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Refactor for nodent-compiler and nodent-transformer

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@matAtWork matAtWork released this 18 Apr 13:54
· 10 commits to master since this release

v3.2.0 Refactor

Use nodent-compiler @3.2.0, which in turn uses the nodent-transform@3.2.0, which is the base AST transformer (with no parser or code generator), which is also used
Fix tests to not report unnecessary mismatch for 'directive' due to acorn v5.4.x

Note that the project is now structured so that:

  • nodent-transform is the base level AST transfomer
  • nodent-compiler is the transformer with a parser (acorn) and code generator (derived from astring)
  • nodent is the compiler, require hook for node, CLI and helpers (like http, events, etc)