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Guavascript is a strongly and statically typed language that compiles down to Javascript. With type inference, first class functions, and other features, Guavascript's goal is to enable a programmer to sketch out ideas quickly without sacrificing focus to lower-level details. For example, the language is designed with a minimalistic approach to reduce the amount of time programmers have to spend typing a worrying about language-specific syntax. Similarly, Guavascript incorporates pattern matching and the for-in loop to produce a more intuitive programming language that cuts out unnecessary in-between logic. Guavascript takes much inspiration from Python for its expressiveness and high-level abstraction.


  • .guav File Extension
  • Curly Braces
  • Pattern Matching
  • Object-oriented
  • First Class Functions
  • Higher Order Functions
  • Type Inference
  • Static Typing
  • Strong Typing
  • Optional Parameters


  • Additive: +, -
  • Multiplicative: *, /, //
  • Exponentiation: ^
  • Relational: <, >, >=, <=, ==, !=
  • Boolean: &&, ||

Data Types

  • Int: 4, 8, 666
  • Float: 4.0, 3.1415926, 0.7734
  • Boolean: true, false
  • String: “guava”, “Don’t throw guavas in the lavas”, “The guava said, \“I am delicious.\””
  • List (Heterogeneous allowed): [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [“I”, 8, 50.4, “guavas”]
  • Tuple (Heterogeneous allowed): (30, 0.5, “guava”)
  • Dictionary: {key:“value”, bestColor:“Guava”, worstLanguage: “php”}
  • Comments: # Single line comment

Example Programs

Guavascript on the left, Javascript on the right

Variable Declarations

name = "guav"                               let name = “guav”
age = 21                                    let age = 21
female = true                               let female = true

Constant Declarations

PI = 3.14159265359                         const PI = 3.14159265359


x = ((2 + 3) * (6 - 1) ^ 2) / 4            let x = ((2 + 3) * Math.pow((6 - 1), 2)) / 4

While Statements

while true {                               while (true) {
   ret true                                   return true
}                                          }

Conditional Statements

x == 2 ? x -= 1 : x += 1                   (x == 2) ? x -= 1 : x += 1

Match Statements

match fruit with                           
    | pear   -> puke.exe()                 if (fruit == pear) { puke.exe(); }
    | apple  -> puke.exe()                 else if (fruit == apple) { puke.exe(); }
    | banana -> puke.exe()                 else if (fruit == banana) { puke.exe(); }
    | guava  -> observe("delicious")       else if (fruit == guava) {
                observe("nutritious")          observe("delicious");
    | _      -> puke.exe()                     observe("nutritious");
                                           } else { puke.exe(); }


multiply (x, y) {                           var multiply = (x, y) => {
   ret x * y                                   return x * y;
}                                           }
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]                let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
add_even_numbers() {                        add_even_numbers = () => {
    result = 0                                  var result = 0;
    for num in numbers {                            for (var i in numbers) {
        if num % 2 == 0 {                               if (numbers[i] % 2 === 0) {
            result += i                                     result += i;
        }                                               }
    }                                               }
    ret result                                   return result;
}                                            }

Higher-Order Functions

doTwice (f, x) {                            var doTwice = (f, x) => {
   ret f(f(x))                                  return f(f(x));
}                                           }

Class Declarations

class Ball {                                 class Ball {
    Ball (radius, weight = 1.0) {                constructor(radius, weight) {
    	this.radius = radius                         this.radius = radius;
	       this.weight = weight                  this.weight = weight;
    }                                        }
    is_round() {                                 var is_round = () => {
    	ret true                                     return true
    }                                            }
}                                            }

bouncyBall = Ball(0.2)                       let bouncyBall = new Ball(0.2, 1.0);
bouncyBall.is_round()                        bouncyBall.is_round();

Semantic Errors

  • UseBeforeDeclaration Error: Calling a variable outside the scope where it is declared
  • missingConstructor Error: Classes not defined with "constructor" keyword
  • incorrectType Error: For in used for anything besides arrays, tuples, or dictionaries
  • incorrectType Error: If statment conditions returning non-boolean type
  • incorrectType Error: Variables not matched with same type in match statement
  • invalidParams Error: Function/class call arguments don't match function/class declaration parameters
  • missingCatchAllError: Match statments without catch all (except for boolean, in which true and false must be present)
  • unusedVariable: Declared variables not being used
  • invalidBinaryOperands Error: Invalid operations. For example, {"one":"two"} + {"three":"four"}, {"te":"st"}[0], false/false, 2 * true, "test" * 2, ["one"] + {"t":"wo"}, [1] + 2, {1} + 2, (1, 2) + (3, 4), ["x"]["y"], 2 > true, etc
  • invalidUnaryOperand Error: Incorrect post operation. For example, ["x"]++, !2, "string"--, etc.
  • changedImmutableType Error: Reassigning variable to the wrong type. For example 1 -> true, "x" -> 3, etc
  • notCalledAsAFunction Error: References to functions that are not function calls
  • returnOutsideFunction Error: Return statements outside of function block
  • multipleReturnsInABlock Error: More than one return statement in function block


CMSI 488 Compilers repository for Evan and Max's group project.






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