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Library for global C# project link to unity, it's some stuff I create all the time when I work in new unity projects I made a library for use this more easily

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Library for global C# project link to unity, it's some stuff I create all the time when I work in new unity projects I made a library for use this more easily




Attribute used for change the label text of a property in the unity inspector

This attribute don't work on arrays, lists or their elements


Attribute used for change the label text of arrays or lists elements.

It can replace the element label by one word keeping the index of the element. It can also replace some elements by words without the index (the words are set in a array of nullable string), in this case if the elements index not match it will write element + the index or a word you chosed + the index.

This attribute don't work only on arrays or lists elements


Attribute which work like the Unity's attribute Range with a step



this abstract class is a child of Monobehaviour, it add a mathod ListenToEvent call on the Start (used for listening all event the MonoBehavior will have to listen), another method UnlistenToEvent called on the OnDestroy (used for unlistening all events the MonoBehavior listen) and the method AfterStart called after all Start of the project.

This function as created because for me the Awake is for initialise own properties of the class, on the Start we can link to other Monobehaviors. So for have interaction and initialisation with all Monobehavior initialized I use the AfterStart because that mean all monobehaviors are initialized.


It's an abstract class representing an AMonobehaviour which is a singleton. For used it you have to create a child of it and use the type of the child as parameter.

public class MyMonoBehaviourSingleton : AMonoBehaviourSingleton<MyMonoBehaviourSingleton>

So you will can have only one object with this component, if you put two you can select the behavior, it will destroy the old version and keep the new or keep the old and destroy the new but it will never keep several versions. You have another option in the editor for keep the object when you will change scene. So the object will never be destroyed and keep its values.



Behavior for the levels



This abstract class manage all the managers you will create. For used it you have to create a child of it and use the type of the child as parameter.

public class MyMainManager : AMainManager<MyMainManager>

It's a singleton it will get the manager you want and initialise it. It has a property managers which is it list of managers. This list is created at the awake of the MainManager. It's the managers wich will told to it to add them in it list in their start (so the list doesn't have a reference to the other managers before it).

In the function after start (see AMonobehavior) the MainManager will call init of all managers sort by there Init Order (see AManagedManager).

This class has a method GetFirstManager wich will get the first manager it has and GetFirstManager where TManaged is a child of AManagedManager,

MyManagedManager lManager = MyMainManager.instance.GetFirstManager<MyManagedManager>();

This last will get the first manager of this class, it's the only way to access to your managers.

It has a Method clear for clear all the managers et its list

The main goal of this class is to avoid to much singleton



This abstract class represent all the managers which will be managed by the MainManager. It has a property InitOrder this one will say the order of call the Init between two ManagedManagers, if you have MyManagedManagerA which have an InitOrder set to 1 and MyManagedManagerB with an InitOrder set to 2, then the Init of the MyManagedManagerA will be call before the one of MyManagedManagerB. In its start, the ManagedManager call a function for add itself in the MainManager.


It's a AManagedManager containing a list typed T called objects. For create a AManagerWithList you have to specify T

public class MyManagerWithListOfCarrot : AManagerWithList<Carrot>

Abstract parent of all AManagerWithList which will managed the ALevelBehavior objects


AManagerWithList managing all the AMenuScreen. In its Awake, it will active all AMenuScreen it has in it list for call their awake and Start. And in the Init of the Manager it will active false all it screen. You will have to set the screens in the list using the editor of Unity.




This will represent UI screens (like MainMenu, OptionsMenu...) it has two functions, open and close, wich will SetActive true or false on its gameobject.


A screen will be used for validate an action it has two buttons, one for validate, the other for invalidate


Screen waiting an user action to do something, it will be used, for example, at the first screen in a game waiting a click.



This class need the UnityEngine.UI.Button component on it object for work. It will listen the events of the button and do actions with it. It will be used for more control and do actions in the C# script and not in the unity Editor, better for encapsulation and control our code. When we click on the button the function OnButtonClicked will be called.


It's a AButtonListener which will exit the application when the button will be clicked


Button Listener which send a boolean state when we click on it.


ABooleanButtonListener which has a state configurable in the inspector


ABooleanButtonListener which always send true


ABooleanButtonListener which always send false


Parent of all CloseScreenButtonListener it's used for the custom editor, it give the choice to close the parent Screen or a screen set in the Unity Editor


It's a ACloseScreenButtonListener which will close a screen when the button will be clicked. We have to chose the type of the Screen to close.


It's a ATypedCloseScreenButtonListener which type the screen to close with AMenuScreen


####### ASwitchScreenButtonListener

Parent of all SwitchScreenButtonListener it's used for the custom editor, it's a child of ACloseScreenButtonListener

####### ATypedSwitchScreenButtonListener<TToOpen,TToClose>

It's a ASwitchScreenButtonListener which will open a screen when the button will be clicked, in more than close another one. The screen to open will be set in the Unity editor. We have to chose the type of the Screen to open and the one to close.

####### SwitchScreenButtonListener It's a ATypedSwitchScreenButtonListene r which type the screens to open and to close with AMenuScreen



Pool element which will create game objects


Pool initializer which contain a list of GameObjectElement (this last can be updated in unity inspector)

Overide this class for add more list editables, and overide the property elements for used all your list


Manager which manage all the pools and their container. It wait a typeparam for it Initializer container which is a PoolInitializerContainer.



Abstract class used for show a visual feedback with code


AVisualFeedBack which will desapear after a time


Manager used for manage all visual feedbacks




This script is linked to the CloseScreenButtonListener class, it show a checkbox ScreenToCloseIsParent if this checkbox is checked then so the screen to close is the object parent of the script, if not we need to set the object to close, so the property is showed in the Unity editor.


This script is linked to the SwitchScreenButtonListener class, it is a child of CloseScreenButtonListenerEditor, so it work like it but add the possibility to set a screen to open.



Linked to the CustomLabel attribute, it change the property's label


Linked to the CustomElementLabel attribute, it change the Element's label


Linked to the RangeWithStep attribute, it apply the step on the slider in the unity inspector GUI


Static class for implement default GUI styles used in editor




Enum used for know the game state (in menu, in game, loading, pause) it has an instance in the MainManager


Enum used for know if we want to wait the end of frames, seconds or fixed updated


Constants global to all the project


All global static events used in the managers

Made with Unity 2020.1.0f1 and .Net Standard 2.1


Library for global C# project link to unity, it's some stuff I create all the time when I work in new unity projects I made a library for use this more easily






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