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A tool for learning morphological word embeddings


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This repo is a modification of prop2vec code with some additional features on top of it.

Current Implementation:

  • fastText to get word-vectors
  • preprocessing step to modify the .conllu file to fit it to the fastText model

Modifications and additional features

  • added support for WLTMN input
    • W: wordform
    • L: lemma
    • T: morphological tags
    • M: morphemes
    • N: n-grams
  • morphemes are extracted with word2morph which takes longer time because a neural network is used to extract morphemes from a given lemma
  • n-grams are added during the preprocessing step (not fasttext default one)


  • To download sample data in .conllu format:
wget -P datasets
wget -P datasets
  • To download the preprocessed wiki corpus:
wget -P datasets
  • The evaluation data can be obtained from russe-evaluation corpus
  • To prepare the data for training a fastText model:
# [Optional] Preprocess the evaluation data
PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python -m preprocess_eval --input_path datasets/eval-train.txt --output_path datasets/eval-train-processed.txt --locale ru
PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python -m preprocess_eval --input_path datasets/eval-test.txt --output_path datasets/eval-test-processed.txt --locale ru

# Preprocess the conllu corpus
PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python -m preprocess_conllu --input_path datasets/ru_syntagrus-ud-train.conllu --output_path datasets/ru_processed_wltmn.txt  --locale ru

# Preprocess the wiki corpus
PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python -m preprocess_wiki datasets/ru-wiki-text.txt --output_path datasets/ru-wiki.wltmn --locale ru
  • To train a fastText model (Training a model on half of the russian wiki takes ~4 hours on 4 core CPU):
PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python -m morph2vec.train 
        train_unsupervised --input datasets/ru-wiki.wltmn --model skipgram --props w+l+t+m --lr 0.05 --dim 300 --ws 5 --epoch 5 --minCount 5 --minCountLabel 0 --minn 3 --maxn 6 --neg 5 --wordNgrams 1 --loss ns --bucket 2000000 --thread 15 --lrUpdateRate 100 --t 1e-4 --label __label__ --verbose 2 --pretrainedVectors "" 
        save_model --path logs/ru-wltm.bin
  • To do a hyperparameter search:
PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python -m morph2vec.hyperparametersearch
        --eval_train_path datasets/eval-train-processed.txt --eval_test_path datasets/eval-test-processed.txt
        search_hyperparameters --nb_trials 500 --input_path datasets/ru_processed_wltmn.txt --props "w+l+t+m+n"
  • To evaluate the model:
# Evaluate and save results:
PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python -m morph2vec.evaluation.fasttexteval evaluate --model_path logs/ru.bin --data_path datasets/hj-expanded-rare-all-processed.txt --save_vectors_path logs/hj-pred.txt

# Bootstrapping to get confidence intervals, mean and std of Spearman's correlation
PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python -m morph2vec.evaluation.fasttexteval bootstrap --gold_path datasets/hj-expanded-rare-all-processed.txt --predicted_path logs/hj-pred.txt --bootstrap_count 10000 --confidence_percent 0.95

# Or by providing a model instead of the (word  vector) file
PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python -m morph2vec.evaluation.fasttexteval bootstrap --gold_path datasets/hj-expanded-rare-all-processed.txt --model_path logs/ru.bin --bootstrap_count 10000 --confidence_percent 0.95