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Foreign Function Example for Python, Ruby and Node.js

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FFI Tutorial

A tutorial on the Foreign Function Interface for shared objects in different languages.

Example Object

The object at the core of the example is a template class, with a public attribute (n) and an additional read only attribute (id), which is the string equivalent of the this pointer (in C++)

template <typename T>
class Object {
    T n;
    Object(T n);
    string id;

C interface

For this object, two specialized C interface are provided, one for int type

extern "C" {
  void *object_int_init(int n);
  void object_int_destroy(void *self);
  int object_int_n_get(void *self);
  void *object_int_n_put(void *self, int n);
  const char *object_int_id(void *self);

and one for float type:

extern "C" {
  void *object_float_init(float n);
  void object_float_destroy(void *self);
  float object_float_n_get(void *self);
  void *object_float_n_put(void *self, float n);
  const char *object_float_id(void *self);

The real core of the problem is to have only in memory a representation of a generated object. This is done through a void pointer to an instance pointer.

#define VOIDPTR_2_OBJECT(x, type) reinterpret_cast<Object<type> *>(x)
#define OBJECT_2_VOIDPTR(x) reinterpret_cast<void *>(x)

Compile the library

The library should be compiled as a shared object. Looking at the Makefile:

	$(CXX) -Wall -std=c++11 library.cpp -fPIC -shared -o

-fPIC and -shared will do the job. Looking at the defined symbols (nm -g we can see the exported and demangled function (thanks to extern "C"):

0000000000001216 T object_float_destroy
0000000000001278 T object_float_id
00000000000011bd T object_float_init
0000000000001244 T object_float_n_get
0000000000001257 T object_float_n_put
0000000000001141 T object_int_destroy
000000000000119b T object_int_id
00000000000010f0 T object_int_init
000000000000116f T object_int_n_get
0000000000001180 T object_int_n_put

Foreign interface

We use three different languages:

  • Python 3: apt install python3-cffi or pip install cffi
  • Ruby: apt install ruby-ffi or gem install ffi
  • Node: npm install [-g] node-ffi


Python is a little more complex with respect to the other interface. It allows both an in-line and an off-line interface (the second one generates C code to compile and link with the shared object, while the first loads runtime the shared object).

Both version require a "C like" short header with only the function to import.

FFI Methods

from cffi import FFI

ffi = FFI()

  void *object_int_init(int n);
  void object_int_destroy(void *self);
  int object_int_n_get(void *self);
  void *object_int_n_put(void *self, int n);
  const char *object_int_id(void *self);

  void *object_float_init(float n);
  void object_float_destroy(void *self);
  float object_float_n_get(void *self);
  void *object_float_n_put(void *self, float n);
  const char *object_float_id(void *self);
libObject = ffi.dlopen("./")

all the methods are now in the libObject module. A function can be called with (e.g.) libObject.object_int_init(10).


Ruby is the simplest to be used IMHO

FFI Methods

require 'ffi'

module LibObject
  extend FFI::Library

  ffi_lib './'
  attach_function :object_int_init, [:int], :pointer
  attach_function :object_int_destroy, [:pointer], :void
  attach_function :object_int_n_get, [:pointer], :int
  attach_function :object_int_n_put, [:pointer, :int], :pointer
  attach_function :object_int_id, [:pointer], :string

  attach_function :object_float_init, [:float], :pointer
  attach_function :object_float_destroy, [:pointer], :void
  attach_function :object_float_n_get, [:pointer], :float
  attach_function :object_float_n_put, [:pointer, :float], :pointer
  attach_function :object_float_id, [:pointer], :string

all the methods are now in the LibObject module. A function can be called with (e.g.) LibObject.object_int_init(10).


Probably the git version of the module is required (the one in the repository does not compile?!?).

FFI Methods

var ffi = require('ffi');
var ref = require('ref');

var voidPtr = ref.refType('void');

var libObject = ffi.Library('./', {
  "object_int_init": [voidPtr , ['int']],
  "object_int_destroy": ['void' , [voidPtr]],
  "object_int_n_get": ['int' , [voidPtr]],
  "object_int_n_put": [voidPtr , [voidPtr, 'int']],
  "object_int_id": ['string', [voidPtr]],

  "object_float_init": [voidPtr , ['float']],
  "object_float_destroy": ['void' , [voidPtr]],
  "object_float_n_get": ['float' , [voidPtr]],
  "object_float_n_put": [voidPtr , [voidPtr, 'float']],
  "object_float_id": ['string' , [voidPtr]],

the ref module is required for pointers and references. A function can be called with (e.g.) libObject.object_int_init(10).


Foreign Function Example for Python, Ruby and Node.js






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