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LRMtheBoss edited this page Apr 14, 2024 · 10 revisions

To run a command in the list below, you must have the corresponding permission or be an OP on the Minecraft server.

Command List

/drivebackup version

Shortcut: /drivebackup v

Displays the plugin version. Anyone can run this command.

/drivebackup help

Displays a link to the DriveBackupV2 Discord server and this wiki. Anyone can run this command.

/drivebackup commands

Displays a list of commands. Anyone can run this command.

/drivebackup reloadconfig

Reconfigures the plugin using the changes to the config.yml. Requires the drivebackup.reloadConfig permission.

/drivebackup debug

Currently, disabled internally

Generates a debug log.

/drivebackup linkaccount <service>

Shortcut: /drivebackup link <service>

Requires the drivebackup.linkAccounts permission.

Starts the account linking process for the specified cloud service.

Unlink Account

Shortcut: /drivebackup unlink <service>

Unlinks the specified cloud service account.


/drivebackup linkaccount googledrive

Starts the Google Drive account linking process.

/drivebackup linkaccount onedrive

Starts the OneDrive account linking process.

/drivebackup linkaccount dropbox

Starts the Dropbox account linking process.

/drivebackup nextbackup

Since v1.3.0

Gets the date/time of the next automatic backup.

Requires the drivebackup.getNextBackup permission.

/drivebackup status

Since v1.3.4

Gets the status of the currently running backup.

Requires the drivebackup.getBackupStatus permission.

/drivebackup backup

Manually runs a backup. This doesn't affect the automatic backup schedule.

Requires the drivebackup.backup permission.

/drivebackup test <service>

Since v1.3.4

Tests the connection to the specified service.

Requires the drivebackup.backup permission.

/drivebackup update

Attempts to update the plugin to the latest version.

Requires the drivebackup.backup permission.