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Visual Studio Versions Net 4 Compatibility

Xaalek edited this page Jul 5, 2022 · 4 revisions

Visual Studio Versions

The nuget package is backwardly compatible with older Visual Studio versions, including 2012, 2013, 2015.

Compiling the source code requires Visual Studio 2022.

If you are not running VS2022, but want to view the demo you have a couple of options:

  • Grab the latest demo which is a compiled .exe in a zip, found on the Releases page.
  • VS2022 users can clone and checkout the tag of the source used to compile the desired version:
git clone
cd MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit
git checkout tags/<desired version>

.Net 4.0

There is a .Net 4.0 branch (net40) which is now only maintained by contributors, and is no longer officially supported:

Clone this wiki locally