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Liu Maumasi - Web Developer Portfolio of code examples and snippets

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Liu Maumasi: Portfolio

About me

I am a combat veteran that was part of one of the U.S. military primer fighting forces, an Airborne Army Ranger in the 75th Ranger Regiment with multiple tours of duty in special operations. Within the first 30 days of exiting the military I started at Full Sail University in the bachelors program for web design and development.

What interests me in web development in the first place is the fact that I can be as creative as I want to be. It’s satisfying to create something and even more so when I get to see others enjoy my work. Being able to build my own programs feels like having superpowers in the real world.

I consider my self a serial-learner. I like building my skills and abilities I’ve already attained and I’m always interested in diving into something new and with all the tools available to programmers today and growing there is always something new to learn.

This portfolio was designed to show small examples and demonstrations of just some of what I’ve been learning lately as well as some featured projects I had fun building.

How to use this Portfolio

This portfolio repository is meant to serve as a collection of code snippets that provide useful examples of code in varied languages and concepts. These examples are also my personal notes, which will continue to grow, and also, it might by useful to others beginning to learn core concepts or use cases.

Below are links to sections of this portfolio by subject.



The new release of JavaScript know either as ES6 or ES2015 has some cool new toys for JavaScript developers to play with and this section takes a took at some of the new features.

React Native

With mobile development becoming more and more in demand React Native leverages developers who already have the skill set to create web apps to be able to, now, create mobile apps. React Native compiles a large percent of ES6 JavaScript into the iOS and android mobile languages using only one source code for both platforms. It's like getting 2 developers for the price of one. That being said, not everything can be compiled into a platform's respective language using React Native, so this is not a perfect substitute for some apps that would require a native language solution.


Finally, a clean way to develop CSS where specific component styles can be separated into individual styles without making a bazillion <link> tags. Writing SASS files makes creating, updating, removing, and overall maintenance of styles much less of a headache. This small demo demonstrates how to manage multiple files that handle styles for different components can be folded into 1 CSS file.


This new installation of PHP has given the language a real shot in the arm. PHP is not a fast executing language but with PHP7 it is about twice as fast as PHP5. Most methods and syntax that was deprecated from PHP7 was scheduled for removal in PHP5 that would otherwise issue a warning, so upgrading to PHP7 should be relatively simple. This code snippet demonstrated one of the new featuers of PHP7. Note: Even though the code may be easy to upgrade other software and hardware PHP7 is utilizing may not be as compatible, make sure it will work for your solution before attempting to implement a new version of any code base.

Featured Repos

Below are some repositories I feel are worth making note of:

Built with PHP / Symfony 2.8 project | Web app
The goal of this project is to be a place for art markets to be discovered by tourists, vacationers, or just locals that are just starting to look for markets in their area. Artists Venues can create an account. Venues can invite artists to their market groups and artists can accept or deny invitations. When visitors to the site look up cities, states or zip codes to discover a list of market places then go to a market's detail page. From the market's details page visitors can see and visit that market's artists and visit the artist's details page. Each artist then has a gallery of all the market groups they are apart of for visitors to discover even more markets.

Built with React Native | Mobile app
This app focuses on streaming data using Google's firebase, a real-time database. The app allows users to sign up to create Geo messages that would leave a "bread crumb" at a geo location so that other users can come across and discover the messages left behind. Messages would be limited to a specific range from the user's location. Users would also be able to save favourited messages they've come across. Users are encouraged to come up with their own games and uses for the app, like a treasure hunt game or an I spy game. I had a lot of fun building this app.

Built with NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, as well as JSON Web Tokens | Web App
This is a simple TODO app to demonstrates how to build an API using NodeJS with ExpressJS and using MongoDB as the database. When a user is created it also creates a JSON Web Token and sets it to a custom header to secure all relevant routes in the API. This app is also structured in a way that modularizes much of the code into manageable block to be easily maintainable over time.