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Why use a Computer Aided Design (CAD) mesh?

Matthew Hockley edited this page Oct 22, 2020 · 2 revisions

Computer Aided Design (CAD) has been around for decades for the creation and modification of a design in a digital space. Users opt for CAD packages as it is a fast and easy way to produce complex geometries.

Dolfin base mesh generation package can generate simple geometries such as square/box channels or cylinders. However it is difficult to create designs such as spiral or with multiple features compared to CAD packages.

Many packages exist and it is down to user discretion which CAD software to use. A personal favourite is AutoDesk Inventor due to the easy of use however it does have substantial costs. The CAD design will be the channels we want to model. In the spiral image below, the channels are square which begin from the centre of the model, spiral and split into two outlets at the end.

Regardless if ultimately producing a 2D or 3D mesh, the CAD needs to be 3D. The CAD can be converted to 2D later during the Meshio import step. Additionally, it is important to create the sketch on the X-Y axis base and extrude in the Z axis otherwise it can cause problems with the 2D import.

3D Spiral Channel