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All the kubernetes yaml files created.

Jenkins pipeline

This repositoriy contains a pipeline that allow to launch microservices into a kubernetes cluster.


- Jenkins
- Git
- Kubernetes token as jenkins secret text
- Kubeconfig file as jenkins secret file
- Git user if repositoriy is private as jenkins secret text
- Git token if repository is private as jenkins secret text
- Fill the next pipeline parameters (line 6):

GH_URL Git URL where pipeline are stored
GH_USER Git user
K_URL Master kubernetes node url
FIRST_RANGE_PORT First range port that microservice could use
FINAL_RANGE_PORT Last range port that microservice could use
USED_PORTS File path with all used ports
KNOWED_PORTS File path with all knowed ports
- Add the following input parameters in jenkins pipeline configuration:

NOMBRE_MS Text Git subdirectory
INT Boolean Launch microservice over preproduction environment
PROD Boolean Launch microservice over production environment
TEMPLATE Boolean Launch microservice using a kubernetes template

Deploy a microservice over Preproduction/Production environments

To deploy a microservice over preproduction/production environemnt mark INT or INT as true. The NOMBRE_MS is a reference to a github subdirectory. For example, to deploy MySQL over prepoduction environment the value NOMBRE_MS has to be mysql. Inside of this subdirectory there are all the yaml files. By now the kind of yaml files accepted are deployments, services, presistent volumes and persistent volume claims. By default preproduction kubernetes namespaces is "int" (line 92) and production kubernetes namespace is "pro" (line 123).

Deploy a microservice using a template

There is a template subdirectory with all the yaml files and a properties file. This files can be used to launch a microservice with custom values. All empty sections are interpeted as nothing to deploy. For example, if service parameters section are empty the pipeline don't will create a service to this microservice. Once properties file edition is done just mark as true the TEMPLATE parameter input and execute the pipeline.


All the kubernetes yml files created.






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