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🌟 SwApp

Lovingly crafted StarWars API tools and resources in Death Star


🔮 Preview Page

🔗 Access: and set to mobile mode.

💻 Instalation

  • 1- Install NodeJS
  • 2- Install Ionic
    npm install -g @ionic/cli
  • 3- Clone the repository
  • 4- On folder
    npm install
  • 5- To run
    ionic server

📄 Pages

🏠 Home

home This is the first page from SwApp and its an apresentation of all project.
Here we can find some informations about the latest games, features and news.

🎥 Films & Series

film serie This pages shows movies and series of StarWars, pushing from StarWars API.
Each card has a resume of film/serie with two buttons its can display the opening crawl or redirectly to trailer. And, if want to view more, you can click above the card.

🧮 List

list This pages its like database of all characters, planets, species, films, series and vehicles.
You can search by name to filter the database and you can click above to show more about the name.

♾️ Random

random This page, fristly show 4 buttons with a image to select. Each button its like a generator.
This generator calcs a random number, and with this number its showed the short information respectively of the button.
To finish, its showed 3 buttons, to generate the next, to change whats its generated and to see the previous generation.

ℹ️ Info


This page its the most important, here we can view all information that the API shares.
So, the page receive an item, and with this, can discover if its a character, planet, vehicle, film or serie.
First the information its a image of the item and a complete description, and to finsh are 3 segments with Technical Data, Info Production and Ideology of item.

🔗 Links


🎓 Creators

Daniel Baião
Henrique Mendes
Lucas Herranz
Matheus Muniz
Pedro Lisboa