The applications communicate with each other to execute the authentication validation process and update the status of a product sales order in the database. Much of this communication takes place between the Product API and Sales API, which complement each other.

The Product API is responsible for product management, while the Sales API handles order placement.

Tech descripiton of applications

  • Auth-API: Authentication API with Node.js 19, Express.js, Typescript, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, JWT, Bcryptjs, Babel.
  • Sales-API: Sales API with Node.js 19, Express.js, Typescript, MongoDB, Mongoose, Babel, JWT validation, RabbitMQ, and Axios for HTTP clients.
  • Product-API: Product API with Java 17, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, PostgreSQL, JWT validation, RabbitMQ, and Spring Cloud OpenFeign for HTTP clients.

Order Execution Flow

The flow for placing an order will depend on both synchronous communications (HTTP calls via REST) and asynchronous messaging with RabbitMQ.

The flow is described below:

  • 01 - The flow begins by making a request to the order creation endpoint.
  • 02 - The input payload (JSON) will be a list of products indicating the ID and desired quantity.
  • 03 - Before creating the order, a REST call will be made to the Products API to validate if there is sufficient stock for the purchase of all products.
  • 04 - If any product is out of stock, the Products API will return an error, and the Sales API will throw an error message indicating insufficient stock.
  • 05 - If there is sufficient stock, an order will be created and saved in MongoDB with a pending status (PENDING).
  • 06 - Upon saving the order, a message will be published on RabbitMQ, indicating the ID of the created order, along with the products and their respective IDs and quantities.
  • 07 - The Products API will be listening to the queue and will receive the message.
  • 08 - Upon receiving the message, the API will revalidate the stock of the products, and if everything is okay, it will update the stock of each product.
  • 09 - If the stock is successfully updated, the Products API will publish a message on the sales confirmation queue with a status of APPROVED.
  • 10 - If there is an issue with the update, the Products API will publish a message on the sales confirmation queue with a status of REJECTED.
  • 11 - Finally, the Orders API will receive the confirmation message and update the order with the status returned in the message.

Cloning and running the project with docker

Note: To run this project, it is necessary to have Docker installed on your machine.

1Âş step: clone the repository to your machine from GitHub.

git clone

2Âş step: Navigate to the project folder.

cd small-sales-system

3Âş step: Run this docker-compose command to build the images and start the containers.

docker-compose build

Run this command to execute the tasks in the background.

docker-compose build -d

After everything is up and running, just open any request tool and play around.

Endpoints description

The Auth-API application features a single endpoint dedicated to authentication.

The Product-API application is composed of three modules, each hosting multiple endpoints catering to products, categories, and suppliers.

Conversely, the Sales-API application is streamlined with just four endpoints.


  • In some projects, data is generated during the initialization execution.
  • All endpoints in the Product-API and Sales-API services require the authorization and transactionid headers.


Base URL: http://localhost:8080

POST Performs user login:

Validates user credentials and generates the user authentication token on the platform.



    "email": "",
    "password": "123456pipboy"

Response example:

    "status": 200,
    "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdXRoVXNlciI6eyJpZCI6MSwibmFtZSI6Ikhhcm9sZCBTdHJpa2VyIiwiZW1haWwiOiJoYXJvbGRzdHJpa2VyQG91dGxvb2suY29tIn0sImlhdCI6MTcwMjI1MjQxNywiZXhwIjoxNzAyMzM4ODE3LCJzdWIiOiIxIn0.rjwc7BEwXcIQqe7vQ-QUqiOT7kAp7CbLIjKwLE_-O_o"

GET Displays the email of the authenticated user:

Provide the email of the authenticated user in the parameters, and then make the request.



Base URL: http://localhost:8081

Product Module

POST Create a new product

To create a product, it is necessary to provide the category ID, supplier ID, product name, and quantity.



