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This project is not just about learning a new language, ecosystem and framework. It's more so a simulation of the real world where you inherit an existing code base in a language / framework that you are not comfortable with. Welcome to the real world.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


A mini e-commerce application built with Rails 6.1 for purposes of teaching Rails by example.


  • Run bundle install to install dependencies
  • Create config/database.yml by copying config/database.example.yml
  • Create config/secrets.yml by copying config/secrets.example.yml
  • Run bin/rails db:reset to create, load and seed db
  • Create .env file based on .env.example
  • Sign up for a Stripe account
  • Put Stripe (test) keys into appropriate .env vars
  • Run bin/rails s -b to start the server


If Rails is complaining about authentication to the database, uncomment the user and password fields from config/database.yml in the development and test sections, and replace if necessary the user and password development to an existing database user.

Preview After Revisions

Add Products to Cart

Add Products to Cart

Cart Checkout

Cart Checkout

Stock Control

Stock Control

Stripe Testing

Use Credit Card # 4111 1111 1111 1111 for testing success scenarios.

More information in their docs:


  • Rails 6.1 Rails Guide
  • Bootstrap 5
  • PostgreSQL 9.x
  • Stripe

Dev Dependencies

  • cypress
  • webpack-dev-server

Project Description

There are multiple high-level goals to this project:

  • Become familiar with Ruby and the Rails framework
  • Learn how to navigate an existing code-base
  • Use existing code style and approach to implement new features in unfamiliar territory
  • Apply previous learning tactics to research and become familiar with a new paradigm, language and framework
  • A simulation of the real world where feature and bug-fix requests are listed instead of step-by-step instructions on how to implement a solution

Functional Requirements for this project

Feature: Sold Out Badge

  • Major: When a product has 0 quantity, a sold out badge should be displayed on the product list page
  • Minor: Should ideally be implemented as a question/boolean method in view helper and/or Product model

Feature: Admin Categories

  • Major: Admin users can list and create new categories
  • Major: Admins can add new products using the new category
  • Major: Restful routes (resources) should be used, and there should be no extra, unused routes exposed
  • Bonus: All admin controllers inherit from Admin::BaseController (or similarly named) abstract controller, containing the authentication filter

Feature: User Authentication

  • Major: As a Visitor I can go to the registration page from any page in order to create an account
  • Major: As a Visitor I can sign up for a user account with my e-mail, password, first name and last name
  • Major: As a Visitor I can sign in using my e-mail and password
  • Major: As a User I can log out from any page
  • Major: As a User I cannot sign up with an existing e-mail address (uniqueness validation)
  • Major: Passwords are not stored as plain text in the database. Instead, has_secure_password is used in the User model, leveraging the bcrypt gem

Enhancement: Order Details Page

  • Major: The order page contains items, their image, name, description, quantities and line item totals
  • Major: The final amount for the order is displayed
  • Minor: The email that was used to place the order is displayed
  • Minor: As a Visitor I can place an order (i.e. without logging in and therefore without an e-mail address). The original functionality from the inherited code (even though it is not realistic) should therefore not be suppressed.

Bug: Missing Admin Security

  • Major: User must enter HTTP auth login/password to access admin functionality
  • Bonus: Should ideally be implemented in an abstract top-level class for admin controllers (e.g., Admin::BaseController which the other concrete admin controllers inherit)

Bug: Checking Out with Empty Cart

  • Major: When the cart is empty and the user goes to the carts#show page, instead of displaying the contents and a stripe checkout button, display a friendly message about how it is empty and link to the home page


  • Minor: The git commit history should have multiple commits and reasonable commit messages. There should be good use of branching and merging for each feature.


This project is not just about learning a new language, ecosystem and framework. It's more so a simulation of the real world where you inherit an existing code base in a language / framework that you are not comfortable with. Welcome to the real world.






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