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File metadata and controls

130 lines (106 loc) · 6.65 KB

Configuration File

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:

Config Mode

To generate an empty configuration file, type at the command line (or through its function, see the *vmam* module):

#> vmam config --new <path-to-configuration>.yml

If you don't specify the file path, it will create a configuration file in a default path: /etc/vmam/vmam.yml

The configuration file is in YAML format.

LDAP:                                       # LDAP section
  add_group_type:                           # LDAP objects that will receive the VLAN groups (user - computer)
  - user
  - computer
  bind_pwd: password                        # LDAP password of "bind_user"
  bind_user: test\administrator             # LDAP user with write privileges (admin)
  computer_base_dn: OU=PCs,DC=test,DC=local # LDAP base search of computer object
  domain: test.local                        # LDAP domain in dot format
  mac_user_base_dn: OU=mac,DC=test,DC=local # LDAP base search of mac-address user object
  match: like                               # Matching operator used for "verify_attrib" (like - match)
  mac_user_ttl: 30d                         # LDAP mac-address user time-to-live
  other_group:                              # Additional LDAP groups, in addition to those representing VLAN-IDs
  - all_vlans
  servers:                                  # LDAP servers (ip-address, hostname or FQDN)
  - dc1
  - dc2
  ssl: false                                # LDAP ssl connection (TCP port 636)
  time_computer_sync: 1m                    # Computers that have logged on to the domain N time ago
  tls: true                                 # LDAP start-tls
  user_base_dn: OU=user,DC=test,DC=bol      # LDAP base search of user object
  verify_attrib:                            # Verification attributes for considering a user of a certain VLAN
  - memberof
  write_attrib:                             # Vmam attribute used to write internal value
VMAM:                                       # VMAM section
  filter_exclude:                           # Mac-address filters to be excluded
  - TAP
  - disconnect
  log: /tmp/vmam.log                        # Path of vmam log
  remove_process: true                      # Enable vmam remove or disabling process; disabling depend of "soft_deletion"
  automatic_process_wait: 3                 # Integer represent seconds of wait for automatic process
  mac_format: none                          # Mac-address format (none - dot - hypens - colon)
  black_list: /etc/vmam/black.list          # File containing blacklisted mac-addresses
  soft_deletion: true                       # If this is true, the mac-addresses are disabled and not deleted
  user_match_id:                            # Based on the attribute specified in "verify_attrib". The key is the value to be matched while the value is the VLAN id
    OU=IT: 100
    OU=Sales: 101
    OU=HR: 102
  vlan_group_id:                            # The key is the group VLAN id. The value is the name of the LDAP group
    100: it_vlan
    101: sales_vlan
    102: hr_vlan
  winrm_pwd: password                       # WINRM password of "winrm_user"
  winrm_user: test\remoteadmin              # WINRM user with admin privileges

Keys and Values

Below are the key-value references for each reference and section of the configuration file.

LDAP section

This is the LDAP section

Key Value
add_group_type "user" or "computer" [list]
bind_user LDAP user with write privileges [string]
bind_pwd Password of "bind_user" [string]
computer_base_dn LDAP base search of computer object [string]
domain LDAP domain in dot format [string]
mac_user_base_dn LDAP base search of mac-address user object [string]
match "like" or "match" [string]
mac_user_ttl NumberString - Ns - 1s, 2m, 3h, 4d, 5w [string]
other_group Additional LDAP groups [list]
servers LDAP Server list [list]
ssl If "true", protocol is ldaps:// and port is 636 [boolean]
time_computer_sync NumberString - Ns - 1s, 2m, 3h, 4d, 5w [string]
tls If "true", starttls (if you have set "ssl", tls will not be considered) [boolean]
user_base_dn LDAP base search of user object [string]
verify_attrib Verification attributes for considering a user of a certain VLAN [string]
write_attrib Vmam attribute used to write internal value (if empty, employeeType is set) [string]

VMAM section

This is the VMAM section

Key Value
filter_exclude Mac-address filters to be excluded (See output of command getmac /fo csv /v) [list]
log Path of vmam log [string]
remove_process Enable vmam remove or disabling process; disabling depend of "soft_deletion" [boolean]
mac_format "none", "dot", "hypens" or "colon" [string]
black_list File containing blacklisted mac-addresses. The file can contains mac in any format and comment ("#comment") [string]
automatic_process_wait Integer represent seconds of wait for automatic process [int]
soft_deletion If this is "true", the mac-addresses are disabled and not deleted [boolean]
user_match_id Based on the attribute specified in "verify_attrib". The key is the value to be matched while the value is the VLAN id [dictionary]
vlan_group_id The key is the group VLAN id. The value is the name of the LDAP group [dictionary]
winrm_user WINRM user with admin privileges [string]
winrm_pwd WINRM password of "winrm_user" [string]

Get prerequisites configuration

Once you have compiled the configuration file with your values, to get the prerequisites scheme, just run this command:

vmam config --get-cmd <path-to-configuration>.yml

If you don't specify the file path, it will create a configuration file in a default path: /etc/vmam/vmam.yml