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Matheus Alves edited this page Aug 22, 2019 · 18 revisions

The Library

This library is dedicated to facilitate the lives of the react-native Android developers. With this library you will be closer of the Android Native API. You can show Toast; Play Sound; Play Video; Download Files; get status infos, like battery charge and a lot of others features.

The library is in constant development, so, go to the Issues if you see a bug or have a amazing idea to share.

On the side menu(or bellow), you can check the Docs of the features implemented until now.

List of Features:

Click on the feature name to see how to use.

  • AdMob - The most popular and easy way to monetise your applications.
  • Toast - A simple and native feature to show alerts to Android users.
  • AndroidSystemStatus - Give informations about Battery, Geolocation, Connection, and more.
  • Vibrator - Allows you to perform vibration effects on devices.
  • Sound - Play songs from app resources, local file or internet.
  • KeepAwake - Keep the screen or the CPU awake to you application.
  • FileSystem - Navigate through the file system and read or write files.
  • Downloader - Download files through the native Download Manager of Android system.
  • Video - A React Component that display video with some controls to the user.
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