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Application Description

Code Overview

//TODO zrobić poprawioną wersję README File

The file contains the main class Main, which executes the core logic of the program. The application checks the availability of ports within a specified range of parameters and writes the results to files. File

The file contains the CheckThread class, which represents a thread responsible for checking port availability.

Running Instructions

To run the application, follow these steps:

  1. Compile the source code using the Java compiler.

  2. Run the application, providing appropriate arguments. For example:

Where is the IP address you want to check.

Other Notes

  • Ensure that the application has necessary permissions to perform operations on ports.
  • It's possible to modify the application parameters by passing different arguments when running the program.

Possibilities for Development

The project serves as a solid foundation for further expansion and improvement. Below are areas to consider for development to enhance functionality, improve performance, and flexibility of the application:

1. Additional Network Protocols and Features

Consider adding support for different network protocols to check availability, such as UDP, HTTP, ICMP, allowing for more comprehensive network testing.

2. Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Create a graphical interface for the application that enables users to input IP addresses, ports, and control running tests and displaying results in a user-friendly manner.

3. Configuration Management

Implement a configuration management system that allows users to modify application parameters (e.g., IP addresses, file names) without altering the source code.

4. Results Handling in a Database

Add the capability to save test results to a database, enabling analysis of historical data and generating reports.


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