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#CanadaRox's TF2 Autoexec ##Info This is my person autoexec for TF2. It is a remake of the tf2compconfiguration tweaked for my own needs. My video settings are based on Chris's dx9frames FPS config with slightly better appearances.

The binds that are included are set up for my own personal taste on a COLEMAK keyboard and will not work on a regular keyboard! (ex my WASD keys are WARS)

##Important Note! This config unbinds all of your keys and sets its own binds. Backup your existing configs before you install it as Steam Cloud will remember all of the new binds. If you screw up your config, I will laugh at your misfortune!

##How to install Go to your TF2 folder (C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\your Steam login name\team fortress 2\tf\cfg). Copy all of the configuration files with the same directory structure into your cfg folder.


  • Shift + number will change to the corresponding class
  • F9-12 changes between class presents
  • Per slot aliases for each class allowing for easy customization
  • Null-cancelling movement script so you can be a 1337 scoot
  • derpjump script that automatically crouches when you jump and stays crouched while you hold space (disabled for solly demo and eng for better jump control)
  • L4D2 style "last_inv" that switches to your primary weapon if you are on anything else, and your secondary if you are on your primary
  • Viewmodels off for most non-melee weapons by default
  • Tweaked crosshair per weapon and class (I generally like large crosshairs so most of them are pretty big)
  • Useful per class scripts/tweaks

##Class Specific Features ###Scout

  • Primary crosshair is about the same size as fixed weapon spread (for FaN/Scatter/Sodapopper)
  • Primary and secondary viewmodels hidden


  • Shotgun crosshair is about the same size as fixed weapon spread
  • Primary and secondary viewmodels hidden


  • Primary and secondary weapon viewmodel hidden
  • Can't see your own fire allowing you to see more
  • Side mouse buttons give quick access to secondary and melee (holding pulls out the weapon, releasing returns to primary)


  • Viewmodels visible on all weapons


  • Primary and secondary viewmodels hidden
  • Primary crosshair is about the same size as minigun spread


  • Primary and secondary viewmodels hidden
  • Mouse3 destroys your sentry and builds a new one (doesn't work if the previous sentry is sapped)


  • Primary and secondary viewmodels hidden
  • Autoheal so you don't need to click mouse1 to start/continue healing (press M1 still switches targets)
  • Mouse2 switches to uber, drops intel, calls "Dispenser here" and tells your team you popped
  • Switching to needlegun enables "teammate radar" showing you where nearby teammates are
  • Mouse5 fakes an ubercall (and notifies your team it is fake in chat)


  • Primary and secondary viewmodels hidden
  • Small plus for sniper crosshair


  • All viewmodels enabled
  • Viewmodels are hidden when firing the primary weapon to keep it out of sight when it reloads
  • Pulling out and returning watches re-enable viewmodels so you can see your watch status
  • Mouse3 is a small zoom
  • Mouse4 changes team on disguise menu
  • Mouse5 is last disguise


CanadaRox's TF2 autoexec






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