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Memory Address Update Guide

Martin Kuschnik edited this page Jan 24, 2016 · 2 revisions

This guide should explain how you can find and commit new memory addresses after an update.

  1. Start the game in DirectX 9 mode and log in with a character.

  2. Start Cheat Engine and click to the button Select a process to open in the menu bar.

  3. Select the process 0000xxxxx-ffxiv.exe and click Open.

  4. Go to XIVDB and search the weapon your char has equipped. (Check the selected language if you cannot find the weapon.)

  5. The current URL should now contain the ID of the item. Remember that ID or write it down.

  6. Enter that ID into the Value field of Cheat Engine and click First Scan.

  7. Switch back into the game and equip another weapon.

  8. Search for the ID of the newly equipped weapon by using XIVDB again.

  9. Enter the second ID into the Value field of Cheat Engine and click Next Scan.

  10. Now you should have approximately 2 addresses in the left table.

  1. Do a double-click to each address from this left table. This will pin these to the address list.

  1. Right-click to the first address and click to the entry Pointer scan for this address. Be Cardarelli with those other options. Someone can be detected by anti-cheating mechanisms.

  1. Change the Max level field to 2 and click OK.

  1. Choose a location and a name (e.p.: "%temp%pointer_scan_address_0.PTR") for the pointer list file and click OK.

  2. Wait until the process has finished.

  3. Do a double-click to all addresses to pin these to the address list.

  1. Do another pointer scan for each other addresses you found by the ID search (all addresses without the P->xxxxxxx in the address list).

  2. Now you should have all possible addresses. All should have the value of the ID of the current equipped weapon.

  1. Switch back to game and log out and in again with the same char.

  2. Now have a look to the address list. Some addresses should have a different value now. You can remove these addresses over the context menu.

  1. Restart the game, login with the same character and reattach Cheat Engine but keep the address list. Repeat this step until you have only one pointer (P->xxxxx) with the right weapon ID or skip this step if it is already the case.

  2. Right-click to the pointer with the right ID an choose Change record and Address.

  1. Fork the project and enter the new addresse into the Zodiac Glass/FFXIV/FFXIVMemoryMap.cs (HEX) and MEMMAP (NOT HEX) files. Normally only the base address should be different to the old address. Otherwise you have to subtract 8 from the last address (the Image below does it wrong).

  1. Create a Pull Request.

(This is a early version. Please give feedback to improve it.)

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