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Release 0.12.0

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@mattfarina mattfarina released this 23 Aug 14:45
· 137 commits to master since this release


  • Support for distributions in FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and Plan9
  • #528: ARM release support (thanks @franciscocpg)
  • #563: Added initial integration testing
  • #533: Log VCS output with debug (--debug switch) when there was a VCS error (thanks @atombender)
  • #39: Added support for mirrors. See the mirror command and subcommands


  • #521: Sort subpackages for glide.yaml and glide.lock to avoid spurious diffs
  • #487: Skip lookup of subpackage location when parent repo is already known
    This skips unnecessary network requests (thanks @hori-ryota)
  • #492 and #547: Dependencies are now resolved in a global cache and exported to
    vendor/ directories. This allows sharing of VCS data between projects without
    upseting the GOPATH versions and is faster for projects vendoring dependencies.
    Some flags including --update-vendored, --cache-gopath, --use-gopath, and some
    others are deprecated and no longer needed.


  • #287: When file or directory not found provide useful message
  • #559: Fixed error is nil issue (thanks @mfycheng)
  • #553: Export was failing with different physical devices
  • #542: Glide failed to detect some test dependencies (thanks @sdboyer)
  • #517: Fixed failure to install testImport from lock when no imports present
    or when same dependency on both import and testImport
  • #440: Fixed panic in glide tree when walking the filesystem (thanks @abhin4v)
  • #529: --delete flag deleted and re-downloaded transitive dependencies
  • #535: Resolve vendor directory symlinks (thanks @Fugiman)