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Reset the last layer for exploration in RL.

Abstract of the original paper

"The Primacy Bias in Deep Reinforcement Learning"

Evgenii Nikishin, Max Schwarzer, Pierluca D’Oro, Pierre-Luc Bacon, Aaron Courville

This work identifies a common flaw of deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms: a tendency to rely on early interactions and ignore useful evidence encountered later. Because of training on progressively growing datasets, deep RL agents incur a risk of overfitting to earlier experiences, negatively affecting the rest of the learning process. Inspired by cognitive science, we refer to this effect as the primacy bias. Through a series of experiments, we dissect the algorithmic aspects of deep RL that exacerbate this bias. We then propose a simple yet generally-applicable mechanism that tackles the primacy bias by periodically resetting a part of the agent. We apply this mechanism to algorithms in both discrete (Atari 100k) and continuous action (DeepMind Control Suite) domains, consistently improving their performance.

"Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.” –Isaac Asimov

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State-of-art result of Dopamine on the training of Cartpole over 100 iterations for 10 times

Alt text

Enhancing Dopamine with Restart Functionality: A Step-by-Step Guide

Forward Last Layer Restart

First, we add the restart to the last layer only. Below, we explain the steps forward in the Last Layer Restart process.

First Step: Forward Last Layer Restart

Since in the Colab Notebook we use: = @gym_lib.CartpoleDQNNetwork

In "" we added to the method init:

  self.online_convnet_state = self.online_convnet.get_weights()

Second Step: Forward Last Layer Restart

Change the Colab Notebook so that clone our forked repo "" in order to Install Dopamine:


  !git clone

Third Step: Forward Last Layer Restart

In "", add to the ResetWeights method:

  def ResetWeights(self):

    print("Resetting weights...")
    if self.reset_last_layer:
      print("Resetting last layer!")

    if self.reset_dense1:
      print("Resetting dense1 layer!")

    if self.reset_dense2:
      print("Resetting dense2 layer!")

    # Reset the optimizer state
    optimizer_reset = tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(self.optimizer_state)


Our primary objective was to substantiate the hypothesis that incorporating the periodic resetting strategy enhances the overall score.

Plot 1

![Alt text](( This plot illustrates the outcomes when resetting all three layers at a frequency of 500 iterations with 100 evaluation steps. Notably, the mean scores showed a discernible improvement, supporting the efficacy of the resetting approach.

Plot 2

Alt text This plot presents results from resetting only the second and last layers, conducted every 200 iterations with 1000 evaluation steps. This configuration yielded very promising outcomes, further reinforcing the positive impact of periodic resetting on the DQN agent’s performance in the CartPole environment.

Plot 3 & 4

Adding also the visualization of the variance we have: Alt text

Alt text

Legend meaning: DQN = no reset DQN + reset = reset all the layers DQN + reset 2 = reset only the last 2 the layers


Reset the last layer for exploration in RL.







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