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Kaggle SIIM-ISIC Melanoma Classification: 3rd place solution overview

Competition Leaderboard:

Solution overview:

Hardware / Software

Model training and predictions were performed in Kaggle TPU Kernels.

  • Python 3.7.6 (Python packages are detailed separately in requirements.txt)
  • Kaggle's TPU v3-8 (8 cores)


Image models


The source code for model training is published in this Kaggle notebook. It can also be found in "./kaggle_notebooks".

We trained 8 image models, as shown below:

Model Data Image size Epochs Hair augmentation
1 2020 256x256 13
2 2020 384x384 15
3 2020 512x512 15
4 2020 768x768 15
5 2019-2020 256x256 25 X
6 2019-2020 384x384 25 X
7 2019-2020 512x512 12 X
8 2019-2020 768x768 10

To reproduce our results, the Kaggle notebook must be forked and executed 8 times, one for each model, changing only the content of the first cell (input) each time.

For example, for model 1, the content of the input cell should be:

tfrec_shape = 256
comp_data = "2020"

For model 6, however, it should be:

tfrec_shape = 384
comp_data = "2019-2020"

Training time for a single model ranges from ~ 0.5 to ~ 3 hours (all models can be fitted within 3 hours Kaggle's TPU limit for a single session).

Our trained weights can be found here.


The source code for making predictions is published in this Kaggle notebook. It can also be found in "./kaggle_notebooks".

Again, to reproduce our results, the Kaggle notebook must be forked and executed 8 times, one for each model, changing only the content of the first cell (input) each time.

Our image-models submission files can be found in "./submissions/image_data".


Training & Predicting

For metadata, we used a simple baseline model proposed by @titericz, which can be found here.

Our metadata-model submission file can be found in "./submissions/metadata".


The script ensembles the image-models submission files located in "./submissions/image_data" whit a single metadata-model submission file located in "./submissions/metadata". The script allows you to choose whether to include external data (e.g. from other public notebooks) or not. External image-models submissions must be located in "./submissions/external_image_data". The resulting ensemble file is saved in the destination path: "./ensemble".


Shell commands, as run from the top level directory:

python [-h] [--include_external EXTERNAL] [--metadata_weight WEIGHT] [--ensemble_filename FILENAME]
Argument Function Default
-h, --help Shows help message and exits
--include_external EXTERNAL Whether to include external data (1) or not (0) 0
--metadata_weight WEIGHT Weight assigned to metadata (0-1) 0.2
--ensemble_filename FILENAME The desired name for the ensemble file 'ensemble'

Our solutions:

Our winning solution, which scored 0.9484 private LB, 0.9620 public LB, was obtained by the following parameterization:

python --include_external 1 --metadata_weight 0.3 --ensemble_filename 'ensemble_external'

In this solution, we decided to ensemble two public notebooks to our image-models, in order to add some diversity (this one from @rajnishe and this one from @ajaykumar7778). The corresponding ensemble file can be found in "./ensemble/ensemble_external.csv".

However, a higher score can be obtained without using external data, with the following parameterization:

python --include_external 0 --metadata_weight 0.2 --ensemble_filename 'ensemble'

The last ensemble scored 0.9489 private LB, 0.9592 public LB, but was not selected as a final submission for judging. It can be found in "./ensemble/ensemble.csv".


Kaggle SIIM-ISIC melanoma classification: 3rd place solution overview







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