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dbt-materialize Changelog

1.7.7 - 2024-04-19

1.7.6 - 2024-04-18

  • Breaking change. The source and sink materialization types no longer accept arbitrary SQL statements, and now accept the cluster configuration option. The new syntax omits the CREATE { SOURCE | SINK } clause, and requires migrating existing source and sink models to use that syntax before upgrading.


    {{ config(
       ) }}
    FROM KAFKA CONNECTION kafka_connection (TOPIC 'test-topic')


    {{ config(
       ) }}
    CREATE SOURCE {{ this }} IN CLUSTER 'quickstart'
    FROM KAFKA CONNECTION kafka_connection (TOPIC 'test-topic')

1.7.5 - 2024-03-15

  • deploy_init(ignore_existing_objects) now automatically copies the default privileges and existing grants of existing clusters and schemas to their deployment counterparts.

1.7.4 - 2024-02-27

  • Add macros to automate blue/green deployments, which help minimize downtime when deploying changes to the definition of objects in Materialize to production environments:

    • deploy_init(ignore_existing_objects): creates the deployment schemas and clusters using the same configuration as the corresponding production environment to swap with.

    • deploy_await(poll_interval): waits for all objects within the deployment clusters to be fully hydrated, polling the cluster readiness status at a specified poll_interval.

    • deploy_promote: deploys the current dbt targets to the production environment, encuring all deployment targets, including schemas and clusters, are fully hydrated and deployed together as a single atomic operation. If any part of the deployment fails, the entire deployment is rolled back to maintain consistency and prevent partial updates.

    • deploy_cleanup: tears down the deployment schemas and clusters.

    Sample workflow

    # dbt_project.yml
        clusters: ["prod"]
        schemas: ["prod "]
    dbt run-operation deploy_init
    dbt run --vars 'deploy: True'
    # deploy_await can run automatically by specifying deploy_promote
    # (wait=True), but we recommend running this step manually and running
    # validation checks before promoting.
    dbt run-operation deploy_await
    dbt run-operation deploy_promote
    dbt run-operation deploy_cleanup

    In this version, the blue/green deployment workflow will fail if sources or sinks exist in the schemas or cluster to swap. This might change in a future release.

  • Revert backport of dbt-core #8887, which shipped withdbt v1.7.6. Non-standard types should just work™️ in model contracts as part of dbt core functionality.

1.7.3 - 2024-01-24

  • Support scheduled refreshes in the materialized_view materialization via the new refresh_interval configuration. This is a private preview feature in Materialize, so configuration details are likely to change in the future.

1.7.2 - 2023-12-18

  • Backport dbt-core #8887 to unblock users using any custom type with data contracts.

1.7.1 - 2023-12-14

  • Remove the dependency of data contracts pre-flight checks on the existence of the pre-installed default cluster. Fixes #23600.

  • Work around dbt-core #8353 while a permanent fix doesn't land in dbt Core to unblock users using UUID types with data contracts.

1.7.0 - 2023-11-20

  • Support specifying the materialization type used to store test failures via the new store_failures_as configuration. Accepted values: materialized_view (default), view, ephemeral.

    • Project level
        +store_failures_as: view
    • Model level
      - name: my_model
          - name: id
              - not_null:
                    store_failures_as: view
              - unique:
                    store_failures_as: ephemeral

    If both store_failures and store_failures_as are specified, store_failures_as takes precedence.

  • Mark dbt source freshness as not supported. Materialize supports the functionality required to enable column- and metadata-based source freshness checks, but the value of this feature in a real-time data warehouse is limited.

1.6.1 - 2023-11-03

  • Support the ASSERT NOT NULL option for materialized_view materializations via the not_null column-level constraint.

      - name: model_with_constraints
          enforced: true
        - name: col_with_constraints
          data_type: string
            - type: not_null
        - name: col_without_constraints
          data_type: int

    It's important to note that other constraint types are not supported, and that not_null constraints can only be defined at the column-level (not model-level).

  • Work around a bug in --persist-docs that prevented comments from being persisted for materialized_view materializations. See [#21878] (#21878) for details.

    The --persist-docs flag requires Materialize >=0.68.0. Previous versions do not have support for the COMMENT ON syntax, which is required to persist resource descriptions as column and relation comments in Materialize.

  • Load seeds into tables rather than materialized views.

