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Question: Do you have a plan to support Ut Video Codec Suite? #407

yumetodo opened this issue May 12, 2019 · 11 comments

Question: Do you have a plan to support Ut Video Codec Suite? #407

yumetodo opened this issue May 12, 2019 · 11 comments


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Ut Video Codec Suite is a fast lossless video codec(GPL2 software).

This project already supports Lagarith, however, Ut Video Codec Suite is about 3x faster ( or more!) than Lagarith.

Look up this benchmark.
After this benchmark, Ut Video Codec Suite release more fast codec( UtVideo T2 (UMxx)) on version 19.0.1.
The new benchmark shows the speed.

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Lagarith support in Captura is through Vfw (Video for Windows) api in SharpAvi.
I saw that Ut Video also supports that but I'm unable to find itsFOURCC.

BTW, Lagarith is implemented in just a few lines. It doesn't really bring out its whole potential but it works.

public static AviCodec Lagarith { get; } = new AviCodec(new FourCC("LAGS"), "Lagarith (Install Manually)");

yield return new SharpAviItem(AviCodec.Lagarith, "Lagarith codec needs to be installed manually and configured to use RGB mode with Null Frames disabled.");

If someone finds the FOURCC, it's pretty easy to add the codec.
This is a good first issue for anyone willing to begin contributing to Captura.
I've added links to both the files which need to change.
Basically, copy the code for Lagarith codec, change the Codec name, FOURCC and put a simple description.
Also, make sure the codec works with Captura after adding the code. It will be available under SharpAvi writer.

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ULY0, ULY2, ULRA, ULRG are the FourCC codes according to Wikipedia.

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UMH2, UMY2, UMH4, UMY4, UMRA, UMRG is T2 family

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RGB32, RGB24, YV24, YV16, YUY2 is supported as input color space. Which should be preferred?

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Captura supports only RGB32 as of now.

I'm trying to write GPU based conversion of RGB32 to YUV formats which will surely improve the performance.

So, in future we might be able to use YUY2 or YV12.

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RGB to NV12 on GPU before sending frames to FFmpeg

Is that means the things you said last year became true?

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Yup. But, the only format I could convert to using MediaFoundation was NV12.
I'm not sure if this works on everyone's systems though.

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yumetodo commented Mar 30, 2020

BTW, Lagarith is implemented in just a few lines. It doesn't really bring out its whole potential but it works.

I just now trying to implement supporting ut video codec. However, it's not so much easy.

Captura v0.0.0.0
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home|C
64-bit OS
64-bit Process
4 processor(s)

Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz
NumberOfCores: 2
NumberOfLogicalProcessors: 4

Name: 物理メモリ
Capacity: 8589934592

Name: 物理メモリ
Capacity: 8589934592

Name: NVIDIA GeForce 940MX
AdapterRAM: 2147483648

Name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 620
AdapterRAM: 1073741824

Desktop: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1080}
Screen: \\.\DISPLAY1: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1080}
Mic: マイク配列 (Conexant SmartAudio HD)
Speaker: スピーカー (Conexant SmartAudio HD)
Webcam: Integrated Camera

