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Matteo edited this page Apr 7, 2023 · 4 revisions


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Print the list of commands

/settings help

Print the list of server commands and settings


Print the list of online users


Print the list of admins


Print the list of unblocked users


Print the list of muted users


Print the list of banned users

/dm <user>; <message>

Send <message> only to <user>

/op <user>

Gives <user> admin permissions

/deop <user>

Remove <user> admin permissions

/setbot <user>

Prevent <user> from being blocked (useful for bots)

/delbot <user>

Revert /setbot

/mute <user>

Mute <user>

/unmute <user>

Unmute <user>

/kick <user>

Disconnect <user>

/ban <user>

Ban <user>

/unban <user>

Unban <user>


It's a donut!


Print your IP address


Open terminal and run /ipconfig

/ping <address>

Get latency beetween your pc and <address>


Show credits page


Clear terminal


Disconnect yourself