    "name": "Processor Intel Core i9-13900K, 13th Generation, 5.8GHz Max Turbo, 36MB Cache, 24 Cores, LGA 1700, Integrated Graphics - BX8071513900K",
    "quantity_available": 3,
    "supplierId": 1001,
    "categoryId": 1001

Response ( = 1004):

    "id": 1004,
    "name": "Processor Intel Core i9-13900K, 13th Generation, 5.8GHz Max Turbo, 36MB Cache, 24 Cores, LGA 1700, Integrated Graphics - BX8071513900K",
    "supplier": {
        "id": 1001,
        "name": "Intel"
    "category": {
        "id": 1001,
        "description": "Hardware"
    "quantity_available": 3,
    "created_at": "09/12/2023 16:05:43"
    "updated_at": "09/12/2023 16:05:43"

PUT Update a product

Include the product ID in the URL parameters of the request, and change the body.



    "name": "Processor Intel Core i9-13900K, 13th Generation, 5.8GHz Max Turbo, 36MB Cache, 24 Cores, LGA 1700, Integrated Graphics - BX8071513900K",
    "quantity_available": 3,
    "supplierId": 1001,
    "categoryId": 1001


    "id": 1,
    "name": "Processor Intel Core i9-13900K, 13th Generation, 5.8GHz Max Turbo, 36MB Cache, 24 Cores, LGA 1700, Integrated Graphics - BX8071513900K",
    "supplier": {
        "id": 1001,
        "name": "Intel"
    "category": {
        "id": 1001,
        "description": "Hardware"
    "quantity_available": 7,
    "created_at": "09/12/2023 16:05:43"
    "updated_at": "09/12/2023 16:08:48"

DELETE Remove a product by id

Include the product ID in the URL parameters of the request.


Response ( = 1002):

    "status": 200,
    "message": "The product was deleted."

GET Get all products

Retrieve all products that are stored in the database.



        "id": 1001,
        "name": "Processador Intel Core i7-10700KF, 10ª Geração, 3.8GHz (5.1GHz Max Turbo), Cache 16MB, LGA 1200 - BX8070110700KF",
        "category": {
            "id": 1001,
            "description": "Hardware"
        "supplier": {
            "id": 1001,
            "name": "Intel"
        "quantity_available": 5,
        "created_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23",
        "updated_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23"
        "id": 1002,
        "name": "Processador Intel Core i9-11900K, 11ª Geração, 3.5 GHz (5.1GHz Turbo), Cache 16MB, Octa Core, LGA1200, Vídeo Integrado - BX8070811900K",
        "category": {
            "id": 1001,
            "description": "Hardware"
        "supplier": {
            "id": 1001,
            "name": "Intel"
        "quantity_available": 3,
        "created_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23",
        "updated_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23"
        "id": 1003,
        "name": "Processador Intel Core i9-12900F, 12ª Geração, Cache 30MB, 2.4GHz (5.1GHz Max Turbo), LGA 1700 - BX8071512900F",
        "category": {
            "id": 1001,
            "description": "Hardware"
        "supplier": {
            "id": 1001,
            "name": "Intel"
        "quantity_available": 4,
        "created_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23",
        "updated_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23"

GET Get product by ID

Include the product ID in the URL parameters of the request.


Response ( = 1001):

    "id": 1001,
    "name": "Processador Intel Core i7-10700KF, 10ª Geração, 3.8GHz (5.1GHz Max Turbo), Cache 16MB, LGA 1200 - BX8070110700KF",
    "category": {
        "id": 1001,
        "description": "Hardware"
    "supplier": {
        "id": 1001,
        "name": "Intel"
    "quantity_available": 5,
    "created_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23",
    "updated_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23"

GET Get products by name (without case sensitive)

Include the product name in the URL parameters of the request.


Response ( = "Pro"):

        "id": 1001,
        "name": "Processador Intel Core i7-10700KF, 10ª Geração, 3.8GHz (5.1GHz Max Turbo), Cache 16MB, LGA 1200 - BX8070110700KF",
        "category": {
            "id": 1001,
            "description": "Hardware"
        "supplier": {
            "id": 1001,
            "name": "Intel"
        "quantity_available": 5,
        "created_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23",
        "updated_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23"
        "id": 1002,
        "name": "Processador Intel Core i9-11900K, 11ª Geração, 3.5 GHz (5.1GHz Turbo), Cache 16MB, Octa Core, LGA1200, Vídeo Integrado - BX8070811900K",
        "category": {
            "id": 1001,
            "description": "Hardware"
        "supplier": {
            "id": 1001,
            "name": "Intel"
        "quantity_available": 3,
        "created_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23",
        "updated_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23"

GET Get products by category ID:

Include the category ID in the URL parameters of the request.


