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Co-authored-by: Magnar Sveen <>
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cjohansen and magnars committed Oct 12, 2023
1 parent a0d7a57 commit c784c76
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Showing 2 changed files with 143 additions and 136 deletions.
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions src/matvaretabellen/search.cljc
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
"This is a way too short and over-simplified implementation of some concepts
loosely borrowed from Elastic Search. It works on an in-memory index
represented by a map, and may be suitable to power searches in client-side
datasets that aren't big enough to require the bells and whistles of a more
tuned implementation.
Indexing a document consists of breaking its content into tokens and storing
them in named indexes. Each named sub-index can use a different stack of
tokenizers. When querying, you can tokenize the query using the same tools,
combine different indexes with logical AND/OR, and apply boosts.
There are tokenizers for words in strings, ngrams and edge ngrams. See
individual functions for details."
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
#?(:clj (:import (java.text Normalizer))))

(def sep-re #"[/\.,_\-\?!\s\n\r\(\)\[\]:]+")

(defn tokenize-lower-case
"Converts a string to a single lower case token"
[(str/lower-case (str/trim s))])

(defn tokenize-words
"Converts a string to a sequence of word tokens, removing punctuation."
(filter not-empty (str/split s sep-re)))

(defn tokenize-numberless [s]
[(str/replace s #"\d" "")])

(defn tokenize-ngrams
"Converts a string to ngram tokens. When only one number is passed, only that
sized ngrams are produced, otherwise, every length ngram from `min-n` to
`max-n` is produced.
(tokenize-ngrams 1 2 \"Hello\") ;;=> (\"H\" \"e\" \"l\" \"l\" \"o\"
;; \"He\" \"el\" \"ll\" \"lo\")
([n word]
(tokenize-ngrams n n word))
([min-n max-n word]
(->> (for [n (range min-n (inc max-n))]
(->> word
(partition n 1)
(map str/join)))
(apply concat))))

(defn tokenize-edge-ngrams
"Converts a string to ngram tokens from the beginning of the string.
When only one number is passed, ngrams of size 1 to `n` are produced,
otherwise, every length ngram from `min-n` to `max-n` is produced.
(tokenize-edge-ngrams 1 5 \"Hello\") ;;=> (\"H\" \"He\" \"Hel\" \"Hell\" \"Hello\")
([n word]
(tokenize-edge-ngrams 1 n word))
([min-n max-n word]
(for [n (range min-n (inc (min max-n (count word))))]
(str/join (take n word)))))

(defn tokenize
"Converts value `x` to tokens with the provided `tokenizers`. `tokenizers` is a
seq of functions that take a single value and return a seq of tokens. The type
of value `x` and the produced tokens are arbitrary and up to the user, but
tokenizers must compose. Built-in tokenizers mostly only work with strings for
`x` (some accept keywords) and all produce a sequence of strings."
[x & [tokenizers]]
(fn [tokens f] (mapcat f tokens))
(remove nil? (if (coll? x) x [x]))
(or tokenizers [vector])))

(defn remove-diacritics [s]
[(-> #?(:clj (Normalizer/normalize s java.text.Normalizer$Form/NFD)
:cljs (.normalize s "NFD"))
(str/replace #"[\u0300-\u0309\u030B-\u036F]" "")
(str/replace #"a\u030A" "å"))])

(def stop-words
{:nb #{"og" "eller" "men" "for" "om" "som" "at" "av" "til" "fra" "med"
"" "i" "mv" "el" "by" "mm" "pr" "au" "kg" "vit" "stk" "mnd"}
:en #{"and" "or" "but" "for" "if" "of" "when" "as" "with" "from" "by"
"to" "at" "in" "on" "el" "au" "kg" "vit"}})

(defn short? [n token]
(<= (count token) n))

(defn get-field-syms [field xs]
(for [[word weight] (into [] (frequencies xs))]
{:field field :sym word :weight weight}))

(defn filter-tokens [filters tokens]
(reduce (fn [tokens filter]
(remove filter tokens)) tokens filters))

(defn get-searchable-name [locale food]
(->> (conj
(get-in food [:food/search-keywords locale])
(get-in food [:food/name locale]))
(str/join " ")))

(defn create-schema [locale]
{:f #(get-searchable-name locale %)
:tokenizers [tokenize-numberless
:token-filters [(stop-words locale)
#(short? 1 %)]}

{:f #(get-searchable-name locale %)
:tokenizers [tokenize-numberless
(partial tokenize-ngrams 2)]
:token-filters [(stop-words locale)
#(short? 1 %)]}

{:f #(get-searchable-name locale %)
:tokenizers [tokenize-lower-case
(partial tokenize-edge-ngrams 10)]}})

(create-schema :nb)
(filter-tokens nil nil)
(get-field-syms nil nil)
(tokenize "Yo mama")
143 changes: 7 additions & 136 deletions src/matvaretabellen/search_index.clj
@@ -1,101 +1,6 @@
"This is a way too short and over-simplified implementation of some concepts
loosely borrowed from Elastic Search. It works on an in-memory index
represented by a map, and may be suitable to power searches in client-side
datasets that aren't big enough to require the bells and whistles of a more
tuned implementation.
Indexing a document consists of breaking its content into tokens and storing
them in named indexes. Each named sub-index can use a different stack of
tokenizers. When querying, you can tokenize the query using the same tools,
combine different indexes with logical AND/OR, and apply boosts.
There are tokenizers for words in strings, ngrams and edge ngrams. See
individual functions for details."
(:require [datomic-type-extensions.api :as d]
[superstring.core :as str])
(:import (java.text Normalizer)))

