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Given a set of integers, sort it using a predefined set of instructions using two stacks. The instruction set is defined below. This program outputs a program in push_swap instructions that sorts the input integers.


Instruction set

For the following instructions, if the instruction is not possible, the part of it that can't be executed won't.

Code Instruction Action
sa swap a swaps the 2 top elements of stack a
sb swap b swaps the 2 top elements of stack b
ss swap a + swap b both sa and sb
pa push a moves the top element of stack b at the top of stack a
pb push b moves the top element of stack a at the top of stack b
ra rotate a shifts all elements of stack a from bottom to top
rb rotate b shifts all elements of stack b from bottom to top
rr rotate a + rotate b both ra and rb
rra reverse rotate a shifts all elements of stack a from top to bottom
rrb reverse rotate b shifts all elements of stack b from top to bottom
rrr reverse rotate a + reverse rotate b both rra and rrb


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