    For historical reasons, dbt-materialize has loaded seed data by injecting the values from the CSV file in a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW AS ... statement. dbt-materialize now creates a table and loads the values from the CSV into that file, matching the behavior of other dbt adapters.

1.6.0 - 2023-10-12

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v1.6.0:

    • Support model contracts for view, materialized_view and table materializations. Materialize does not have a notion of constraints, so model- and column-level constraints are not supported.

    • Deprecate the custom materializedview materialization name in favor of materialized_view, which is built-in from dbt v1.6.


      {{ config( materialized = 'materialized_view' )}}


      {{ config( materialized = 'materializedview' )}}

      The deprecated materialization name will be removed in a future release of the adapter.

  • Enable the cluster configuration for tests, which allows specifying a target cluster for dbt test to run against (for both one-shot and continuous testing).

        +store_failures: true
        +schema: 'dbt_test_schema'
        +cluster: 'dbt_test_cluster'
  • Override the dbt init command to generate a project based on the quickstart, instead of the default project generated in dbt-core.

  • Breaking change. Set 255 as the maximum identifier length for relation names, after #20999 introduced a max_identifier_length session variable that enforces this limit in Materialize.

  • Support cancelling outstanding queries when pressing Ctrl+C.

1.5.1 - 2023-07-24

  • Enable the indexes config for table materializations.

1.5.0 - 2023-07-13

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v1.5.0. dbt contracts and dbt constraints are not supported in this release (see dbt-core #7213).

  • Fix a bug in the materialize__list_relations_without_caching macro which could cause the adapter to break for multi-output sources (#20483).

  • Expose owner in the dbt documentation, now that Materialize supports role-based access control (RBAC).

1.4.1 - 2023-04-28

  • Let Materialize automatically run introspection queries in the mz_introspection cluster via the new auto_route_introspection_queries session variable, instead of hardcoding the cluster on connection.

    This change requires Materialize >=0.49.0. Users of older versions should pin dbt-materialize to v1.4.0.

1.4.0 - 2023-02-03

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v1.4.0.

1.3.4 - 2023-01-19

  • Fix a bug where the adapter would fail if the pre-installed default cluster doesn't exist in Materialize (i.e. in case it was dropped by the user).

1.3.3 - 2023-01-05

  • Remove the 63-character limitation on relation names. Materialize does not have this limitation, unlike PostgreSQL (see dbt-core #2727).

  • Produce an error message when attempting to use the listagg cross-database macro. Materialize has native support for list_agg(), which should be used instead.

  • Remove the deprecated mz_generate_name macro.

1.3.2 - 2022-11-17

  • Add the IN CLUSTER clause to the custom seed materialization to ensure that seeds are created in the target cluster, rather than in the active cluster. This fixes a bug in 1.3.1 where seeds would run against the mz_introspection cluster, causing an error.

1.3.1 - 2022-11-15

  • Breaking change. Use mz_introspection as the initial active cluster on connection to ensure optimal performance for introspection queries.

    This change requires Materialize >=0.28.0. Users of older versions should pin dbt-materialize to v1.3.0.

1.3.0 - 2022-11-09

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v1.3.0.

  • Migrate cross-database macros from materialize-dbt-utils into the adapter, as a result of dbt-core #5298. The utils macros will be deprecated in the upcoming release of the package, and removed in a subsequent release.

1.2.1 - 2022-11-01

  • Add cluster to the connection parameters returned on dbt debug.

  • Disallow the cluster option for view materializations. In the new architecture, only materialized views and indexes are associated with a cluster.

1.2.0 - 2022-08-31

  • Enable additional configuration for indexes created on view, materializedview, or source materializations. Fix to use Materialize's internal naming convention when creating indexes without providing explicit names.

    • A new optional name parameter:
    {{ config(materialized='materializedview',
    indexes=[{'columns': ['col_1'], 'name':'col_1_idx'}]) }}
    SELECT ...
    • A new default parameter. Defaults to False. If set to True, will create default primary indexes.
    {{ config(materialized='materializedview',
      indexes=[{'default': True}]) }}
      SELECT ...
  • Enable configuration of clusters, which are a feature in a forthcoming version of Materialize, via:

    • A new cluster connection parameter, which specifies the default cluster for the connection.
    • A new cluster option for materializedview and view materializations. For materialized views, this determines the cluster in which the materialized view is created. For both views and materializedviews, this also determines the cluster in which any indexes are created by default. If unspecified, the default cluster for the connection is used.
    {{ config(materialized='materializedview', cluster='not_default') }}
      SELECT ...
    • A new cluster option for indexes on view, materializedview, or source materializations. If cluster is not supplied, indexes will be created in the cluster used to create the materialization.
    {{ config(materialized='view',
      indexes=[{'columns': ['col_1'], 'cluster': 'not_default', 'name':'col_1_idx'}]) }}
      SELECT ...
  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v1.2.0.