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Error calling wrapped encoder. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: No compatible MPEG-4 encoder found.
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.Mpeg4VideoEncoderVcm..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height, Double fps, Int32 frameCount, Int32 quality, FourCC[] codecPreference)
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.EncodingStreamFactory.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<AddMpeg4VideoStream>b__0()
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.SingleThreadedVideoEncoderWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass15_0`1.<DispatcherInvokeAndPropagateException>b__0()
   --- 内部例外スタック トレースの終わり ---
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.SingleThreadedVideoEncoderWrapper.WrapAndRethrowException(Exception wrappedException)
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.SingleThreadedVideoEncoderWrapper.DispatcherInvokeAndPropagateException[TResult](Func`1 func)
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.SingleThreadedVideoEncoderWrapper..ctor(Func`1 encoderFactory)
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.EncodingStreamFactory.AddMpeg4VideoStream(AviWriter writer, Int32 width, Int32 height, Double fps, Int32 frameCount, Int32 quality, Nullable`1 codec, Boolean forceSingleThreadedAccess)
   場所 Captura.Models.AviWriter.CreateVideoStream(Int32 Width, Int32 Height) 場所 C:\Users\yumetodo\Source\Repos\Captura\src\Captura.SharpAvi\AviWriter.cs:行 87
   場所 Captura.Models.AviWriter..ctor(String FileName, AviCodec Codec, IImageProvider ImageProvider, Int32 FrameRate, IAudioProvider AudioProvider) 場所 C:\Users\yumetodo\Source\Repos\Captura\src\Captura.SharpAvi\AviWriter.cs:行 48
   場所 Captura.Models.SharpAviItem.GetVideoFileWriter(VideoWriterArgs Args) 場所 C:\Users\yumetodo\Source\Repos\Captura\src\Captura.SharpAvi\SharpAviItem.cs:行 21
   場所 Captura.ViewModels.RecordingModel.GetVideoFileWriter(IImageProvider ImgProvider, IAudioProvider AudioProvider, RecordingModelParams RecordingParams, String FileName) 場所 C:\Users\yumetodo\Source\Repos\Captura\src\Captura.Core\ViewModels\RecordingModel.cs:行 466
   場所 Captura.ViewModels.RecordingModel.GetVideoFileWriterWithPreview(IImageProvider ImgProvider, IAudioProvider AudioProvider, RecordingModelParams RecordingParams) 場所 C:\Users\yumetodo\Source\Repos\Captura\src\Captura.Core\ViewModels\RecordingModel.cs:行 440
   場所 Captura.ViewModels.RecordingModel.SetupVideoRecorder(IAudioProvider AudioProvider, RecordingModelParams RecordingParams, IMouseKeyHook MouseKeyHook) 場所 C:\Users\yumetodo\Source\Repos\Captura\src\Captura.Core\ViewModels\RecordingModel.cs:行 147
Captura v0.0.0.0
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home|C
64-bit OS
64-bit Process
4 processor(s)

Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz
NumberOfCores: 2
NumberOfLogicalProcessors: 4

Name: 物理メモリ
Capacity: 8589934592

Name: 物理メモリ
Capacity: 8589934592

Name: NVIDIA GeForce 940MX
AdapterRAM: 2147483648

Name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 620
AdapterRAM: 1073741824

Desktop: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1080}
Screen: \\.\DISPLAY1: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1080}
Mic: マイク配列 (Conexant SmartAudio HD)
Speaker: スピーカー (Conexant SmartAudio HD)
Webcam: Integrated Camera

