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A simple friendly network state handler to handle states of a request as it's in a initial, loading, loaded or an error. You can use it with any of your favourite package either it's http or dio.


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A simple friendly network state handler to handle states of a request as it's in a initial, loading, loaded or an error. You can use it with any of your favourite package either it's http or dio.

🎖 Installing

  1. First goto your pubspec.yaml file and add dependency:
    network_state_handler: ^0.0.2
  2. run flutter pub get to update the packages dependencies.

⚡️ Import

  1. In your code, you can use it like this: first import the package:
 import 'package:network_state_handler/network_state_handler.dart'

🎮 Code Usage

How to use it? It's friendly and easy to work with network_state_handler, checkout inside example folder to understand how it works.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:network_state_handler/network_state_handler.dart';
import 'package:networking_freezed_dio/repos/api_repo.dart';
import 'model/list_user_response.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: ThemeData(
        visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
      home: const ListUser(),

class ListUser extends StatefulWidget {
  const ListUser({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  _ListUserState createState() => _ListUserState();

class _ListUserState extends State<ListUser> {
  final APIRepository _apiRepository = APIRepository();
  ResultState<ListUserResponse> state = const ResultState.loading();
  ResultState<bool> boolstate = const ResultState.loading();
  final GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> _scaffoldkey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();

  Future getUsers() async {
    ApiResult<ListUserResponse> apiResult =
        await _apiRepository.fetchListOfUser();

    apiResult.when(success: (ListUserResponse? user) {
      setState(() {
        state = user);
    }, failure: (NetworkExceptions? error) {
      setState(() {
        state = ResultState.error(error: error);
    return state;

  Future deleteUser(int userId) async {
    ApiResult<bool> apiResult = await _apiRepository.deleteUser(userId);

    apiResult.when(success: (bool? user) {
      setState(() {
        boolstate = user);
    }, failure: (NetworkExceptions? error) {
      setState(() {
        boolstate = ResultState.error(error: error);
    return state;

  void initState() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      key: _scaffoldkey,
      body: SafeArea(
        child: state.when(
            idle: () => Container(),
            loading: () => const Center(
                  child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
            data: (ListUserResponse? data) {
              return data!.user!.isEmpty
                  ? const Center(
                      child: Text(
                        "No Data found",
                  : ListView.separated(
                      itemCount: data.user!.length,
                      separatorBuilder: (_, __) => const Divider(),
                      itemBuilder: (ctx, index) => Dismissible(
                        key: ValueKey(data.user![index].id),
                        background: Container(
                          alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
                          child: const Icon(
                            color: Colors.white,
                        onDismissed: (direction) async {
                          if (direction == DismissDirection.startToEnd) {
                            // dismissed to the left
                            await deleteUser(data.user![index].id!);
                            SnackBar snackBar = const SnackBar(
                              content: Text('Deleted Successfully'),
                        direction: DismissDirection.startToEnd,
                        child: ListTile(
                            title: Text(data.user![index].first_name ?? ""),
                            subtitle: Text(data.user![index].email ?? ""),
                            leading: CircleAvatar(
                              backgroundImage: NetworkImage(
                                data.user![index].avatar ?? "",
                              radius: 30,
            error: (NetworkExceptions? error) {
              return Text(NetworkExceptions.getErrorMessage(error!));

FOR MORE EXAMPLES REFER TO example/lib folder.

🐛 Bugs/Requests

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing some feature, please raise a ticket on Github. Pull request are also welcome.


You liked this package? then give it a star. If you want to help then: Star this repository. Send a Pull Request with new features, see Contribution Guidelines. Share this package. Create issues if you find a Bug or want to suggest something.


A simple friendly network state handler to handle states of a request as it's in a initial, loading, loaded or an error. You can use it with any of your favourite package either it's http or dio.







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