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04 Building LSW for Avisynth

MaverickTse edited this page Nov 13, 2015 · 2 revisions

See Demo Video

Does not involve Mingw at all!

Protocol in brief

  1. Install MSYS2 (better to have one without MINGW or LLVM, just vanilla)
  2. Install the pacman packages is not already have: base-devel, yasm, git
  3. Close MSYS2
  4. Starts VC201X x86/x64 command prompt, run msys2_shell.bat to launch MSYS2
  5. Download FFmpeg, L-SMASH and L-SMASH Works source files
  6. Build FFmpeg with configure options: --toolchain=msvc --enable-avresample
  7. Check if lib*.a are produced
  8. Open L-SMASH VS-solution file
  9. Change build type from DLL to Static LIB
  10. Uncheck project dependency on DLLexportgen
  11. build L-SMASH (The RELEASE or DEBUG configuration)
  12. Check liblsmash.lib is produced
  13. Open Avisynth solution file
  14. C/C++ > Code generation > Change /MD to /MT
  15. Set Additional Include Path and Additional Library Path
  16. Modify exlib.cpp:
  17. remove/disable first two #pragma which are Mingw specific
  18. change liblsmash.a to liblsmash.lib
  19. change *.lib (the FFmpeg-related) to lib*.a
  20. Save and Build
  21. Check with dependency walker
  22. Test with Avisynth(+)
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