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Loyalty Wifi API

  • API version: 1.0.0
    • Build date: 2020-01-07T11:17:22.737-06:00[America/Chicago]

The Loyalty Boingo Wifi API offers cardholders, via their issuers, the ability to search and connect to Mastercard Global Wifi hotspots around the world through this digital channel. These APIs can be used to build a rich, interactive wifi experience within the issuer's existing mobile or web application.

Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.7+
  2. Maven/Gradle


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "com.mastercard.developer:loyalty-wifi-client:1.0.0"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/loyalty-wifi-client-1.0.0.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the Steps to run the application from command line to see how it works from command line.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
BundleProfileApi createUser POST /bundle/profile/users Create Profile
BundleProfileApi patchUser POST /bundle/profile/users/{user_id}/patch Partially Update Profile
BundleProfileApi readUser GET /bundle/profile/users/{user_id} Find User by Id
WiFiApi loyaltyWifiHotspotsGet GET /loyalty/wifi/hotspots Find Wi-Fi hotspots nearby

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization. Authentication schemes defined for the API:


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.


Steps to run the application from command line

  • Create a new project from Mastercard DevZone - or

  • Select "Loyalty Wifi" from Choose API dropdown and hit continue.

  • Get Sandbox keys and store your .p12 certificate along with the readme/documentation.

  • Please save this Sandbox Keys, .p12, key store password and alias as you are going to use these to run the application.

  • Clone this repository and set up as Maven project

  • Update the following keys in file

    • This can be found in the project you created on developerZone
    • Path where you saved your certs i.e., .p12 file you received while creating a project
    • This is the password you get with Sandbox cert.
    • This is the alias you get with Sandbox cert.
  • Example:

    • =
    • = Abcdfefgjhilklmnopqrstuvwxyz-dxcq_zD7IiPa0df175e!22a7fddba56e800000000000000000
    • = C:\path\provided.p12
    • = pwd
    • = alias
  • Do a clean build either through IDE or command prompt, if you are doing it through command prompt then the below command should be executed in the directory which contains this repository's pom file Eg: mvn clean install

  • Run the application using below command

    • Eg: java -jar path of the Jar relative to the current directory/loyalty-wifi-client-1.0.0.jar <argument>
    • Argument: An argument which defines the feature user wants to run through command line. If you don't specify this argument, it will run all the features(registration,lounges,loungeDetails,dmc,entitlement and loungeHistory, error) one after the other
      • registration : Registration for wifi service.
      • hotspot : Get Hotspots for Wi-Fi
      • error : Error scenario for registering the user for Wi-Fi service
  • Command line example to run the application:

    • java -jar target/loyalty-wifi-client-1.0.0.jar hotspot here the application runs only hotspot feature. if you want to run more than one feature then specify the features with comma separated. Eg: java -jar target/loyalty-wifi-client-1.0.0.jar hotspot,registration,error here it executes only these 3 features.You can remove the argument to run all the features Eg: java -jar target/loyalty-wifi-client-1.0.0.jar. If you want to run the feature one by one then execute the command java -jar target/loyalty-wifi-client-1.0.0.jar hotspot then again run the command with different feature java -jar target/loyalty-wifi-client-1.0.0.jar registration and so on.

Sandbox Testing

If you would like to test this in Sandbox environment please contact Mastercard representative to set up you or your organization in this environment because if this does not happen the authorization fails in the Loyalty Wifi Service API. All the URLs have a prefix reference in this reference application for all resources of Loyalty Wifi Service API so that it deals with sample data. You need to remove this reference word from the URLs when testing against real data. Eg: /loyalty/wifi/reference just for reference application and /loyalty/wifi to test against real data.

While testing the application with a reference(/loyalty/wifi/reference) url you need to send the exact inputs that are used in this reference application to get the desired response otherwise the mock returns an error with a message 'the request does not match'.

Find the service documentation for more information.

Client libraries can be generated for a simplified integration with the reference service, for more details

Copyright (c) 2019 Mastercard

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.