Response (params.categoryId = 1001):

        "id": 1001,
        "name": "Processador Intel Core i7-10700KF, 10ª Geração, 3.8GHz (5.1GHz Max Turbo), Cache 16MB, LGA 1200 - BX8070110700KF",
        "category": {
            "id": 1001,
            "description": "Hardware"
        "supplier": {
            "id": 1001,
            "name": "Intel"
        "quantity_available": 5,
        "created_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23",
        "updated_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23"
        "id": 1002,
        "name": "Processador Intel Core i9-11900K, 11ª Geração, 3.5 GHz (5.1GHz Turbo), Cache 16MB, Octa Core, LGA1200, Vídeo Integrado - BX8070811900K",
        "category": {
            "id": 1001,
            "description": "Hardware"
        "supplier": {
            "id": 1001,
            "name": "Intel"
        "quantity_available": 3,
        "created_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23",
        "updated_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23"
        "id": 1003,
        "name": "Processador Intel Core i9-12900F, 12ª Geração, Cache 30MB, 2.4GHz (5.1GHz Max Turbo), LGA 1700 - BX8071512900F",
        "category": {
            "id": 1001,
            "description": "Hardware"
        "supplier": {
            "id": 1001,
            "name": "Intel"
        "quantity_available": 4,
        "created_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23",
        "updated_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23"

GET Get products by supplier ID:

Include the supplier ID in the URL parameters of the request.


Response (params.supplierId = 1006):

        "id": 1008,
        "name": "Placa de VĂ­deo RTX 4060 1-Click OC 1X Galax NVIDIA GeForce, 8GB GDDR6, DLSS, Ray Trancing, G-Sync",
        "category": {
            "id": 1001,
            "description": "Hardware"
        "supplier": {
            "id": 1006,
            "name": "Galax"
        "quantity_available": 6,
        "created_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23",
        "updated_at": "10/12/2023 19:24:23"

POST Check product quantity availabel:

Check if the provided quantity is compatible with the availability.



    "products": [
            "productId": 1001,
            "quantity": 1
            "productId": 1002,
            "quantity": 1
            "productId": 1003,
            "quantity": 1


    "status": 200,
    "message": "The stock is ok!"

GET List product sales ID

Retrieve the product along with all the IDs of the orders placed for it.



    "id": 1001,
    "name": "Graphics Card Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 D6 OC 4G, 4GB GDDR6, REV 4.0 - GV-N1656OC-4GD 4.0",
    "supplier": {
        "id": 1005,
        "name": "GigaByte"
    "category": {
        "id": 1000,
        "description": "Hardware"
    "sales": [
    "quantity_available": 3,
    "created_at": "09/12/2023 14:11:15"
    "updated_at": "09/12/2023 14:11:15"

Supplier Module

POST Create a new supplier



    "name": "Amazon"


    "id": 1,
    "name": "Amazon"

PUT Update supplier by ID

Include the supplier ID in the URL parameters of the request.



    "name": "Amazon BR"


    "id": 1,
    "name": "Amazon BR"

DELETE Delete supplier by ID

Include the supplier ID in the URL parameters of the request.



    "status": 200,
    "message": "The supplier was deleted."

GET Get all supplier

Retrieve all supplier that are stored in the database.



        "id": 1001,
        "name": "Intel"
        "id": 1002,
        "name": "AMD"
        "id": 1003,
        "name": "NVIDIA"
        "id": 1004,
        "name": "ASUS"
        "id": 1005,
        "name": "GigaByte"

GET Get supplier by ID


Response ( = 1004):

   "id": 1004,
   "name": "ASUS"

GET Get supplier by name

Include the suppliers name in the URL parameters of the request.


Response ( = ASUS):

     "id": 1004,
     "name": "ASUS"

Category Module

POST Create a new category



   "description": "Games"


   "id": 1,
   "description": "Games"

PUT Update category by ID

Include the category ID in the URL parameters of the request.



   "name": "Monitor"


   "id": 1,
   "name": "Monitor"

DELETE Delete category by ID

Include the category ID in the URL parameters of the request.