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Error calling wrapped encoder. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: No compatible MPEG-4 encoder found.
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.Mpeg4VideoEncoderVcm..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height, Double fps, Int32 frameCount, Int32 quality, FourCC[] codecPreference)
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.EncodingStreamFactory.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<AddMpeg4VideoStream>b__0()
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.SingleThreadedVideoEncoderWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass15_0`1.<DispatcherInvokeAndPropagateException>b__0()
   --- 内部例外スタック トレースの終わり ---
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.SingleThreadedVideoEncoderWrapper.WrapAndRethrowException(Exception wrappedException)
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.SingleThreadedVideoEncoderWrapper.DispatcherInvokeAndPropagateException[TResult](Func`1 func)
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.SingleThreadedVideoEncoderWrapper..ctor(Func`1 encoderFactory)
   場所 SharpAvi.Codecs.EncodingStreamFactory.AddMpeg4VideoStream(AviWriter writer, Int32 width, Int32 height, Double fps, Int32 frameCount, Int32 quality, Nullable`1 codec, Boolean forceSingleThreadedAccess)
   場所 Captura.Models.AviWriter.CreateVideoStream(Int32 Width, Int32 Height) 場所 C:\Users\yumetodo\Source\Repos\Captura\src\Captura.SharpAvi\AviWriter.cs:行 87
   場所 Captura.Models.AviWriter..ctor(String FileName, AviCodec Codec, IImageProvider ImageProvider, Int32 FrameRate, IAudioProvider AudioProvider) 場所 C:\Users\yumetodo\Source\Repos\Captura\src\Captura.SharpAvi\AviWriter.cs:行 48
   場所 Captura.Models.SharpAviItem.GetVideoFileWriter(VideoWriterArgs Args) 場所 C:\Users\yumetodo\Source\Repos\Captura\src\Captura.SharpAvi\SharpAviItem.cs:行 21
   場所 Captura.ViewModels.RecordingModel.GetVideoFileWriter(IImageProvider ImgProvider, IAudioProvider AudioProvider, RecordingModelParams RecordingParams, String FileName) 場所 C:\Users\yumetodo\Source\Repos\Captura\src\Captura.Core\ViewModels\RecordingModel.cs:行 466
   場所 Captura.ViewModels.RecordingModel.GetVideoFileWriterWithPreview(IImageProvider ImgProvider, IAudioProvider AudioProvider, RecordingModelParams RecordingParams) 場所 C:\Users\yumetodo\Source\Repos\Captura\src\Captura.Core\ViewModels\RecordingModel.cs:行 440
   場所 Captura.ViewModels.RecordingModel.SetupVideoRecorder(IAudioProvider AudioProvider, RecordingModelParams RecordingParams, IMouseKeyHook MouseKeyHook) 場所 C:\Users\yumetodo\Source\Repos\Captura\src\Captura.Core\ViewModels\RecordingModel.cs:行 147

What is MPEG-4 Encoder? What is single thread video encoder wrapper?

Ut Video Codec is a multi-thread, non-MPEG-4 codec. Today, almost all vfw codec supports multi-thread. (AMV4 is an exception because it is enough fast in a single thread.) I don't know why SharpAvi team think SingleThreadedVideoEncoderWrapper is clever.

In any case, I'm currently debugging GetCompressor why it returns nullptr.


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yumetodo commented Mar 30, 2020

I cut out GetCompressor implementation and debugging now.


In compressorInfo returned via argument of ICGetInfo, flags is 0. As a result, compressorInfo.SupportsFastTemporalCompression is false.

So, I investigated the Ut Video Codec implementation.

icinfo->dwFlags      = m_pCodec->IsTemporalCompressionSupported() ? (VIDCF_TEMPORAL | VIDCF_FASTTEMPORALC | VIDCF_FASTTEMPORALD) : 0;

When m_pCodec->IsTemporalCompressionSupported() is false, flags will be 0.


I'm investigating why SharpAvi requests such a limitation.

BTW, As a result, only when UMxx family(UtVideo T2 familly), compressorInfo.SupportsFastTemporalCompression can be true.

So, I change FourCC to UMH2 and tried again. And then, capture was worked!

However, the produced movie file is broken.

  • Windows Media Player:
  • Aviutl:

The produced broken avi file is here.!ulNxBSbb!mVcY6ieqywYIgBVhvlwy_CfwkV7VMEwYUckiNF_vJFI

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Umm... These things are quite over my head. I'm no expert when it comes to video encoding.
I checked and found that FFmpeg supports a codec named utvideo. How about trying to encode using FFmpeg?

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yumetodo commented Mar 31, 2020

FFmpeg(avcodec) doesn't support ut video codec as an encoder.

 * Ut Video decoder

AVCodec ff_utvideo_decoder = {
    .name           = "utvideo",
    .long_name      = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Ut Video"),
    .type           = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
    .id             = AV_CODEC_ID_UTVIDEO,
    .priv_data_size = sizeof(UtvideoContext),
    .init           = decode_init,
    .close          = decode_end,
    .decode         = decode_frame,
    .capabilities   = AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1 | AV_CODEC_CAP_FRAME_THREADS,
    .caps_internal  = FF_CODEC_CAP_INIT_THREADSAFE,

extern AVCodec ff_utvideo_decoder;

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