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What is SurveyUs?

SurveyUs is the flagship application produced by the creatives at Mattastic-Voyage Industries. One part survey, one part the adventure of taking a survey, SurveyUs aims to streamline the surveying process by asking users the tough questions and limiting their responses to the answers we like.

  • Example:
  • Question 1: On a truth scale between 1 and 5, rate who your favorite band is and why is it the Rolling Stones?
  • Answer 1: True: "They're my faaaaavorite!" [ 5 ] | False: "They're beyond my faaaaavorite!" [ 5 ]

By signing up with SurveyUs, you unlock the ability to create true/false surveys for an anonymous audience, allowing you to tabulate the general feeling of a population on your crafted topic.

SurveyUs: For when the answers don't matter ¯|(ツ)

User Stories

  • As an unregistered user, I would like to sign up with email and password.
  • As a registered user, I would like to sign in with email and password.
  • As a signed in user, I would like to change password.
  • As a signed in user, I would like to sign out.
  • As a signed in user, I would like to create a survey with a title and possible answers.
  • As a signed in user, I would like to update my survey’s title and possible answers of a survey.
  • As a signed in user, I would like to delete my survey.
  • As a signed in user, I would like to see all surveys and its answers.
  • As an unregistered user with a link/token/code, I would like to take a survey.




The planning and breakdown of this project happened over the course of several long form conversations. A special thanks to mjeder for the organization and itemization of requirements. Project Requirements Checklist.

Day 1: 20 minute Planning Standup Day 2: Back-End API Sprint Day 3: CRUD Sprint Day 4: Survey Logic Day 5: Styling and Bug Testing
Description - Finalized the Survey prompt as our project choice
- Worked out a coding schedule, setting each day as a Sprint
- We 'mob programmed' the production of the API, while clearing through the smaller clerical/admin tasks. - Team Members volunteered to sprint draft one of each of the basic CRUD actions
- Team Members created their CRUD action, made a pull request upon completion, and then we came back together for code review before merging.
- For the app/survey logic, we split into pairs to team tackle the creation of the more nuanced parts of the client side production. As each feature was completed, we pushed up with a pull request, then reviewed the code as a team before merging. - We 'mob' programmed the styling as a group, committing and deploying after each major style change. The team members who weren't actively altering style were testing the deployed site for bugs between each deployment.
Matt Eder: - Downloaded the templates
- Initiated GH repositories for both the Client and API
- Main point of contact with instructors for communicating up our questions and securing conference times
- Greatly contributed to the mob programming of the API - Worked on and completed the Update function
- Worked closely with Eric Howard, Kenneth Cox, and Matt Moore
- Worked with Kenneth Cox to compete the index survey function
- Worked with Eric Howard, Kenneth Cox, and Matt Moore to solidfy the error on the response save
Eric Howard: - Tested the API with Postman
- Hard coded the API using VS Code
- Translated our models into the appropriate schema and routes
- Built the Create Survey component - Worked through the creation of the Show and Delete Function
- Worked closely with Matt Eder, Kenneth Cox, and Matt Moore to find and implement a solution to the TakeaSurvey creation
- Solved the response submit error we were encountering
- Worked with Matt Eder, Kenneth Cox, and Matt Moore to solidfy the error on the response save
Kenneth Cox: - Drew up the ERD
- Spearheaded the conversation to articulate the structure of the API
- Provided examples of previous successes to help inform the sculpting of the API
- Drove the coding while we mob programmed - Created the TakeaSurvey form and page
- All around Team MVP for identifying the patterns for the solutions to our problems
- Worked with Matt Eder to compete the index survey function
- Worked with Matt Eder, Eric Howard, and Matt Moore to solidfy the error on the response save
- Instrumental in the design process and logic developement of the survey rating system
Matt Moore: - Drew up the Wireframe
- Did the initial deployment of the Client to GH-Pages
- Drafted the
- Set up and deployed Heroku account
- Acted as Git guru for seamless merging of branches
- Modified the as needed
- Acted as tester for merges to the dev branch
- Acted as Git guru for seamless merging of branches
- Worked into the evening with Eric Howard and Kenneth Cox to find a solution to the TakeaSurvey page
- Styling
- Acted as Git guru for seamless merging of branches
- Finalized deployments to gh-pages and heroku
- Worked with Matt Eder, Eric Howard, and Kenneth Cox to solidfy the error on the response save

Technologies Employed

General Development Client Development API Development Deployment
GitHub React Express GH Pages
Atom React-Bootstrap Postman Heroku
VS Code Semantic UI React MongoDB
MDN Web Docs

Future Iterations

Stretch Goals

  • Temporary survey access
  • Question/form locks to prevent the surveyed from spamming answers

Problems Encountered

  • Problem
  • We solved the main problems we encountered on our way to Minimum Viable Product. Our aim is to accomplish some of our stretch goals as we roll forwards


Deployed Sites Repositories
Front End App: Client
Back End API: API
Team Home: Mattastic-Voyage


General Assembly | Project 3: Team Full-Stack application (client)







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Contributors 4