  • Fully deprecate the custom index materialization.

1.1.3 - 2022-08-17

  • Deprecate the mz_generate_name macro. The native Jinja function [{ { this }}] ( should be used to reference the relation instead.

    {{ config(materialized='source') }}
      CREATE SOURCE {{ this }} ...
  • Fix a bug that prevented old relations from being correctly dropped on re-creation.

  • Make custom materialization types available to dbt docs by swapping pg_catalog with mz_catalog metadata.

  • Migrate to new pytest testing framework.

1.1.2 - 2022-06-15

  • Mark the adapter as not supporting query cancellation, as Materialize does not support the pg_terminate_backend function that dbt uses to cancel queries.

1.1.1 - 2022-05-04

1.1.0 - 2022-05-02

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v1.1.0.

1.0.5 - 2022-04-26

  • Deprecate support for custom index materialization.

  • Enable defining indexes when creating a materializedview, view, or source using the indexes config.

    {{ config(materialized='view',
      indexes=[{'columns':['symbol']}]) }}

1.0.4 - 2022-03-27

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v1.0.4.

1.0.3.post1 - 2022-03-16

  • Produce a proper error message when attempting to use an incremental materialization.

1.0.3 - 2022-02-27

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v1.0.3.

1.0.1.post3 - 2022-02-17

  • Fix a bug introduced in v1.0.1.post1 that prevented use of the custom materialization types (sink, source, index, and materializedview).

1.0.1.post2 - 2022-02-14

  • Execute hooks that specify transaction: true (#7675). In particular, this includes hooks that are configured as a simple string.

    Previously, dbt-materialize would only execute hooks that specified transaction: false. The new behavior matches the other non-transactional dbt adapters, which simply execute all hooks outside of a transaction regardless of their configured transaction behavior.

1.0.1.post1 - 2022-02-14

  • Disable transactions. This avoids errors of the form "CREATE ... must be executed outside of a transaction block" (materialize-dbt-utils#11).

    Materialize's transactions are not powerful enough to support dbt's use cases. Disabling transactions follows the precedent set by the dbt-snowflake and dbt-bigquery adapters.

  • Respect type overrides in the views created by seeds.

  • Fix the implementation of the list_relations_without_caching macro. Previously it always returned an empty list of relations.

1.0.1 - 2022-01-03

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v1.0.1.

1.0.0 - 2021-12-11

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v1.0.0.

0.21.0 - 2021-10-05

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v0.21.0.

0.20.2 - 2021-09-08

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v0.20.2.

0.20.1.post1 - 2021-08-18

  • Breaking change. Remove the mz_create_source, mz_drop_source, mz_create_sink, mz_drop_sink, mz_create_index, and mz_drop_index macros as they caused incorrect behavior in dbt docs (#7810).

  • Add three new custom materialization types: source, index, and sink. These replace the aforementioned macros that were removed in this release.

0.20.1 - 2021-08-12

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v0.20.1.

0.20.0 - 2021-08-06

  • Upgrade to dbt-postgres v0.20.0.

  • Add the mz_create_index and mz_drop_index macros to manage the creation and deletion of indexes.

  • Add the mz_create_sink and mz_drop_sink macros to manage the creation and deletion of sinks.

0.18.1.post4 - 2021-07-14

  • Add the mz_create_source and mz_drop_source macros to manage the creation and deletion of sources, respectively.

0.18.1.post3 - 2021-06-17

  • Support the sslcert, sslkey, and sslrootcert parameters for specifying a TLS client certificate. Notably, this allows using dbt-materialize with the new architecture of Materialize.

0.18.1.post2 - 2021-04-21

  • Account for changes in how Materialize v0.7.3+ handles transactions.

0.18.1.post1 - 2021-03-17

  • Fix a bug in the get_catalog macro which could cause column types to be incorrectly determined (#6063). This most notably caused information about model columns to be missing in the documentation generated by dbt docs.

0.18.1 - 2021-02-25

Initial release.