(def sep-re #"[/\.,_\-\?!\s\n\r\(\)\[\]:]+")

(defn tokenize-lower-case
"Converts a string to a single lower case token"
[(str/lower-case (str/trim s))])

(defn tokenize-words
"Converts a string to a sequence of word tokens, removing punctuation."
(filter not-empty (str/split s sep-re)))

(defn tokenize-numberless [s]
[(str/replace s #"\d" "")])

(defn tokenize-ngrams
"Converts a string to ngram tokens. When only one number is passed, only that
sized ngrams are produced, otherwise, every length ngram from `min-n` to
`max-n` is produced.
(tokenize-ngrams 1 2 \"Hello\") ;;=> (\"H\" \"e\" \"l\" \"l\" \"o\"
;; \"He\" \"el\" \"ll\" \"lo\")
([n word]
(tokenize-ngrams n n word))
([min-n max-n word]
(->> (for [n (range min-n (inc max-n))]
(->> word
(partition n 1)
(map str/join)))
(apply concat))))

(defn tokenize-edge-ngrams
"Converts a string to ngram tokens from the beginning of the string.
When only one number is passed, ngrams of size 1 to `n` are produced,
otherwise, every length ngram from `min-n` to `max-n` is produced.
(tokenize-edge-ngrams 1 5 \"Hello\") ;;=> (\"H\" \"He\" \"Hel\" \"Hell\" \"Hello\")
([n word]
(tokenize-edge-ngrams 1 n word))
([min-n max-n word]
(for [n (range min-n (inc (min max-n (count word))))]
(str/join (take n word)))))

(defn tokenize
"Converts value `x` to tokens with the provided `tokenizers`. `tokenizers` is a
seq of functions that take a single value and return a seq of tokens. The type
of value `x` and the produced tokens are arbitrary and up to the user, but
tokenizers must compose. Built-in tokenizers mostly only work with strings for
`x` (some accept keywords) and all produce a sequence of strings."
[x & [tokenizers]]
(fn [tokens f] (mapcat f tokens))
(remove nil? (if (coll? x) x [x]))
(or tokenizers [vector])))

(defn remove-diacritics [s]
[(-> (Normalizer/normalize s java.text.Normalizer$Form/NFD)
(str/replace #"[\u0300-\u0309\u030B-\u036F]" "")
(str/replace #"a\u030A" "å"))])

(def stop-words
{:nb #{"og" "eller" "men" "for" "om" "som" "at" "av" "til" "fra" "med"
"" "i" "mv" "el" "by" "mm" "pr" "au" "kg" "vit" "stk" "mnd"}
:en #{"and" "or" "but" "for" "if" "of" "when" "as" "with" "from" "by"
"to" "at" "in" "on" "el" "au" "kg" "vit"}})

(defn short? [n token]
(<= (count token) n))

(defn get-field-syms [field xs]
(for [[word weight] (into [] (frequencies xs))]
{:field field :sym word :weight weight}))

(defn filter-tokens [filters tokens]
(reduce (fn [tokens filter]
(remove filter tokens)) tokens filters))
[ :as search]))

(defn index-document
"Index data in `doc` according to `schema` under `id` in `index`. Returns the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,48 +47,15 @@
(->> schema
(mapcat (fn [[field config]]
(let [f (:f config field)]
(->> (tokenize (f doc) (:tokenizers config))
(filter-tokens (:token-filters config))
(get-field-syms field)))))
(->> (search/tokenize (f doc) (:tokenizers config))
(search/filter-tokens (:token-filters config))
(search/get-field-syms field)))))
(reduce (fn [index {:keys [field sym weight]}]
(assoc-in index [field sym id] weight))

(defn get-searchable-name [locale food]
(->> (conj
(get-in food [:food/search-keywords locale])
(get-in food [:food/name locale]))
(str/join " ")))

(defn create-schema [locale]
{:f #(get-searchable-name locale %)
:tokenizers [tokenize-numberless
:token-filters [(stop-words locale)
#(short? 1 %)]}

{:f #(get-searchable-name locale %)
:tokenizers [tokenize-numberless
(partial tokenize-ngrams 2)]
:token-filters [(stop-words locale)
#(short? 1 %)]}

{:f #(get-searchable-name locale %)
:tokenizers [tokenize-lower-case
(partial tokenize-edge-ngrams 10)]}})

(defn index-foods [index db locale]
(let [schema (create-schema locale)]
(let [schema (search/create-schema locale)]
(reduce (fn [index food]
(index-document index schema (:food/id food) food))
Expand All @@ -194,12 +66,11 @@
(map #(d/entity db %))))))

(defn build-index [db locale]
{:index (index-foods nil db locale)
:stop-words (stop-words locale)})
(index-foods nil db locale))


(index-document {} (create-schema :nb) "lol" {:food/name {:nb "Vitamin D12"}})
(index-document {} (search/create-schema :nb) "lol" {:food/name {:nb "Vitamin D12"}})

;; low-relevance #{"vitamin"}

Expand Down

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