   "status": 200,
   "message": "The category was deleted."

GET Get all categories

Retrieve all categories that are stored in the database.



    "id": 1001,
    "description": "Hardware"

GET Get category by ID


Response ( = 1001):

  "id": 1001,
  "description": "Hardware"

GET Get category by name

Include the category name in the URL parameters of the request.


Response ( = "Hardware"):

     "id": 1001,
     "name": "Hardware"


Base URL: http://localhost:8082

POST Create a new order



  "products": [
      "productId": 1001,
      "quantity": 1
      "productId": 1018,
      "quantity": 1
      "productId": 1021,
      "quantity": 1


    "status": 200,
    "order": {
        "_id": "6576650891f50cf8744b0fe2",
        "products": [
                "productId": "1001",
                "quantity": 1,
                "_id": "6576650891f50cf8744b0fe3"
                "productId": "1018",
                "quantity": 1,
                "_id": "6576650891f50cf8744b0fe4"
                "productId": "1021",
                "quantity": 1,
                "_id": "6576650891f50cf8744b0fe5"
        "user": {
            "id": "1"
        "status": "PENDING",
        "createdAt": "2023-12-11T01:25:28.804Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-12-11T01:25:28.804Z"

GET Get all orders

Retrieve all orders that are stored in the database.



    "status": 200,
    "orders": [
            "_id": "6576650891f50cf8744b0fe2",
            "products": [
                    "productId": "1001",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "_id": "6576650891f50cf8744b0fe3"
                    "productId": "1018",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "_id": "6576650891f50cf8744b0fe4"
                    "productId": "1021",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "_id": "6576650891f50cf8744b0fe5"
            "user": {
                "id": "1"
            "status": "APPROVED",
            "createdAt": "2023-12-11T01:25:28.804Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-12-11T01:25:29.013Z"
            "_id": "6576652991f50cf8744b0fef",
            "products": [
                    "productId": "1001",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "_id": "6576652991f50cf8744b0ff0"
                    "productId": "1018",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "_id": "6576652991f50cf8744b0ff1"
                    "productId": "1021",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "_id": "6576652991f50cf8744b0ff2"
            "user": {
                "id": "1"
            "status": "APPROVED",
            "createdAt": "2023-12-11T01:26:01.687Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-12-11T01:26:01.826Z"

GET Get order by ID

Include the order ID in the URL parameters of the request.


Response ( = "6576652991f50cf8744b0fef"):

    "status": 200,
    "order": {
        "_id": "6576652991f50cf8744b0fef",
        "products": [
                "productId": "1001",
                "quantity": 1,
                "_id": "6576652991f50cf8744b0ff0"
                "productId": "1018",
                "quantity": 1,
                "_id": "6576652991f50cf8744b0ff1"
                "productId": "1021",
                "quantity": 1,
                "_id": "6576652991f50cf8744b0ff2"
        "user": {
            "id": "1"
        "status": "APPROVED",
        "createdAt": "2023-12-11T01:26:01.687Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-12-11T01:26:01.826Z"

GET Get orders by product ID

Retrieve all orders ID for a product.


Response ( = 1018):

    "status": 200,
    "salesIds": [

Logs and Tracing

All endpoints require a header named transactionid as it will represent the ID that will traverse the entire request within the service. In case this application calls other microservices, this transactionid will be forwarded. All input and output endpoints will log the input data (JSON or parameters) and the transactionid.

For each request to each microservice, we will have a serviceid attribute generated solely for the logs of that specific service. We will then have the transactionid circulating among all the microservices involved in the request, and each microservice will have its own serviceid.

Request tracing flow:

POST - /api/order with transactionid: ef8347eb-2207-4610-86c0-657b4e5851a3

transactionid: ef8347eb-2207-4610-86c0-657b4e5851a3
serviceid    : 6116a0f4-6c9f-491f-b180-ea31bea2d9de
| HTTP Request
|----------------> service-2:
                   transactionid: ef8347eb-2207-4610-86c0-657b4e5851a3
                   serviceid    : 4e1261c1-9a0c-4a5d-bfc2-49744fd159c6
                   | HTTP Request
                   |----------------> service-3: /api/check-stock
                                      transactionid: ef8347eb-2207-4610-86c0-657b4e5851a3
                                      serviceid    : b4fbc082-a49a-440d-b1d6-2bd0557fd189

As we can see in the flow above, the transactionid (ef8347eb-2207-4610-86c0-657b4e5851a3) remained the same across all three services, and each service has its own serviceid.

