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Code for "Optimizing ZX-Diagrams with Deep Reinforcement Learning"

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This project contains the code used to produce the results in the two publications: "Optimizing ZX-Diagrams with Deep Reinforcement Learning" ( and "Tackling Decision Processes with Non-Cumulative Objectives using Reinforcement Learning" (

  • Main code of the algorithm is in zxreinforce

For results relating to "Optimizing ZX-Diagrams with Deep Reinforcement Learning" see:

  • A script showing how to train an agent is at experiments/train_rl_agent/
  • The agent's training progress can be monitored with experiments/evaluation_rl_agent/evaluation_training_logger.ipynb
  • An example notebook showing how to simplify a diagram with the trained agent is at experiments/evaluation_rl_agent/simplify_example_traj.ipynb.
  • Scripts to compare the performance of the RL agent to a greedy strategy, simulated annealing, and PyZX are in experiments/evaluation_performance.
  • The evaluation of the Copy action is done in experiments/eval_copy_action.
  • The evaluation of the action dependence on the local environment is done in experiments/prob_vs_layer.
  • The network weights of the agents trained for the ablation studies can be found in saved_agents.

For results relating to "Tackling Decision Processes with Non-Cumulative Objectives using Reinforcement Learning" see:

  • A script showing how to train an agent is at ncmdp_experiments/
  • Trained agent weights and training progress logs are in ncmdp_experiments/runs.
  • The results are analyzed in ncmdp_experiments/evalt_result.ipynb.

To run this code install the requirements.txt or use the docker image as described in


  title={Optimizing {ZX}-Diagrams with Deep Reinforcement Learning},
  author={N\"agele, Maximilian and Marquardt, Florian},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2311.18588}
  year = {2023},