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Comparing different techniques of Machine Learning to play Snake

How to run locally

Clone the repository in a folder

git clone

Warning: You have to use a version of python up to 3.7. Python 3.8 or more is incompatible with this code!

If you are using Windows, make sure python and its Script folder are referenced in you environnement variables. More info on this page.

Run this command in a terminal in the cloned repository to create the virtual environnement (note that you must use the command prompt in Windows):

virtualenv venv

Activate it on Windows by running this command then:


For Linux/Mac OS, this is this command instead:

source venv/bin/activate

Don't forget that when you're done, you have to unactivate it:


All the following commands are to be run in this virtual env.

Install requirements (make sure that pip is upgraded to version 19 or higher)

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run supervised methods

You can either run and test different models on already-built datasets, or you can create your own dataset.

Generate a new dataset

python --mode feed --episode <Number of games> --grid <size of the grid> --path_finder <greedy || a_star>

Note that the grid is square. The pathfinder corresponds to the deterministic algorithm chosen to show the example and feed the data. In the data folder, a .csv file should have been created with the following name format data_<pathfinder>_<grid size>.csv

You can keep on feeding the same data set with the same command. You can freely change the number of episodes then.

Fit a model to an existing dataset

Run the following command in a terminal:

python --mode train-test --grid <size of the grid> --path_finder <greedy || a_star> [--poly_features] [--predict_and_test] [--all_data] --clf <model> [--n_neighbor <kNN tolerance>]

This will access the dataset file with the corresponding pathfinder and grid size.

  • --poly_feature create polynomial features for all features to the second order

  • --predict_and_test gives the accuracy on the training set

  • --all_data allows to take into account the tail of the snake. Otherwise, there are only info about the head, the apple and the current direction. You will note that not considering the tail provides better results most of the time.

There is a bunch of models that are proposed by Scikit Learn. Here is a list of the classifiers you can use

  • Logistic regression

use --clf logreg

  • SVM

use --clf SVM

  • SVM with RBF kernel

use --clf Nusvm

  • k-Nearest Neighbors

use --clf kNN [--nb_parameter <Number of allowed neighbors>]

  • MLP

use --clf MLP [--nb_parameter <Number of layers>]

  • One vs Rest with SVM + kernel

use --clf multiclass

  • Random Forest

use --clf Forest [--nb_parameter <Number of trees in the forest>]

Run Deep Q Reinforcement learning

There are already trained networks that you can test, but you can also run the training of a given network model

Train a model

Run the following command in a terminal:

python --mode train --version <model version> [--retrain <training number>] --step <number of step> [--initial_eps <eps value>] [--weights <file name>]
  • The model versions are v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8. You can add a custom version model if you wish.

  • You have the possiblility to train again the same model. This is with --retrain. You have to increment the training number every time you want to retrain a given model. Every trained version is saved in data\ with a name in the format: dqn_snake_weights_<model version>_<training number>.hf5

By defalut the training number is set to -1 so that the first file generated is number 0, so don't indicate the training number the first time you train a model. Then you can specify the trained version you want to retrain, checking if there is a corresponding .hf5 folder in data\.

Be carful if the training number has no corresponding file, it will nonetheless train but with new random weights.

  • --weights <file name> allows to use custom file names to train with. But after the training, a new file will be created according to the training number!

  • --step <number of steps> corresponds to the number of steps for the training (and not the number of games!). Generally you will need millions of steps to have results. It can take several hours, so be patient :)

  • --initial_eps <eps value> is the exploration parameter at the beginning of the training. It will linearly deacrease down to 0.01 after 2,000,000 steps. Set it to 1 at the first training, and then decrease it to around 0.3

Add a costum model

Open and edit the file use dqn\

Create a new function and fill it, given the other models as templates.

def model_custom(input_shape, nb_actions): # you can choose any other name

then edit the model function by adding:

elif version == "custom_name": # choose the name you want
  return model_custom(input_shape, nb_actions)

Now you just have to call --version custom_name to use this model.

Test a model

Run the following command in a terminal:

python --mode test --version <model version> [--retrain <training number>] [--weights <file name>] --episodes <number of games>
  • Use a version and a training number corresponding to an existing .hf5 file.

  • With --weights <file name> you can use a custom file name for testing. But make sure it is corresponding to the right model version!

  • --episodes <number of games> corresponds to the number of games that will be played.

Make statistics on a trained model

Every time a model is (re)trained, a dqn_snake_log_<model version>_<training number>.json is created, containing data of each training episode:

loss, mae, mean_q_value, mean_eps_value, episode_reward, nb_episode_steps, nb_steps, episode_number, duration

To visualize these pieces of information, run the following command in a terminal:

python --mode stats --version <model version> --display <data>
  • --display has the default value of episode_reward


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