Example of logs in the developed APIs:


Request to POST login with data {"email":"","password":"123456"} | [transactionID: e3762030-127a-4079-9dee-ba961d7e77ce | serviceID: 6b07b6c2-009e-4799-be96-3bf972338b17]

Response to POST login with data {"status":200,"accessToken":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdXRoVXNlciI6eyJpZCI6MSwibmFtZSI6IlVzZXIgVGVzdCAxIiwiZW1haWwiOiJ0ZXN0ZXVzZXIxQGdtYWlsLmNvbSJ9LCJpYXQiOjE2MzQwNTE4ODQsImV4cCI6MTYzNDEzODI4NH0.NJ-h2i5XPT8NwZyZ_43bif1NIS00ROfCtRecBkxy5A8"} | [transactionID: e3762030-127a-4079-9dee-ba961d7e77ce | serviceID: 6b07b6c2-009e-4799-be96-3bf972338b17]


Request to POST product stock with data {"products":[{"productId":1001,"quantity":1},{"productId":1002,"quantity":1},{"productId":1003,"quantity":1}]} | [transactionID: 8817508e-805c-48fb-9cb4-6a1e5a6e71e9 | serviceID: ea146e74-55cf-4a53-860e-9010d6e3f61b]

Response to POST product stock with data {"status":200,"message":"The stock is ok!"} | [transactionID: 8817508e-805c-48fb-9cb4-6a1e5a6e71e9 | serviceID: ea146e74-55cf-4a53-860e-9010d6e3f61b]


Request to POST new order with data {"products":[{"productId":1001,"quantity":1},{"productId":1002,"quantity":1},{"productId":1003,"quantity":1}]} | [transactionID: 8817508e-805c-48fb-9cb4-6a1e5a6e71e9 | serviceID: 5f553f02-e830-4bed-bc04-8f71fe16cf28]

Response to POST login with data {"status":200,"createdOrder":{"products":[{"productId":1001,"quantity":1},{"productId":1002,"quantity":1},{"productId":1003,"quantity":1}],"user":{"id":1,"name":"User Test 1","email":""},"status":"PENDING","createdAt":"2021-10-12T16:34:49.778Z","updatedAt":"2021-10-12T16:34:49.778Z","transactionid":"8817508e-805c-48fb-9cb4-6a1e5a6e71e9","serviceid":"5f553f02-e830-4bed-bc04-8f71fe16cf28","_id":"6165b92addaf7fc9dd85dad0","__v":0}} | [transactionID: 8817508e-805c-48fb-9cb4-6a1e5a6e71e9 | serviceID: 5f553f02-e830-4bed-bc04-8f71fe16cf28]


Sending message to product update stock: {"salesId":"6165b92addaf7fc9dd85dad0","products":[{"productId":1001,"quantity":1},{"productId":1002,"quantity":1},{"productId":1003,"quantity":1}],"transactionid":"8817508e-805c-48fb-9cb4-6a1e5a6e71e9"}

Recieving message with data: {"salesId":"6165b92addaf7fc9dd85dad0","products":[{"productId":1001,"quantity":1},{"productId":1002,"quantity":1},{"productId":1003,"quantity":1}],"transactionid":"8817508e-805c-48fb-9cb4-6a1e5a6e71e9"} and TransactionID: 8817508e-805c-48fb-9cb4-6a1e5a6e71e9

Sending message: {"salesId":"6165b92addaf7fc9dd85dad0","status":"APPROVED","transactionid":"8817508e-805c-48fb-9cb4-6a1e5a6e71e9"}

Recieving message from queue: {"salesId":"6165b92addaf7fc9dd85dad0","status":"APPROVED","transactionid":"8817508e-805c-48fb-9cb4-6a1e5a6e71e9"}


Small sales system developing for technical studies about communication between microsservices. For this project we used Java, Springboot, Node.js, Typescript, Babel, MongoDB, Postgresql, Docker, Rabbitmq.







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